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The James McClean Sponsored Poppy Thread

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5 hours ago, HibsFan said:

Or, according to Nick Griffin (yes, that one), it was you or I, my fellow far-left, hardcore pro-IRA Republican, Para-hating Hibs fan.

Far left IRA Republican HIbs fans? Is it 1971?  Last time I saw HIbs fans angrily animated about anything was when the food kiosks ran out of steak pies. 

Anyway, Griffin is a fucking lying shit stirring bell end.  I use Waverley Station a lot for work and also going to ER. HIbs fans like me often mill about pre match before heading off to Easter Road for their fortnightly dose of booing crap football. We buy food, coffees and meet mates.  Punching pensioners is not something that's on the agenda ever.

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5 hours ago, HibsFan said:

Quite simply not a chance in hell that those events happened the way he is describing it and I would be happy to stake my life savings on it.

This is a classic out of the far-right’s playbook (not saying that this man is far right, but being used by them). Google the Don MacNaughton case of 2019 if you don’t believe me.

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Long story short on this: a Brexit Party member who was also a former para just happened to be ‘milkshaked’ with yoghurt on Polling Day by an unnamed assailant. There was zero evidence for this, bar a photo of the pensioner covered in yoghurt, there were no splashes on the ground despite it being “thrown from a bike”.

Over £13,000 was raised for him until he mysteriously decided that he wanted it all to be returned. Funny that. 

Here’s some further stuff on this, including the lovely MacNaughton being acquitted of what amount to war crimes during the Troubles.


What I am sure happened is, and has been corroborated by a couple of accounts on Twitter from before this story snowballed into something fictional, is that he and whoever else were selling the poppies saw this crowd and decided to leave. That is absolutely fair enough and a completely believable account.

What the far-right scum at The Mail have then done, quite clearly in my opinion, is they’ve coaxed him into providing some more sensationalist quotes; to further their own cause against Palestinian protestors and to ratchet up the tension ahead of Saturday’s showdown.

Now, I’m not here to cast any particular aspersions about this veteran (although, it must be noted that the paras and the concept of ‘telling the truth’ do not generally tend to mix well), but you can quite easily see how this might happen.

Pensioner is made to feel important and heard, possibly taken advantage of by the lowest of the low journalists to create a story much more interesting and useful than “oh some protestors turned up so we thought it’d be best if we moved on”.

The scum journalists know that if they frame it as “well this is what he says happened”, they have plausible deniability for when it is proven to be demonstrably fictionalised and/or exaggerated.

And the incredible thing in the UK is that so many people buy it. They cannot imagine that a veteran could exaggerate this, or that a newspaper would cynically lie to advance their own purposes.

Perhaps even worse, too many people are scared to call it out for the obvious bollocks that it is. People like this should not be respected and treated nicely if they are caught out lying.

Bring on the CCTV. Waverley is one of the most-watched stations in the country and there is not a doubt in my mind that the square root of f**k all will be found to back up what is being said here.

My guess is, like the MacNaughton case, this man is being used by those who have zero shame, and the whole thing will move on quietly once zero evidence is produced to back up these claims.

I know this seems like a trivial thing to get so worked up about, but it genuinely frightens me seeing how easily, successfully and above all else lazily the far right are allowed to get away with creating these fabrications.

Daily Heil spewing up fictional bile ahead of a supposed Tommy Nobinson march on Saturday...

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4 hours ago, Girth said:

Daily Heil spewing up fictional bile ahead of a supposed Tommy Nobinson march on Saturday...

It's not fictional. I can exclusively reveal it was me wot did it. Noted Hibs hard man beans on toast.

I saw that old c**t standing there raising money for a charity and as the most ridiculous Mr Griffin (step aside Peter) correctly noted, us far-left liberals absolutely hate the idea of charity. He's lucky I only managed one punch before the crowd carried me away on their shoulders.

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5 hours ago, Girth said:

Daily Heil spewing up fictional bile ahead of a supposed Tommy Nobinson march on Saturday...

Yep, that’s exactly what it’s designed to do and it’s genuinely hilarious / frightening in equal measure:

A) How lazy and unimaginative they are with this stuff.

B) The levels of contempt with which they treat their base.

C) That they are completely correct to assume the thick c***s will still lap it up because “a soldier would never lie!”

If I was sat in ‘Right-Wing Towers’ at this moment trying to cook up a story that agitates my base, makes our enemy look bad and wins over sympathetic neutrals, I literally could not dream up a better story than this.

And that’s what they do, they work backwards from “hey, wouldn’t this be a great story to serve our purposes?”, and instead of waiting for it to actually happen (which it won’t, because the people in Waverley on Saturday are not the sort to just go twatting a 78-year-old man :lol:), they just make it up, safe in the knowledge it will be believed by some and not challenged properly by anyone.

Same applies with that Don MacNaughton story four years back. If you’ve forgotten the context, Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage both had milkshakes thrown at them in the week or two before. Again, you’re sat in Right-Wing Towers thinking ‘hmm, what will elicit sympathy and make people think twice about throwing milkshakes, I know!’.

And again, instead of waiting for it to actually happen to someone organically (which it never will, because again anyone knows there’s a different between targeting Farage / Robinson and a random fucking pensioner on the street :lol:), they just make it up, safe in the knowledge it will be believed by some and not challenged properly by anyone.

They will keep doing this again and again, because it works for them. The only counter to it is to come out swinging and demand evidence, then ridicule and shame anyone when they are inevitably caught lying or propagating such lies.

These c***s do not play fair and they regularly lie, why do we stand for it?

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He wears a badge saying that he supports Soldier F, starting to wish his Walter Mitty story had a grain of truth to it now. Disappointed in my fellow far-left, hardcore pro-IRA Republican Hibs fans.

Annnnnddddd it gets worse (this would be an insanely libellous and risky thing to invent). The full thread is good to paint a picture of what really happened, but this little nugget might give us a clearer idea of who we’re dealing with here.


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10 hours ago, BMunro said:

I now look forward to your condemnation of anything pro-SNP on here.

MI5 file links former SNP leader to Nazi plan (scotsman.com)

Maybe that's why they are hemorrhaging support and members so quickly!

That's some spectacular whatabootery for a first post, young sockpuppet!

I'll happily condemn the former SNP leader as soon as you produce some concrete evidence of his Nazi sympathies. 

Perhaps a picture of him performing a nazi salute, like the Royal Family, or the England football team


Maybe you could quote from some of his speeches or his published pamphlets, like these issued by Moseley's British Union of Fascistsimage.thumb.png.e8065333a8745cb619107aa4fdfe0c8a.png 

Alternatively, you could maybe provide details of files captured from the Nazis which show that he was actively negotiating with them for a position of power afyer the war, like the Marburg Files, featuring Wallis Simpson & the Duke of Windsor.

However, I'm not minded to believe a story concocted by a MI5 informant to please his handler. If there was a grain of truth in the story, do you really think Donaldson would have been released without charge?

2/10 Must try harder

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30 minutes ago, Ziggy Sobotka said:

Shocked to find out that both he and the Daily Mail were àt it.

Shocked that there will be zero consequences of any description for either of them. He’s served his purpose now though. The definition of a “useful idiot”.

Police giving an out or ‘insufficient evidence’ is just as cowardly, mind you. Call this out for what it is or it keeps on happening.

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