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Explosion in Paris


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In terms of the reaction to 9/11, something had to be done. Was Iraq the right place to target? Probably not. Afghanistan was and the Afghanistan war has been largely successful at weeding out Al Qaeda.

In terms of how the West can get revenge for these attacks by Islamic State the correct solution would be to attack the Islamic State itself. The good news is that we've been attacked by a state itself rather than an Al Qaeda esque group.

I think we should be sending the troops into to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria with the intention of killing as many ISIS militants as possible and installing democracy. The corollary to this would be that Southern European countries wouldn't be burdened with hundreds of thousands of refugees from the Islamic State turning up on fishing boats every day and risking their lives to reach safety.

The only downside would be innocent casualties but it's preferable for our soldiers to accidentally kill a few innocent civilians from the Islamic State than for IS militants to kill hundreds of thousands of civilians both in the West and in the Islamic State itself.

So much wrong with this I'm not sure where to begin.

Nobody has been attacked by a state. ISIS are not a state, they are a terrorist group just as Al Qaeda are. Just because they call themselves a state doesn't make them one.

Sending troops to Iraq and Syria (both sovereign nations)? Great idea. It's worked out well before in Iraq and Afghanistan (which was not a success, contrary to your jibberish). "Installing democracy"? Pray tell how one goes about "installing" democracy?

Re: refugees. You think that us sending in troops, and engaging in a ground war, would result in less refugees? Please read some books.

Innocent civilians from the Islamic State? Again, you do realise that "Islamic State" is a terrorist group, yes? You cannot be an innocent civilian from a terrorist group. Innocent civilians are innocent civilians.

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Surely getting bin laden should've been the top priority? The public didn't seem to mind too much that the government basically gave up on him and concocted a bullshit story linking bad things with that bad man Saddam.

The public will accept loads of nonsense if it's framed well.

It wasn't framed very well though, was it?

Did anyone take Blair seriously when he said Saddam had WMD capable of being activated within 15 minutes and which could threaten Cyprus?

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It wasn't framed very well though, was it?

Did anyone take Blair seriously when he said Saddam had WMD capable of being activated within 15 minutes and which could threaten Cyprus?

Cast your mind back; there were quite a lot of less-vocal people who were quite happy that the government had said it, so it must be true.

There was a lot of opposition, but I'm pretty sure that, had there been a referendum on the matter, there would still have been a slim majority in favour of invading Iraq again.

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Interesting read on ISIS and what they really, really want...


Doesn't matter to those who were murdered but it seems a much more Al Quaeda style operation?

It's evidence of the changed face of IS. Islamic State is all but gone as a military army (it's not a state anyway but that's besides the point). The battles in Iraq now largely consist of militia fighting each other on sectarian grounds. Islamic State, much like Al Qaeda, now act in Europe largely, both in the poorer parts and, rather alarmingly, in the middle class suburbs. The halfwits who leave their family in Cardiff to fight in Syria make the headlines, but really they aren't the ones we should be concerned with. We really ought to be worried with the ones who stay at home.

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