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Explosion in Paris


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Wonder if Mr Bairn realises how fucking stupid his comment was yet?

Why is that? ISIS or whatever you choose to call them have control of certain areas, including cities like Mosul and Raqqa where they are the only governing entity. Should every citizen of these areas be considered as terrorists? He had a perfectly valid point.

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Why is that? ISIS or whatever you choose to call them have control of certain areas, including cities like Mosul and Raqqa where they are the only governing entity. Should every citizen of these areas be considered as terrorists? He had a perfectly valid point.

If he was talking about 'People who live in the region controlled by ISIS', we wouldn't be ripping the piss. However, despite having it pointed out to him numerous times that regardless of what they call themselves, ISIS is a terrorist group and not a 'State' with people living in it, he continued to insist that it was.

And of course he still hasn't explained how we massacre the bad people living in ISIS while only killing 'a few innocents by accident', when nobody has any way to tell who is which.

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Why is that? ISIS or whatever you choose to call them have control of certain areas, including cities like Mosul and Raqqa where they are the only governing entity. Should every citizen of these areas be considered as terrorists? He had a perfectly valid point.

He specifically said " the good people In isis" I know you're wanting to defend a fellow bairn but he's made an utter c**t out of himself it's hilarious.
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He specifically said " the good people In isis" I know you're wanting to defend a fellow bairn but he's made an utter c**t out of himself it's hilarious.

You're being a pedant, he meant good people in ISIS controlled areas. If I'm wrong he is indeed a c**t.

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Cameron keeps talking about ISIL. Is that the posh ISIS?

Perhaps the weather is better there?

He started calling them that after Obama started it. Islamic State in Iraq and Levante or something.

The BBC must really hurt their feelings by continually referring to them as "so-called Islamic State".

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They're a state. That's why they're ISIS. That's not a word they picked out their arse. It's the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

You install democracy by massacring these terrorist c***s and allowing the good people in ISIS to elect their own leaders.

If the refugees lived in a country safe and democratic then there would be no need for them to row to Greece.

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as well as Russia and Iran etc. Government and military officials in both Iraq and Syria have been saying for the past year that the US coalition against ISIS isn't serious,

Iran wants to keep the Shia Assad in power because he is Shia and support Hezb'allah, Russia supports this option because they are allied to Iran an hope for use of Syrian ports. Iraq is a Shia dominated government with many having strong pro Iran leanings. These are not dispationate players looking out for the people of the region.

shore up the Syrian army which can only be a good thing for the stability of the country in the near term.

Just wow.

I'd prefer to see it resolved without a military escalation though.

Id like to f*ck Claudia Schiffer.

I refuse to believe that the combined intelligence services don't know which states are supporting IS in the provision of weapons and finance, including the purchase of all the oil

Erdogan's Turkey.

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See his post #1285 above and his subsequent defence of it. Cuntage confirmed.

I'm not sure what he said was so daft. If they call themselves a state, act like a state, and behave like that to people in their control, and control their borders to a certain extent, then they are a state, hopefully temporarily. What you can't do is call everyone who lives under ISIS control a terrorist.

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I'm not sure what he said was so daft. If they call themselves a state, act like a state, and behave like that to people in their control, and control their borders to a certain extent, then they are a state, hopefully temporarily. What you can't do is call everyone who lives under ISIS control a terrorist.

My point exactly. There are perfectly nice people that are unfortunate enough to live in ISIS.

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I'm not sure what he said was so daft. If they call themselves a state, act like a state, and behave like that to people in their control, and control their borders to a certain extent, then they are a state, hopefully temporarily. What you can't do is call everyone who lives under ISIS control a terrorist.

Are there schools in Falkirk? Can anyone confirm?

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