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Explosion in Paris


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I've seen sex with Paris Hilton. There's a lot of texting involved.

Also, a painful, foul-smelling epilogue after a week's gone by :green

Is it herpes or ghonnerea that she's supposedly got?

I don't imagine that bit. Blank that out.

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I find it strange how people can trust media channels that lie.

You'll be hard pushed to find one that hasn't lied or twisted the truth at one point or another. You need to look at the evidence and make your own decision, believing RT or any other channel just because it isn't the BBC isn't the way to go about things.

I would have thought it's due to Syria being a mess and Syrian passports being easy to come by. Also because Syrians are the good guy refugees that everyone is welcoming in. Handy if you're a terrorist.

Aye, entirely possible. I think any fake passports are fairly easy to come by when you're a terrorist though. Also, if he was genuinely using it, I'm not sure how it's been recovered at the scene. If he had it on his person there's no way it would be found. He could've dropped it at the scene in his suicidal panic I suppose, but the cynic in me thinks he's chucked it before he's blown himself up, blame shifts onto Syrians and the right wing of Europe goes mad.

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Is it herpes or ghonnerea that she's supposedly got?

I don't imagine that bit. Blank that out.

Why stop at one? I'd be surprised if she has.

I take it you like the idea of being able to wipe the glaikit, permabored look off her face, but I wouldn't fancy your chances :P

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You'll be hard pushed to find one that hasn't lied or twisted the truth at one point or another. You need to look at the evidence and make your own decision, believing RT or any other channel just because it isn't the BBC isn't the way to go about things.

Aye, entirely possible. I think any fake passports are fairly easy to come by when you're a terrorist though. Also, if he was genuinely using it, I'm not sure how it's been recovered at the scene. If he had it on his person there's no way it would be found. He could've dropped it at the scene in his suicidal panic I suppose, but the cynic in me thinks he's chucked it before he's blown himself up, blame shifts onto Syrians and the right wing of Europe goes mad.

Could also have been planted by the French security services or some other supposed good guys. Not sure why terrorists would want to limit immigration seen as it's handy for them.

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Conspiracy theorists should be sent to talk to ISIS members and see what they have to say about everything.

..Or sent to the refugee camps in Erbil to ask the residents from Mosul if they were running away a) as part of an elaborate plan by the neocons to create forced migration during a time of financial uncertainty or b) in order to create terror attacks in wealthy European cities or c) in order to find education, health care and social inclusion in the face of attacks from militias.

Oh sorry, according to that Irish bloke these refugees don't exist.

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Amazingly, the 'look at me' posters are still being replied.

You know why? Because they actually believe the garbage they are spouting on here. They genuinely do believe that IS was created by the "corporations" and that the refugee camps in cities like Erbil don't exist. And they go around telling folk this.

Now, imagine someone logs on here to try and learn a little about the crisis. If these halfwitted views go unchallenged, what impression does that give?

And actually, there's a lot of good stuff being discussed in this thread, if you jump over the conspiracy theory bullshit.

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2 people on this morning again talking about how these terrorist aren't muslims. When will they finally accept regardless of what way they take Islam that they are Muslims? The teenage girl is sitting going on about how she was bullied at school etc going on about how she doesn't feel safe wearing her headscarf. What a shame.

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Could also have been planted by the French security services or some other supposed good guys. Not sure why terrorists would want to limit immigration seen as it's handy for them.

Well the initial report caused immediate divide, they want us arguing amongst ourselves as much as possible.

2 people on this morning again talking about how these terrorist aren't muslims. When will they finally accept regardless of what way they take Islam that they are Muslims? The teenage girl is sitting going on about how she was bullied at school etc going on about how she doesn't feel safe wearing her headscarf. What a shame.

Do you accept that the Lords Resistance Army, the KKK, Antibalaka or someone like Anders Breivik are a fair representation of Christians?

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