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Explosion in Paris


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The thing is though, finding and killing these nutty Muslims lends more credence to their recruitment spiel about how the West hates them and wants all Muslims dead. They want us to react, the more bombs we drop the easier it becomes for them to recruit people.

I wonder if it'll lead to some sort of major war somewhere down the line? Probably not, given it's terrorist groups doing this and it's difficult to go to war with them.

I'm not a big fan of religion, so terrorists murdering in the name of religion isn't helping my tolerance of that particular religion. I suspect I'm not alone in holding this viewpoint.

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I see Nicola is letting in as many refugees as she possibly can.

This country is truly knackered, wont vote SNP again, gone far down the loony leftie route.

I long for the days that the SNP were savage right wing bigots too M4.

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I wonder if it'll lead to some sort of major war somewhere down the line? Probably not, given it's terrorist groups doing this and it's difficult to go to war with them.

I'm not a big fan of religion, so terrorists murdering in the name of religion isn't helping my tolerance of that particular religion. I suspect I'm not alone in holding this viewpoint.

I honestly think another world war isn't far away. When there's a massive rise in support for right wing policies war is generally the outcome.

One of my friends from Israel made a post on facebook the other day which I wholeheartedly agreed with - "If you must kill for your religion, start with yourself". I suppose the problem with that is that extreme Muslims ARE starting by killing themselves, generally with a bomb and in the vicinity of a few hundred people but the main point I think is on the money.

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I honestly think another world war isn't far away. When there's a massive rise in support for right wing policies war is generally the outcome.

One of my friends from Israel made a post on facebook the other day which I wholeheartedly agreed with - "If you must kill for your religion, start with yourself". I suppose the problem with that is that extreme Muslims ARE starting by killing themselves, generally with a bomb and in the vicinity of a few hundred people but the main point I think is on the money.

What massive rise?
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What massive rise?

Fair enough massive is probably an overstatement but you don't need to look far for evidence of support for right wing policies since Friday happened.

Yeah cause its nothing to do with a violent, backward ideology.

Yes, that's exactly what I said.

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Gender equality, womens rights, LGBT rights, animal rights, science and technology, Religious tolerance

Just some of the things Western society has progressed in considerably over the past few years.

And yet here we have apologists on here happy to have peoples with a backwards ideology foisted on us, and even worse excusing it.

The mind boggles

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Thank god scotland isn't going to be independent in a few months because I absolutely cringe to think what our immigration policy would be. I'm all for letting a carefully vetted cohort of refugees start a new life here but iScotland would become an absolute hotbed for jihadists to enter Europe surely.

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I honestly think another world war isn't far away. When there's a massive rise in support for right wing policies war is generally the outcome.

One of my friends from Israel made a post on facebook the other day which I wholeheartedly agreed with - "If you must kill for your religion, start with yourself". I suppose the problem with that is that extreme Muslims ARE starting by killing themselves, generally with a bomb and in the vicinity of a few hundred people but the main point I think is on the money.


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Most of the Paris terrorists it seems were brainwashed in prison, never went to Mosque and showed no interest in Islam. The so called mastermind Abdelhamid Abaaoud was sent down for armed robbery in 2010 and joined IS in 2013. To pretend that these death cult loons are representative of mainstream Islam is like basing Christianity on the Waco lot or Jim Jones. Of course they're useful idiots for their Saudi and Gulf State backers in their ongoing war with Shiism and the battle between the Saudis and Iran for regional influence, but if IS tried to get active in Saudi Arabia they'd have their throats cut before they could say Allahu Akbar.

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Thank god scotland isn't going to be independent in a few months because I absolutely cringe to think what our immigration policy would be. I'm all for letting a carefully vetted cohort of refugees start a new life here but iScotland would become an absolute hotbed for jihadists to enter Europe surely.

Agreed wholeheartedly

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