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Explosion in Paris


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Terrorist just hasn't got the same ring to it as Muslim terrorist has.

Could you point me in the direction of a democratic secular society please.

You live in one, you know where women arent second class citizens, where your sexuality is not brutally opressed, where religious freedoms are extended your way, where animals arent horrificly bled to death, where you are allowed to date and marry for love.

That kinda place.

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France maybe but check out the men in pointy hats and skirts sitting in the unelected house of lords. The UK is miles from being a secular democracy, as lovely as it is.

It has its faults but tell you what, its better than having some religious old dude with a bad beard telling me I cant have a beer cause some sky fairy that never existed said so.

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Saw this on the BBC earlier and thought that one of the policeman had turn up for the raid in a jumper with a pigeon on it.


That's a dove of peace courtesy of Jeremy Corbyn

It has its faults but tell you what, its better than having some religious old dude with a bad beard telling me I cant have a beer cause some sky fairy that never existed said so.

True, but it aint a million miles away from some group of old bearded dudes discussing what is and what is not harmful pornography and whether people should be allowed to die in peace or be made to live on in excruciating pain. Not many imams in the HoL or rabbi's or anyone with an "I'M A FUCKING ATHEIST, Come ahead, square go" t-shirt.

It's not bad here but it aint that great pal.

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That's a dove of peace courtesy of Jeremy Corbyn

True, but it aint a million miles away from some group of old bearded dudes discussing what is and what is not harmful pornography and whether people should be allowed to die in peace or be made to live on in excruciating pain. Not many imams in the HoL or rabbi's or anyone with an "I'M A FUCKING ATHEIST, Come ahead, square go" t-shirt.

It's not bad here but it aint that great pal.

Its not perfect I agree but tell you what, Im thankful compared to what goes on in other countries.

The House of Lords is a national disgrace, I'm sure Lady Mone will whip it into shape.

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A government loyal to the Queen of England but not necessarily her subject's.

You've also been told about the house of Lords too.

Because you can't see the fence it doesn't mean it's not there.

Democracy is not a synonym for utopia. Or even equality.

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