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Loki's Film Quiz

Albino Rover

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Yeah, I did. I think Loki's thrown me a wee bit by suggesting it had to be less than 5.

f**k it, I'm not winning it anyway but a good question nonetheless.

You've done it right if you've done that. I couldn't get all ten in five never mind less than five!

Belting question.

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This might be where I've fucked up. I thought it was 5 films you had to pick.

I didn't mean to try and confuse you. I have got all ten in five (if they're correct). I have been trying to get less than five but so far I end up with three covering eight, and not being able to get a fourth from the two criteria left.

I love this question though.

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I don't know how many have submitted their answers but it would be good to see the films everyone has submitted.

If it's too much hassle then no bother.

Agree, I'm intrigued.

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There seems to be a strong popular demand so I’ll post all the combinations after the quiz is over. Those of you who wish to post your own answers (after the deadline plus 30 minute "late" allowance) please go ahead, that would help. I’ll post the remaining ones, for those who wish to remain anonymous, tomorrow.

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There were a number of correct answers for all the subjects - Raiders Of The Lost Ark and Monsignor were your friends here as they covered 4 of the specifications in one go. The only given answer that I couldn’t accept was Grindhouse, as a one-word Tarantino film. "Grindhouse" was the name of the double feature of Tarantino’s film Death Proof and Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror. There was a lesser known film entitled Grindhouse so I was at least able to give that person a point for that.



Congrats to all the 10s, but especially those of you who did it in fewer than 5. I played along myself, trying to get all the criteria into three films, but I think it’s impossible. There are a few ways to get 9 in 3 but there always seems to be one that stops you getting 10. Silent movies, Grace Kelly, the 80s and Tarantino simply belong to four separate eras.

I’ll post the unposted combinations and Round 7 tomorrow.

In the meantime, here’s a picture of Grace Kelly in Rear Window.


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