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Mr Rational, on 29 Feb 2016 - 19:18, said:

Anyone catch Last Week Tonight with John Oliver?

Trump will be suing no doubt....

I did. Knew he'd take a while before having a go at Trump. Think they always do weeks of research before a main story on Last Week Tonight.

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No fan of Alex Salmond at all, but at least (with the benefit of hindsight) he admitted that he got it wrong with his judgement/involvement in Trumps development in Aberdeenshire. It's very rare that any politician is prepared to say 'hands up, I was wrong'!

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An insane immigration system is one where local jails, as a matter of policy, ignore hold orders from the federal government so violent illegal immigrants can be deported instead of released back into the population at the end of their sentence. Trump has made appearing with the families of people who were raped and murdered because of this Democrat policy a central piece of his campaign.


An insane immigration system is one that doesn't even have a policy to check the social media history of immigrants from Muslim lands for violent jihadi sympathies before letting them into the country. We found out that our government does not have this policy after the San Bernardino shootings which would not have happened if our immigration authorities had the same standards as fast food managers hiring burger flippers.

An insane immigration system is one which encourages non-English speaking populations through English as a 2nd language programs in schools, and then gives those same populations affirmative action priority over more long standing American populations.

An insane immigration policy is one which purports to extend the Bill of Rights to foreign populations and says we can't stop people from coming to this country if the majority of American citizens find their beliefs contrary to American values.

An insane immigration policy is one that looks at the Muslim ghettos of Europe and says that what America needs is more ghettos where the average US citizen feels unsafe and uncomfortable.

These are the policies of Marco Rubio and HIllary Clinton.

An insane foreign policy is attacking Middle Eastern lands over and over and expecting that this is the time democracy and liberalism will fill the power vacuum and Muslims lands with be turned into Ohio.

An insane foreign policy is one which seeks conflict with Russia over non-NATO lands that have a majority of people who identify as Russian.

An insane foreign policy is one which seeks to start a 4 sided shooting war involving multiple nuclear powers because we can't agree on which asshole should be in charge of Syria, and when the USA, Russia, and Europe all share the same main enemy, ISIS.

An insane foreign policy is one which puts international trade agreements above American democracy and an even economic playing field for all.

These are the policies of Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump is not the insane one. He is perfectly moderate on 99% of issues outside of immigration.

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Anyone else downloaded the Drumpfanator, it makes reading this thread so much funnier

It's now hard to tell whether people are still calling Drumpf 'trump' or are actually calling him Drumpf now.

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Trump is obviously a loony and and arsehole, but does anyone really think he'd make the world a more dangerous place as US president? It's debatable how much individual influence any of the candidates would have as the elected puppet for higher interests, but I'd have thought if anyone Trump would be least likely to provoke a nuclear war or preside over an economic collapse.

This is a ridiculous lefty idea that flies every time a patriotic, American-first candidate gets near the Republican nomination. They did it to Barry Goldwater with the famous tv ad blowing up a little blonde girl with nuclear weapons, and then the Democrat who made the ad promptly lied us into the Vietnam War and used a losing strategy. They did it with Reagan claiming he was too crazy to be near the red button, but of course Reagan was a nuclear abolitionist and actually proposed a deal during negotiations with the Soviets which would have eliminated nuclear weapons in both countries. There was an initial agreement, but it ended up falling apart.

The fact is that it's the globalist and cultural relativist oriented Presidents that are more dangerous to world peace when compared to the conservative, America first patriots.

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... Barry Goldwater with the famous tv ad blowing up a little blonde girl with nuclear weapons, and then the Democrat who made the ad promptly lied us into the Vietnam War and used a losing strategy...

Kennedy got America into the war in 1962

Barry Goldwater lost the election in November 1964

But don't let the facts get in the way of your story

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Kennedy got America into the war in 1962

Barry Goldwater lost the election in November 1964

But don't let the facts get in the way of your story

I think Mike's history is just a little off-kilter.

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Kennedy got America into the war in 1962

Barry Goldwater lost the election in November 1964

But don't let the facts get in the way of your story

Eisenhower had a few hundred troops serving as advisers to the South Vietnamese military. Kennedy expanded this into the thousands, but the US military was not involved in front line fighting. The Goldwater - Johnson election was in 1964. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed by Congress which allowed full US entry into the war was passed on August 10, 1964. It was of course based on a complete lie about the nature of attacks on US Navy ships. The daisy girl ad debuted on Sept 7, 1964. So, excuse my incorrect information. Johnson was lying the USA into a disastrous war against the ally of a nuclear power while at the same time accusing his right-wing opponent of dangerous warmongering. The two were occurring simultaneously instead of one right after the other.

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They did it to Barry Goldwater with the famous tv ad blowing up a little blonde girl with nuclear weapons, and then the Democrat who made the ad promptly lied us into the Vietnam War..

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed by Congress which allowed full US entry into the war was passed on August 10, 1964. It was of course based on a complete lie about the nature of attacks on US Navy ships. The daisy girl ad debuted on Sept 7, 1964.

Stop digging and retire gracefully.

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Clinton & Trump.

Bitter rivals as highlighted here at the 2005 Trump wedding.

Trump says they had to come since he donated money to Hillary's Senate campaign. He uses this as an example of how the rich use money to influence the elites of both parties and says he will be answerable to nobody but the American voters.

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Clinton & Trump.

Bitter rivals as highlighted here at the 2005 Trump wedding.

From Wikpedia

"Trump was an early supporter of Republican Ronald Reagan for U.S. president,[172] and in February 2012 endorsed Republican Mitt Romney for president.[173] When asked in 2015 which recent president was best, Trump picked Democrat Bill Clinton over Republicans George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.[174][175] The Clintons' foundation has received between $100,000 and $250,000 from Trump,[176] and they attended Trump's 2005 wedding reception.[177] Trump wrote in 2008 that Hillary Clinton would be a "great president or vice-president".[178]

"Trump's party affiliation has changed over the years. Until 1987, he was a Democrat;[5] then he was a Republican from 1987 to 1999.[4] He then switched to the Reform Party from 1999 to 2001.[4] After a presidential exploratory campaign with the Reform Party, he wrote an OpEd in the New York Times stating that he was leaving the Reform Party because of the involvement of "David Duke, Pat Buchanan and Lenora Fulani. That is not company I wish to keep." [179]From 2001 to 2009 he was a Democrat again;[4] he switched to the Republican Party again from 2009 to 2011.[4]An independent from 2011 to 2012, he returned to the Republican Party in 2012, where he has remained.[4]"

So Trump is pro-Reagan, pro-Clinton, anti-Bush and anti-Obama. It will be fascinating to see how he campaigns against Hillary and Bill's response. Judging by last night, he's changing his tone and style.

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From Wikpedia

"Trump was an early supporter of Republican Ronald Reagan for U.S. president,[172] and in February 2012 endorsed Republican Mitt Romney for president.[173] When asked in 2015 which recent president was best, Trump picked Democrat Bill Clinton over Republicans George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.[174][175] The Clintons' foundation has received between $100,000 and $250,000 from Trump,[176] and they attended Trump's 2005 wedding reception.[177] Trump wrote in 2008 that Hillary Clinton would be a "great president or vice-president".[178]

"Trump's party affiliation has changed over the years. Until 1987, he was a Democrat;[5] then he was a Republican from 1987 to 1999.[4] He then switched to the Reform Party from 1999 to 2001.[4] After a presidential exploratory campaign with the Reform Party, he wrote an OpEd in the New York Times stating that he was leaving the Reform Party because of the involvement of "David Duke, Pat Buchanan and Lenora Fulani. That is not company I wish to keep." [179]From 2001 to 2009 he was a Democrat again;[4] he switched to the Republican Party again from 2009 to 2011.[4]An independent from 2011 to 2012, he returned to the Republican Party in 2012, where he has remained.[4]"

So Trump is pro-Reagan, pro-Clinton, anti-Bush and anti-Obama. It will be fascinating to see how he campaigns against Hillary and Bill's response. Judging by last night, he's changing his tone and style.

Will this be the same David Duke he claims not to know who he is as he failed to condemn his backing by the KKK,


Trump is for Trump

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