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see in all seriousness though, the blm thing does really get me annoyed, people like sharpton et al hijacking what could have been a very positive movement for change.


I understand your point - I'll stop the smart alec replies!

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Looks like Churchill had it bang on. 




Except that it was actually Louisiana governor Huey Long who said it back in the 1930s.


Long was a Democrat who left them to pursue a more radical left wing agenda influenced in part by his Baptist upbringing which dragged Louisiana kicking and screaming into the 20th Century with a massive programme of public works (in particular on the State's primitive infrastructure) that allowed its businesses to finally compete with those from rival states, albeit Long did so without much care for the democratic process. Nevertheless he was returned by landslide vote after landslide vote.


He was murdered a month after saying he was going to run for President under the "Share Our Wealth" ticket, & was dubbed "the most dangerous man in America" by former friend Franklin D Roosevelt.

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get a grip, anytime a black person is arrested in certain areas they hound the cops and try to find out their personal details etc to be posted online. yes there have been incidents and indeed entire police depts in the states which are wholly inept, but to shout down every dissenting voice and to pervert the democratic process the way they have is in my opinion undemocratic and exactly what trump is doing. have you ever heard al sharpton speak? the man is a narcissistic lunatic.

Anyone who defends the American political system in the name of 'democracy' is automatically on the wrong side of the argument.

The corruption is insane. When those in positions of power and authority have to rely on 'why won't you play by the rules' then the protesters are usually doing something right.

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Anyone who defends the American political system in the name of 'democracy' is automatically on the wrong side of the argument.

The corruption is insane. When those in positions of power and authority have to rely on 'why won't you play by the rules' then the protesters are usually doing something right.


Sounds like the EU to me. It's time we played by our own rules.

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As the old saying goes they who first bring up Hitler or Nazi's into a debate has usually lost the argument.


I think it's legitimate making the comparison when you have someone trying to take over his country by stirring up racial hatred, blaming foreigners for everything, encouraging violence by his followers and promising riots if he loses. The only difference is that rather than an embittered failed artist and army corporal we have a 21st Century reality TV show star and 4 times bankrupt celebrity estate agent.

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I think it's legitimate making the comparison when you have someone trying to take over his country by stirring up racial hatred, blaming foreigners for everything, encouraging violence by his followers and promising riots if he loses. The only difference is that rather than an embittered failed artist and army corporal we have a 21st Century reality TV show star and 4 times bankrupt celebrity estate agent.


I don't recall the Democrats or the Clintons refusing Trump's campaign donations.

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I don't recall the Democrats or the Clintons refusing Trump's campaign donations.


That's when he was pretending to believe in Democrat values, now he's pretending to be a Republican.

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I think it's legitimate making the comparison when you have someone trying to take over his country by stirring up racial hatred, blaming foreigners for everything, encouraging violence by his followers and promising riots if he loses. The only difference is that rather than an embittered failed artist and army corporal we have a 21st Century reality TV show star and 4 times bankrupt celebrity estate agent.

Trump isn't scapegoating all his problems on foreigners, and I should remind you that a lot of countries are putting up walls. He's largely blaming it on "stupid, incompetent leaders". However, Trump is deluded in the sense that he thinks he can make the system work by making it more efficient. If Trump really wanted to solve the problem of immigration into America he would end the war on drugs thus killing the drugs cartels business and stop giving subsidies to farmers, as they are dumping below cost food into Mexico and making it impossible for Mexican farmers to compete. Same thing applies in the EU when it comes to CAP. However, it's not gonna happen because there is too many vested interests.


As for Trump's business past. He's had 4 failed projects out of hundred plus, which is pretty good by business standards. If a project based business owner has never experienced bankruptcy over many decades, then they've probably never taken any meaningful risks; are in bed with the government or are god. That's not to say he's never done anything controversial. I don't like the fact he sells the right to certain contractors to use his logo who then scam would be buyers into buying poor quality or unfinished apartments.

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Are you suggesting that they were not aware of his business record , rightly highlighted by you, when they took his money? 


I think you're being a bit naive about how strictly politicians vet where their contributions come from. Trump may have wiped out debts Sevco style on at least 4 occasions, but it was all legal in America apparently.

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