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Alex Salmond.


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2 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

This whole debacle stemmed from  Alex Salmond being accused of sexual harassment, of which he was found innocent though his defense did mention there had been poor behaviour on his part.

So then we have Alex Salmond in committee accusing the Scottish Government of mishandling his case but the mention of two incidents, one in 2007, which were not mentioned at his trial cannot be discussed.

The relevance is that the Scottish Government and all political parties were aware of his behaviour, even my family was at grass roots level, and when he asked for mediation it is more than possible that he was refused  on the basis of what was known at that time, so he should have answered.


It was explained during the committee, He was not on trial and was not there to answer any questions relating to the trial or the initial complaint. The government admitted wrongdoing and lost the court case. Unless there is damming evidence to be provided, those cases are closed.

In the eyes of the law, Salmond has committed no crime. If the Scottish government were aware of wrongdoing, they could and should have backed that up in court, they didn't and because of significant inaccuracies in testimony.  Making it impossible to convict beyond reasonable doubt. Rumour does not equal fact. 

The session was to establish what perceived wrongdoing the Scottish government was guilty of. Salmond made accusations that he said he could back up with evidence if he is allowed by law to submit it. Which he is not allowed to submit because he is blocked by the people he is accusing. 

He wasn't going to explain where the SG legal team got it wrong and how he should have been convicted which is seemingly what you are suggesting.  

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The "story" here seems pretty straightforward, basically you have the former FM and one of Scotlands most respected politicians behaving like it's still the 1970's, he doesn't think there's a problem with this but unfortunately (for him) society has moved on.

Politically he's yesterdays news but as the allegations surface then he becomes an embarrassment to the party and indeed the leadership, so they have to distance themselves and indeed disassociate themselves by publicly condemning him and initiating an enquiry to prove that they are not complicit or "turning a blind eye" as it were.

AS then becomes enraged as feels he has been "sold down the river" (are we still allowed to use that expression ?) and then seeks revenge on those he feels have screwed him over and that's where we are today.

I suppose it's just a case of changing attitudes and political games that have us in this situation but from a serious damage perspective to the SNP, I'd say it's negligible, if indeed at all.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
30 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

He said he asked for mediation because of the shitstorm it would cause if he didn't  and he thought they were making an arse of the process. He was correct on both counts and it cost the tax payer over 600k


In hindsight, he was correct. Can you imagine the shitstorm though that would have happened if there had been any suggestion that the SG covered up/was sitting on accusations of rape or sexual abuse ?

24 minutes ago, diegomarahenry said:

Pretty much just your interpretation of what he said to suit your opinion

He said he was no angel and that he broke no laws, if he was a sex pest, that sounds illegal so he didn't pretty much admit it. 

Again, just the facts 

The 'facts' are as Sandy Cromarty detailed them. Nobody is trying to say that he's a rapist or that the verdicts were incorrect. 

As First Minister of Scotland though, the 'facts' as admitted in court show that his behaviour was unacceptable. The original post I made on this to someone was to to their assertion that Salmond should come back into politics as he has an undoubtedly brilliant political mind. 

I don't think that he should. That's all. 

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Another aspect of yesterday’s proceedings which struck me was just how poor the 3 SNP representatives were.

The woman and the highland man were just  appalling.

Cant stand the Greens but their  chap seemed reasonable.

Baillie and Fraser were easily the best.

Im sure the SNP must have some better MSP’s but it looked as if they were just parroting out prepared scripts yesterday.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 minute ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Another aspect of yesterday’s proceedings which struck me was just how poor the 3 SNP representatives were.

The woman and the highland man were just  appalling.

Cant stand the Greens but their  chap seemed reasonable.

Baillie and Fraser were easily the best.

Im sure the SNP must have some better MSP’s but it looked as if they were just parroting out prepared scripts yesterday.

Baillie and Fraser were horrendous as usual. A microcosm of their own parties. 


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3 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

In hindsight, he was correct. Can you imagine the shitstorm though that would have happened if there had been any suggestion that the SG covered up/was sitting on accusations of rape or sexual abuse ?

The 'facts' are as Sandy Cromarty detailed them. Nobody is trying to say that he's a rapist or that the verdicts were incorrect. 

As First Minister of Scotland though, the 'facts' as admitted in court show that his behaviour was unacceptable. The original post I made on this to someone was to to their assertion that Salmond should come back into politics as he has an undoubtedly brilliant political mind. 

I don't think that he should. That's all. 

I didn't have an issue with the quotes, I had an issue with the continuing narrative that because Salmond admitted to some creepy behaviour he "more or less" admitted to all crimes. The interpretation of facts to suit a self held opinion. 

I didn't think Salmond should return after losing his Westminster seat and it was impossible after the initial claim and botched enquiry. Not because I think he is guilty (I don't know if he is) But because of the harm  he would have done to his party with the stink of sexual assault surrounding him. Little did I know it would be created and wafted by the SNP. 


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13 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Another aspect of yesterday’s proceedings which struck me was just how poor the 3 SNP representatives were.

The woman and the highland man were just  appalling.

Cant stand the Greens but their  chap seemed reasonable.

Baillie and Fraser were easily the best.

Im sure the SNP must have some better MSP’s but it looked as if they were just parroting out prepared scripts yesterday.

Maureen Watt and Alex Cole-Hamilton were the worst, like a couple of trolls. Andy Wightman was the best.



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As most posters (of the nationalist persuasion) state, yesterdays proceedings will probably not dent the SNP majority all that much in the upcoming election but what tends to hit a long serving, complacent government is the continual corrosive effect of regular amounts of bad news.

As AS said, it is the people at the top who are the problem and it is easy to see lots of potential disasters coming along fairly soon.

The Rangers debacle has barely started with potentially huge compensatory payments to be made. How can the LA survive?

He, along with NS have still to give evidence and, despite a guaranteed easy ride from the SNP numpties, the others on the committee will be fully charged up given the press publicity.

The GRA is a potential vote loser along with the Hate Speech Bill and the missing funds in the SNP accounts is just waiting to explode.

So, from a conservative, unionist point of view, things are looking up and I can see the SNP haemorrhaging lots of votes come May.

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As most posters (of the nationalist persuasion) state, yesterdays proceedings will probably not dent the SNP majority all that much in the upcoming election but what tends to hit a long serving, complacent government is the continual corrosive effect of regular amounts of bad news.
As AS said, it is the people at the top who are the problem and it is easy to see lots of potential disasters coming along fairly soon.
The Rangers debacle has barely started with potentially huge compensatory payments to be made. How can the LA survive?
He, along with NS have still to give evidence and, despite a guaranteed easy ride from the SNP numpties, the others on the committee will be fully charged up given the press publicity.
The GRA is a potential vote loser along with the Hate Speech Bill and the missing funds in the SNP accounts is just waiting to explode.
So, from a conservative, unionist point of view, things are looking up and I can see the SNP haemorrhaging lots of votes come May.
I think you are slightly missing the point here. Whilst you are correct to assert that the SG is indeed exhibiting the fatigue and mistakes that come with a long term in office I don't think that will translate into electoral decay any time soon, and for two reasons. Firstly, many people have decided that whilst they may not care too much for the way the SNP is performing, they recognise that they represent the best chance of gaining independence; were that to happen the entire Scottish political map will be quickly redrawn. Secondly, and importantly, the coming generations of Scots (of all origin) are ever less inclined to place their faith in local stooges of right-wing British Nationalist parties, and that demographic clock is ticking ever louder. Sorry to piss on your parade, but you will be made most welcome under the Saltire.
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As most posters (of the nationalist persuasion) state, yesterdays proceedings will probably not dent the SNP majority all that much in the upcoming election but what tends to hit a long serving, complacent government is the continual corrosive effect of regular amounts of bad news.
As AS said, it is the people at the top who are the problem and it is easy to see lots of potential disasters coming along fairly soon.
The Rangers debacle has barely started with potentially huge compensatory payments to be made. How can the LA survive?
He, along with NS have still to give evidence and, despite a guaranteed easy ride from the SNP numpties, the others on the committee will be fully charged up given the press publicity.
The GRA is a potential vote loser along with the Hate Speech Bill and the missing funds in the SNP accounts is just waiting to explode.
So, from a conservative, unionist point of view, things are looking up and I can see the SNP haemorrhaging lots of votes come May.
Possibly the last Holyrood devolved elections anyway so doesn't make a difference. People will have a new spectrum of parties to vote for in 2025
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10 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

It was bizarre line of questioning.

They've been painting Salmond as some kind of wronged man - a paragon of truth - yet ask a question that undermines that.

It was a strange line of quetioning......and totally irrelevant to the purpose of the hearing yesterday. It's almost as if some in the unionist camp are still hoping to get some of the mud sticking. Salmond was right not to answer. 

Evidence suggests the whole Edinburgh airport nonsense was a load of made up rubbish anyway. 

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1 hour ago, diegomarahenry said:

I didn't have an issue with the quotes, I had an issue with the continuing narrative that because Salmond admitted to some creepy behaviour he "more or less" admitted to all crimes. The interpretation of facts to suit a self held opinion. 

I didn't think Salmond should return after losing his Westminster seat and it was impossible after the initial claim and botched enquiry. Not because I think he is guilty (I don't know if he is) But because of the harm  he would have done to his party with the stink of sexual assault surrounding him. Little did I know it would be created and wafted by the SNP. 


The point I was making is that his misbehaviour was well known as far back as 2007, all parties were aware yet to be truthful nothing was done  until he approached the SNP for assistance in mediation with the women prior to a court case, the SG refused and that is the crux of the matter, AS saw that as a snub and an attempt to discredit him, when in fact his behaviour was common knowledge and it may have been judged that he should at last face the music. 

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8 minutes ago, SandyCromarty said:

The point I was making is that his misbehaviour was well known as far back as 2007, all parties were aware yet to be truthful nothing was done  until he approached the SNP for assistance in mediation with the women prior to a court case, the SG refused and that is the crux of the matter, AS saw that as a snub and an attempt to discredit him, when in fact his behaviour was common knowledge and it may have been judged that he should at last face the music. 

Interesting.....apart from a desire to continue painting Salmond as a pest.....is there any evidence of substance to suggest misbehaviour that was "well known as far back as 2007."

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