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League reconstruction: Let's hear your view

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I've noticed that the biggest advocates of urgent league reconstruction in this thread are fans of clubs who've rarely bothered the top division in decades, but who might realistically expect to do so if the top division were expanded, and if their club received an extra wee wedge annually after the diddies were expelled from the SPFL.

Just thought it was worth mentioning, considering there's lot of talk about self-interested wee clubs holding the others back, and it might come off as a wee bit hypocritical.

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Not at home. And though gate receipts might be halved, they lose out on the opportunity of sponsorship, hospitality, parking and other revenue-makers.

But you carry on making your convenient, wishful argument and ignoring the drawbacks above. If you do, I'm finished replying to you.

Right so you miss out on hospitality etc... but you get (typically) a good few thousand through a premiership team where you can then split the gate 50/50 which is probably evening things out.

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If gate receipts are that important, then why haven't they made the change already?

Becuase its a gamble. If it leads to more exitement/more interest leads to more money leads to better football and the whole thing self perpetuates. If it doesnt then of coarse the opposite will happen. Just now clubs might not love where they are but most are surviving.

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Right so you miss out on hospitality etc... but you get (typically) a good few thousand through a premiership team where you can then split the gate 50/50 which is probably evening things out.

Which may be an option for the diddy team in such a scenario. Are you seriously expecting the likes of Celtic or anyone else in the top flight to say they'd rather not play an extra game against Aberdeen at home because it can be made up by half the gate from a visit to Arbroath (along with more of such fixtures)?

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I've noticed that the biggest advocates of urgent league reconstruction in this thread are fans of clubs who've rarely bothered the top division in decades, but who might realistically expect to do so if the top division were expanded, and if their club received an extra wee wedge annually after the diddies were expelled from the SPFL.

Just thought it was worth mentioning, considering there's lot of talk about self-interested wee clubs holding the others back, and it might come off as a wee bit hypocritical.

Those'll be the wee clubs whose presence in the leagues is a crippling burden to the titans of the Scottish game who carry the flag into - and then out of - Europe by the end of September most years?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting discussion!

To get a realistic solution I think you need to balance what we'd like with not changing too much. So something like this seems possible to me:


- 12 teams

- 32 games (h&a, split, h&a)

- Two down automatic


- 12 teams

- 32 games as above

- Champions up automatic

- 2nd-5th playoffs, winner up

- Two down automatic

League 1 (needs rebranded)

- 16 teams, would understand 18 though.

- H&A = 30 games or 34 games if 18 teams.

- Champions up automatic

- 2nd-5th playoffs as above

- Two down automatic

Lowland League Premier & Highland League Premier

- Difficult to choose numbers for LL. HL talking of dividing in two. TBC. Also difficult to decide members, may need to negotiate some juniors in LL.

- Both Champions up automatic.

LL East Premier-LL West Premier

- Ape the Junior Superleagues below the LL Premier and the District divisiins below. Not much changes for the junior teams which is what hey se to want.

- Winner of each promoted to LL premier.

HL East-HL North

- As above but dividing HL North and East due to geography.

- HL talking of diving in two at the minute so perhaps just a HL tier of one below HL Premier.

Thoughts? Willing to explain my thinking if you disagree. Cheers.

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Could you keep the breakdown in both north and south going? Looking forward to seeing how many tiers a "new" club would need to climb depending on whether they formed north or south of Dundee.

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Interesting discussion!

To get a realistic solution I think you need to balance what we'd like with not changing too much. So something like this seems possible to me:


- 12 teams

- 32 games (h&a, split, h&a)

- Two down automatic


- 12 teams

- 32 games as above

- Champions up automatic

- 2nd-5th playoffs, winner up

- Two down automatic

League 1 (needs rebranded)

- 16 teams, would understand 18 though.

- H&A = 30 games or 34 games if 18 teams.

- Champions up automatic

- 2nd-5th playoffs as above

- Two down automatic

Lowland League Premier & Highland League Premier

- Difficult to choose numbers for LL. HL talking of dividing in two. TBC. Also difficult to decide members, may need to negotiate some juniors in LL.

- Both Champions up automatic.

LL East Premier-LL West Premier

- Ape the Junior Superleagues below the LL Premier and the District divisiins below. Not much changes for the junior teams which is what hey se to want.

- Winner of each promoted to LL premier.

HL East-HL North

- As above but dividing HL North and East due to geography.

- HL talking of diving in two at the minute so perhaps just a HL tier of one below HL Premier.

Thoughts? Willing to explain my thinking if you disagree. Cheers.


Division Three would have to be 18, there's no way two sides would agree to go out of the national leagues.

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8 Stranraer fans at Peterhead tonight. Yeah, let's increase the number of teams playing at national level.......fair play to them though.



It is really lack of common sense in setting fixtures. Surely extreme journeys such as this they could arrange to play 2 of the matches in August and 2 in April making postponement much less likely a scenario. A lack of access from teams below the national system has been unhealthy. Clubs like East Stirling, Montrose really have had little incentive until pyramid starts get going to better themselves. I would personally go for 12-12-12 at national level with 3rd tier split into north and south conferences so say stranraer and peterhead only play each other once home away but teams in their own 6 team conference twice home and away. 

Edited by grazza
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Thanks EP, I liked the 8-8-8 idea at the time too but now wonder if I would after a few years of doing it.

I think Grazza's Tier 3 N&S idea is interesting too, a bit outside the box but tackles travel issues and worth exploring too.


You're going to have to get 6 teams to agree to going out of the national leagues, though.

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It is really lack of common sense in setting fixtures. Surely extreme journeys such as this they could arrange to play 2 of the matches in August and 2 in April making postponement much less likely a scenario.

Just checking you know that the game was scheduled for April...

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Interesting discussion!

To get a realistic solution I think you need to balance what we'd like with not changing too much. So something like this seems possible to me:


- 12 teams

- 32 games (h&a, split, h&a)

- Two down automatic


- 12 teams

- 32 games as above

- Champions up automatic

- 2nd-5th playoffs, winner up

- Two down automatic

League 1 (needs rebranded)

- 16 teams, would understand 18 though.

- H&A = 30 games or 34 games if 18 teams.

- Champions up automatic

- 2nd-5th playoffs as above

- Two down automatic

Lowland League Premier & Highland League Premier

- Difficult to choose numbers for LL. HL talking of dividing in two. TBC. Also difficult to decide members, may need to negotiate some juniors in LL.

- Both Champions up automatic.

LL East Premier-LL West Premier

- Ape the Junior Superleagues below the LL Premier and the District divisiins below. Not much changes for the junior teams which is what hey se to want.

- Winner of each promoted to LL premier.

HL East-HL North

- As above but dividing HL North and East due to geography.

- HL talking of diving in two at the minute so perhaps just a HL tier of one below HL Premier.

Thoughts? Willing to explain my thinking if you disagree. Cheers.


That's a pretty decent structure that's I'd go along with.


For a 'National' (it would be called whatever the conference in England is now called obviously) league of 18, only 2 promotion spots is a bit stingy though. I'd have 2 up, 2 down with 10th in Championship and 3rd - 5th in National playing off.

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I've been thinking of possibilities of a conference at the first level of regionalisation it could be a north-south conference OR north-east-west conference.


Anyone got any opinions on a conference as I don't even know how popular it would be.

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National Conference, for the most part, is the term used when you're looking to move teams outside of the national leagues but want to soften the blow. 


I tend to think that if there is only going to be 32 or so teams playing in national leagues, then a national conference with a North League and South League would help shape the pyramid system in a country with a very uneven population distribution. We're a long, long way from being able to shape a system like that though. 

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Thank you for the feedback, guys. I take it on-board 're: the 18 teams over 16, I just thought you could relegate two teams with enough notice and enough teams voting for it.

My big question is to supporters of the likes of Albion Rovers, Stenhousemuir, Elgin City, teams that will likely always be in the bottom 18: how do you feel about a bigger league?

Yes it's bigger and has more variety of fixtures but is in all likelihood the only league they'll ever be in, if not relegated. I always hear fans want bigger leagues but do they really in the context above or do they prefer the current four tier set up where they could win League Two realistically although in a ten team league?

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