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Outdated Films & Shows


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I was just thinking about remakes of classic films and how artistically pointless they usually are - Jaws specifically, which is surely bound to be rebooted sometime soon, considering the franchise has been dead for over twenty years now. That got me thinking about Steven Spielberg's earlier TV movie Duel, which is a bit of a classic in its own right, but which surely won't be getting a remake because the plot must seem ridiculous to most young people now - if you're being harassed on a car journey, surely you just call the polis on your mobile phone, right? As cellphone blackspots become more and more uncommon, the film's going to seem more and more outdated.

No doubt there are plenty of other films and TV show plots that must appear daft to modern eyes - give us your suggestions so we can all put them on and watch our weans' heads explode at the archaic life that their elders used to live :P

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Quadrophonia has a couple of examples of racism, which could be interpreted as an accurate portrayal of life at the time as characters in the sixties may well have said those sorts of things. It feels quite uncomfortable to modern eyes though.

Ray Winston's comment, when Jimmy doesn't want to be seen with a rocker, 'what am I black or something?' Is one example. Another is when a black character talks about having to go 'across the water' referring to the Themes, Jimmy asks if he got on his 'banana boat' to the West Indies.

Both could just be interpreted as highlighting the background racism of the time but both made me uncomfortable.

One which highlights the ignorance of racism is when a character feels uncomfortable being in a black part of town and he exclaims 'it's like being in Calcutta', when questioned he says 'well that's where they all come from isn't it, West India.' It's possible that this was an attempt at ridiculing racism. All three though would seem very out of place in a modern film.

It does highlight how widespread racism must have been though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lawnmower man film. Great at the time but now, awful.


Not sure I agree with part of your premise, BFTD - we watch historical movies without thinking about mobile phones, air superiority, condoms, and Googling it. Though interesting to think of all the examples of movies that wouldn't exist if e.g. mobile phones were around, though.

70s films for some reason have always often felt unrealistic to me, and I've no idea why.

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Not sure I agree with part of your premise, BFTD - we watch historical movies without thinking about mobile phones, air superiority, condoms, and Googling it. Though interesting to think of all the examples of movies that wouldn't exist if e.g. mobile phones were around, though.

70s films for some reason have always often felt unrealistic to me, and I've no idea why.

Especially thrillers where they really need to find a phone box / change for the call....
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