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Rab B Nesbit

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At the beginning of this year popular Manchester United fanzine Red Issue ceased publication and many more toil to stay afloat these days. You can get 'United We Stand' in the WH Smith in Edinburgh and it's a very good read.

At Liverpool 'Boss Magazine' and the the 'Kop' were very good but their final issues coincided with the end of last season. 'Red All Over The Land', 'The Liverpool Way' and 'We Are Liverpool' are all still alive and well.

Hearts have a very good one called 'Unknown Pleasures' that was set up by a mate of mine and there has now been 9 very good issues.

Are there any more up here or that people have seen on their travels?

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Still buy Not The View outside CP on matchday, a good read and very funny and objective. That and the Alternative View are available in a few city centre newsagents but I dont buy the latter, a pretty poor fanzine which massages the ego of editor and former boardroom brown nosing tosspot Matt McGlone.

One or two others have occasionaly appeared for a few issues then dissapeared but they were a bit 'meh' to be honest.

The internet and forums like this were the beginning of the end for print fanzines accross the country IMO

Still get Not the view but don't bother with The Alternative view. There's also More than 90 minutes which has been going for 90 issues. Also a very good read. I was at Manchester city couple of weeks ago and got a copy of King of the Kippax. Think it was on about 240 issues for something. A good read also.

I'm also sure Newcastle United have 2 or 3 on the go still? True faith is one of them.

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It wasn't just football supporters that had fanzines.

A mate of mine that worked on the railways showed me a fanzine type thingy written by malcontent railway workers called "Last train from Glasgow Central".

Basically a humourous dig at the then British Rail management in the Glasgow area and oh the public and elf and safety.

Seems there was quite a few work related fanzines all aimed at the "machine".

Think most of them lasted about two issues.

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