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Making a Murderer


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Watched this in a few days was certainly interesting. Think it shows you are knackered if the cops think you are guilty in these type of places in the US. From what was showing in the documentary certainly felt there was more than enough for reasonable doubt but the evidence they missed out or glossed over is really damning for Avery.

The one thing I'm surprised they didn't make more out of is Colburn phoning in a check on Teresa's car how could he do that two days before it was found? He looked like he shat his pants when the defence brought it up but they didn't make much of it, in the documentary at least.

Avery was scum but I did have a lot of sympathy for the nephew. How could they find him guilty on that confession? They basically told him what to say. His first lawyer was a piece of shit, grinning away when his client got fucked over by the court.

Edited by Jack Burton
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Reckon it was members of his family who wanted rid of him, with the knowledge the police would instantly jump on him. The nephew was likely the easiest target for them to help push the guilty verdict along, as hes too dumb to realise whats hes doing

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As far as Lenk and Colburn are concerned, whether Avery is actually guilty or not is irrelevant. It is an utterly undeniable fact that they planted evidence and therefore they should have lost their jobs and done jail time themselves.

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Just over 2 episodes in and have to say the full thing so far is heart breaking.

How the report in the first case could come back saying there was nothing badly a miss is absolutely staggering. They let a guy go about raping and abusing women for 10 years and never batted an eyelid. Just so Avery would get locked up.

As soon as I saw officer Colburn during the second trial I knew it had to be games a bogey.

The keys to the car were not there during thr first search but found in a later search. Aye cause thats what you do when your a suspect in a murder case you throw evidence on the bedroom floor when the police are sniffing around. Total set up.

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" What else happened Brendan. What else happened to her head "

You can see the boy trying to think what answer it is they want from him. Actually felt uneasy watching that.

Then he asked if he would be back to school in time to hand in a project. Clearly not realising the situation. Then once told he would be arrested he asked if it was for one day. Thats gutting.

Edited by diamond_for_life
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" What else happened Brendan. What else happened to her head "

You can see the boy trying to think what answer it is they want from him. Actually felt uneasy watching that.

Then he asked if he would be back to school in time to hand in a project. Clearly not realising the situation. Then once told he would be arrested he asked if it was for one day. Thats gutting.

The thing that got me the most was when he was on the phone to his Mum and he asked if she could record WrestleMania for him, that was fucking gutting, absolutely no way he was involved.
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What are we making of this Jodi ones claims now?? He did it etc 10 years on and a change of heart living in fear etc. I'm sure she fled because of the cops.

She said she was scared but she phoned him whilst in jail, broke the no contact order and told him about marriage and moving away whilst he was in jail. All seems very suspect but the women that interviewed her Nancy Grace seems a bit of a c**t too.

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Watched this over the last week or two. The whole thing is an absolute scandal.

The actions of most (all?) of the Manitowoc authorities are pretty much beyond contempt. It's impossible to imagine a more disgusting group of individuals.

I expected Avery to be put away but how Brendan is still in jail beggars belief. It is sickening that he has been unable to successfully appeal as yet. Hopefully the publicity from the series will lead to some sort of development.

Edited by Martin Nelson
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I watched the 10 episodes from start to finish on Sunday. Compelling viewing and a great way to realise that although you may be nursing the mother of all hangovers, your life could be far worse.

Despite watching it and having read several differing theories from armchair detectives on here and elsewhere, I still wouldn't be able to give an opinion on whether it was Avery or not. What is weird though is that in Avery's trial Kratz holds up one finger and emphasises that there is only one man responsible for her murder yet they go on to convict Dassey including the charges that they dropped for Avery of sexual assault and mutilation of a corpse.

I also don't understand why Avery didn't testify and let the jury decide whether he was innocent under cross-examination. Surely if you've got nothing to hide then giving you're watertight version of events might be a good idea if you want to convince the jury of your innocence?

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I also don't understand why Avery didn't testify and let the jury decide whether he was innocent under cross-examination. Surely if you've got nothing to hide then giving you're watertight version of events might be a good idea if you want to convince the jury of your innocence?

He could easily have incriminated himself (even if he's innocent) on the stand, or had his words twisted by the prosecution. Having said that, Brendan took the stand and his low IQ helped him if anything.

Not sure if it was this thread posted it to, but always worth a repost:

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I still think that Avery is the prime suspect and it seems most likely that he did it, but the evidence and process of the trial is a bit lacking and I'm not sure there was enough evidence to convict him. Obviously this is just what was shown on the program. Difficult to say really. Brendan was all over the place and never had a fair trial, he was always going to go down.

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If they stabbed her and slit her throat how comes there was no blood in the trailer? And how was Brendan was found guilty of chopping her body up but Avery wasn't? Batshit crazy.

Avery could well have done it but not in the way it's been made out, pretty laughable that the thick Yanks on the jury bought that story.

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