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Granny Danger

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The SNP Government's proposed budget is a massive disappointment.  I can understand why they are reluctant to increase income tax but it's the height of hypocrisy to condemn austerity then do nothing about it.

Nonetheless I think it will pass largely in its proposed form because on specific points the other parties will not agree.

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2 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Which is the complete opposite of local taxation being spent locally which is anti redistributive. 

Council tax is local taxation, the grant from Holyrood isn't.  Whilst not all income for councils is raised locally, the money they do raise should be spent locally.  It isn't difficult to understand although the SNP have clearly blurred the lines with their initial CT freeze and now their restriction on increases.

Edited by strichener
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3 hours ago, Peppino Impastato said:

Used to have bit of time for the greens but since the election have been proven to just be jumped up little tossers with vastly inflated ideas of the own importance and naive as a five year old child.


they'd do well to remember most of their support is snp voters lending them a hand,  they will suffer electorally for the stances they take and go back to being the irrelevance they should be. 


The greens votes come from voters in safe seats voting for them as their second preference. If it wasn't SNP voters it would have been labour, as it was in 2003. The greens see independence as a means to an end, they've got more important things to worry about than helping wee burnie become president.

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Yeah good job all you fuckin cretins who were like give the greens your second vote that's worked out well eh.  to achieve independence the snp need to own holyrood, anything that undermines the snp government damages the cause of independence,  and that's all the greens do.  Watch the unionist media have a fuckin party with this,  every time something Li, e this happens independence loses votes.

To achieve independence the snp has to prove it's actually worth it.

Where is the difference here?

I'm absolutely delighted the greens are taking a stand.
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The snp have to prove it's worth it, the singularly stupidest sentence I've ever read.  It's nothing to do with the snp and the proof is wee things like being able to decide who runs your country and when it goes to war. 


Independence is a means to man end for all us sparky you troll,  if it was about power for salmond or sturgeon they'd obviously rather be UK pm and both would have skooshed that role had they joined labour.  Laughable unionist pish makes you number 14 on ignore.  plus there are no labour voters anymore this is 2016. 


Granny so naive how can you fight austerity with partial control of one tax?  This is the trap the Scottish secretary boasted of, and fools like you wade gleefully in on a crest of hand wringing and self righteousness. 


Predictable response from redhandrob.   Don't remember him saying the biblical fiscal incompetence of labour and now the tories means the UK can't be independent strangely, yet moderate ssensible fiscal policy within the limited confines of devolution means Scotland can't.   If you're a raging bigot obviously.


Edited by Peppino Impastato
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Unemployment figures for the last quarter down by 16,000 across the U.K, up by 14,000 in Scotland if reports are correct. Westminster Pep?

Unemployment is at it's lowest level since the financial crash. I'll expect you to stop crying and congratulate the SNP anytime now.
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Unemployment is at it's lowest level since the financial crash. I'll expect you to stop crying and congratulate the SNP anytime now.

Why the sizeable dip over the last quarter (most recent figures) going against the trend across the rest of the UK, just asking like!?
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Why the sizeable dip over the last quarter (most recent figures) going against the trend across the rest of the UK, just asking like!?

And in September it was the other way round with Scotland outperforming the UK. I take it you were "just asking" then as well ?
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And in September it was the other way round with Scotland outperforming the UK. I take it you were "just asking" then as well ?

Did Sept compare with 14k losses in Scotland alone against a gain of 16k across the rest of the UK. Just asking?
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It's not up by 14 thousand anyway there's 14 thousand less in employment which is not the same thing,  it takes into account deaths and retirements etc.  And as if red hand rob th raging bigot is really concerned abut the snps competence anyway,  he's just a raging britnat trying to pretend his opposition to Scotland running Scotland is anything other than pure naked British nationalism. 

Edited by Peppino Impastato
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Did Sept compare with 14k losses in Scotland alone against a gain of 16k across the rest of the UK. Just asking?

Dunno, fact is it cycles between Scotland being better and then the UK being better. Maybe it's something to do with Brexit ? Who's fault was that again ?
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And in September it was the other way round with Scotland outperforming the UK. I take it you were "just asking" then as well ?

He claims to hold all the political parties to account.
Finding a post where he does it though is difficult.

Would the last quarter include seasonal jobs?
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Unemployment is lower in Scotland that  the rest, of the UK btw for anyone reading.   Red hand rob the bigot doesn't really care about unemployment he cares about London governing all of Britain. 

Currently 5.3% in Scotland 4.8% rUK (ONS)
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He claims to hold all the political parties to account.
Finding a post where he does it though is difficult.

Would the last quarter include seasonal jobs?

The SNP are running the show at present are they not? Who else should be accountable when you get right down to the bottom line?
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