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Granny Danger

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With everything think that’s been happening another GE is surely a real possibility.

As a non-Labour voter I have been cautiously supportive of Corbyn but am beginning to question his ability to lead.  I cannot see Labour getting a majority and question whether Corbyn will be able to strike any sort of working arrangement with the SNP. 

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

With everything think that’s been happening another GE is surely a real possibility.

As a non-Labour voter I have been cautiously supportive of Corbyn but am beginning to question his ability to lead.  I cannot see Labour getting a majority and question whether Corbyn will be able to strike any sort of working arrangement with the SNP. 



On 07/11/2017 at 07:47, Granny Danger said:

Can’t understand why Ashcroft isn’t featuring more prominently.  Also if Corbyn had half a brain that’s who he’d be going after rather than the queen.  Corbyn is becoming a master of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


On 29/09/2017 at 14:33, Granny Danger said:

Just had the chance to read Corbyn's speech in a bit more detail; he's as big a w****r on Europe as May.

Because she's in government her policies are, rightly, being scrutinised in detail.  Her promises regards to a trading relationship with the EU post Brexit are fanciful and nonsensical and this will be rightly exposed over the coming months.

However Corbyn's claims about post Brexit trade arrangements under a Labour government are just as unrealistic.  I trust the pish that he's spouting about a tariff free trade agreement will be exposed as totally bogus.



On 04/10/2017 at 12:48, Granny Danger said:

In politics there are folk who want certain jobs even in the knowledge that they're not suitable.

May and Boris are two good examples.  Trump and Corbyn are examples of insufficient self awareness to know how unsuited they are.  Don't know what's worse tbh.


On 29/09/2017 at 16:53, Granny Danger said:

It would be nice if the procrastination could lead to a situation where there is a general election before the final decision is implemented and a further referendum is called.  This would, of course, rely on Corbyn shuffling of his mortal coil and being replaced by someone who is not a complete tosser.  We can but hope.



On 29/07/2017 at 18:33, Granny Danger said:

Burnham's a c**t and so is anyone who wants him as Labour leader.  Corbyn is going to f**k it up big time.  The non xenophobic youth of the UK who embrace the EU for what it can offer will see through his protectionist/isolationist position before the next election.



On 26/04/2017 at 17:40, Granny Danger said:

I'm convinced that Corbyn just doesn't realise how shite he is.  He is to politics what David Brent is to effective office management.

When the now inevitable drubbing takes place it will be interesting to see what he says.



On 18/04/2017 at 22:58, Granny Danger said:

I've come to the conclusion that Jeremy Corbyn is more useless than Jackie McNamara.


On 27/01/2017 at 11:56, Granny Danger said:

Time for Corbyn to go IMO.

I can understand him not wanting to vote against triggering Article 50, he can rationalise and justify that, but he has every right, and arguably a duty, to attach conditions to the negotiations.

Also his recent inability to put the Tories on the back foot over the NHS was shockingly bad.



On 01/12/2015 at 19:39, Granny Danger said:

If Corbyn goes (and the weak willed c**t doesn't deserve to stay) his replacement will be chosen by the same process. Can't see ordinary Labour Party members changing; they will choose someone similar to Corbyn but someone who now realises that a left winner CAN win the leadership contest.


Why lie, though?

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With everything think that’s been happening another GE is surely a real possibility.
As a non-Labour voter I have been cautiously supportive of Corbyn but am beginning to question his ability to lead.  I cannot see Labour getting a majority and question whether Corbyn will be able to strike any sort of working arrangement with the SNP. 

Corbyn has already defied predictions once at a GE,he might just surprise people again.Personaly in a hung parliament i would ask support from the SNP on an issue by issue basis so it would be up to them whether to dump a Labour minority govt and risk public wrath.A formal agreement will see the SNP as a DUP lite pain in the arse.
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With everything think that’s been happening another GE is surely a real possibility.
As a non-Labour voter I have been cautiously supportive of Corbyn but am beginning to question his ability to lead.  I cannot see Labour getting a majority and question whether Corbyn will be able to strike any sort of working arrangement with the SNP. 

Another hung parliament with Labour as the largest party. Govern as a minority government and don't touch the SNP with a bargepole.
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