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Granny Danger

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3 hours ago, zidane's child said:

In all fairness, the speaker is just saying that he didn't observe it nor was it picked up by the clerk.

In fairness it's refreshing honesty from a politician.



Just a pity he's denying it now.

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Given the amount of versions of events she told in both trials, the cost of both trials and her role as an MP and a solicitor she should get a long spell inside. There seems to be little sympathy either.

She must have been on 9 points to have even considered this.

Even then as an MP she would have been able to get by in Westminster without a car for the duration of her short ban.

Huhne apparently plead guilty and got a reduced sentence of 8 months. This went to trial so hopefully she will get 18 months so serve 9 and be removed as an MP.

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Sombre and funny in equal amounts. Boyle's look back at 2018.




It is at times like those that we will remember the work of Dominic Raab, who resigned in November, having decided that he could not endorse a deal that he himself had negotiated. Raab didn’t want to be Brexit secretary, but he didn’t have the negotiating skills to decline the job. When Raab took over, I was heartened by the thought that negotiations were being handled by someone with the air of an embattled leisure centre manager, who could be outmanoeuvred by a statue of Stephen Hawking. Surely better withdrawal terms have been negotiated during prison sex


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Throughout the year, Boris Johnson has maintained that dishevelled, confused look of the people at the end of a disaster movie being ferried to the ambulances. He resigned as foreign secretary in July, barking “Chequers is dead” as if he were in an Agatha Christie novel and had just discovered the body of the butler at the bottom of the stairs. Johnson has promised a bonfire of EU regulations, a teetering one, without fencing and namby-pamby safety glasses, so that we can wipe the drifting cinders from our newly liberated eyes screaming, “f**k you, Brussels! Maybe I want to be blind!” I look forward to a UK without EU red tape, and vegans weeping in supermarkets that resemble a cross between a botanical freak show and a fruit-and-veg hospice.

I say, let’s forget the worries of Brexit for a week or two, and just enjoy our last Christmas with running water. Brexit has many downsides, but I think it will be nice for the Irish to watch a British famine. Personally I look forward to a new age where the London Christmas lights won’t be turned on by vacuous celebrities, but by someone found guilty of “talking foreign” and sentenced to complete the circuit. A time where we no longer guess the fluctuations of the market, but our high priests stare into polished heads, newly bald from radiation sickness, and interpret the patterns cast by the light of flickering sewer-fat candles.

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8 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

The shocking plight of homelessness and the impact of Universal Credit might be getting a bit more focus weren’t it for Brexit.

The sooner we have an Independent Scotland the better.


I agree. The sooner we can look after our own homeĺess the better.

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7 hours ago, NotThePars said:

An easy way to do that is to seize people's second homes and stick the homeless in them. 

That would be quite tremendous #scenes, but unlikely :lol:

I would like to see certain legislation brought in for certain types of second homes/private landlords though. Mainly anyone renting out an ex-local authority property can only do so for a maximum of whatever the equivalent Council rents are for the same type of property. It's shite seeing the homeless stats and yet you have rental companies charging double the Council rent for ex-Council houses. 


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2 hours ago, jupe1407 said:

That would be quite tremendous #scenes, but unlikely :lol:

I would like to see certain legislation brought in for certain types of second homes/private landlords though. Mainly anyone renting out an ex-local authority property can only do so for a maximum of whatever the equivalent Council rents are for the same type of property. It's shite seeing the homeless stats and yet you have rental companies charging double the Council rent for ex-Council houses. 


Do you genuinely think that would work?  It would simply see a significant reduction in the private rented sector and an equally significant increase in homelessness.

Whatever you think of private sector landlords they are not responsible for homelessness.

Government policy and underspending is the cause of the problem and only a reversal of policy and a significant increase in spending will resolve it.


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Do you genuinely think that would work?  It would simply see a significant reduction in the private rented sector and an equally significant increase in homelessness.
Whatever you think of private sector landlords they are not responsible for homelessness.
Government policy and underspending is the cause of the problem and only a reversal of policy and a significant increase in spending will resolve it.

They aren’t FULLY responsible, that’s society at large. However they do contribute to the problem; hoarding property is one of the most damaging things, and the rents they charge on former council houses is shameful.
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