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7 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Baxter why the f**k ate you defending the Labour Party? They are as guilty as the Tories as they were the ones that encouraged the bankers in the first place.

Well that isn't really true, it was Thatcher that set the bankers free to screw the country in the first place with the big bang.  Labour were just too frightened of them to actually look at what the f**k they were up to.  Absolutely Labour's "light touch" was gross stupidity and despicable cowardice but it's a fact of history that they weren't overspending and the bankers were responsible for the disaster that started in 2007. 

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35 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Well that isn't really true, it was Thatcher that set the bankers free to screw the country in the first place with the big bang.  Labour were just too frightened of them to actually look at what the f**k they were up to.  Absolutely Labour's "light touch" was gross stupidity and despicable cowardice but it's a fact of history that they weren't overspending and the bankers were responsible for the disaster that started in 2007. 

No more boom and bust...

Golden rule...

Economic cycle definition changed to meet golden rule.  Thus allowing 20bln more borrowing.

 Labour didn't overspend. :whistle


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Well that isn't really true, it was Thatcher that set the bankers free to screw the country in the first place with the big bang.  Labour were just too frightened of them to actually look at what the f**k they were up to.  Absolutely Labour's "light touch" was gross stupidity and despicable cowardice but it's a fact of history that they weren't overspending and the bankers were responsible for the disaster that started in 2007. 

You can't say an opinion is a fact - that's just annoying.

My view is that they were right to spend big on public services that had been crippled over many years.

But they did it with borrowing, and the poisonous pfi shite. There's a bit of Keynes in me so I'd have liked a wee bit more control over the economy whilst the sun was shining. Blair and Brown were far too scared and far too close to the bankers. Blair has went on to show his true colours by sooking the boaby of the city of London since he left.

Ultimately it was the neoliberal economic model that melted in 2008. And despite coming from a very different place with their views - new labour bought into that ideology hook, line, and sinker.
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13 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

What is it about right-wingers and habitual lying? This is Trump level revisionism.

There is nothing right-wing about pointing out that Labour increased the debt of the nation and that the only revisionism has been in your own posts whilst attempting to defend your original flawed argument.


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9 hours ago, Baxter Parp said:

When in doubt change the subject of the conversation.

OK, lets just stick to the actual debt that they incurred in office and not the 30+ years of expenditure that they signed the country up for. :rolleyes:  When you are talking about the amount of expenditure then clearly PFI falls into this category.

So for clarity, how much of the national debt did labour pay back in their last period in Government?  How much PFI commitments did the Labour government sign the country up for and how does this support your assertion that they did not overspend?

 I could of course take the Baxter path and claim that it is clear that Labour used PFI to a much larger extent than the Tories in an attempt to portray themselves as fiscally responsible, however I don't see the need to draw comparisons to try to change the subject.

Let's be clear hear, I am in no doubt that regardless of the inclusion of PFI, Labour overspent.

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1 hour ago, strichener said:

OK, lets just stick to the actual debt that they incurred in office and not the 30+ years of expenditure that they signed the country up for. :rolleyes:  When you are talking about the amount of expenditure then clearly PFI falls into this category.

So for clarity, how much of the national debt did labour pay back in their last period in Government?  How much PFI commitments did the Labour government sign the country up for and how does this support your assertion that they did not overspend?

 I could of course take the Baxter path and claim that it is clear that Labour used PFI to a much larger extent than the Tories in an attempt to portray themselves as fiscally responsible, however I don't see the need to draw comparisons to try to change the subject.

Let's be clear hear, I am in no doubt that regardless of the inclusion of PFI, Labour overspent.

The whole point of PFI is that it isn't included in the overall debt and it's a Tory invention, Labour just kept it going and expanded it. As for your questions, I'm not here to provide evidence for your theories, chum.  That Labour overspent ("We were living beyond our means") and were responsible for the financial crisis is your assertion, off you pop and prove it. I've already provided ample graphs and evidence.

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1 hour ago, Baxter Parp said:

The whole point of PFI is that it isn't included in the overall debt and it's a Tory invention, Labour just kept it going and expanded it. As for your questions, I'm not here to provide evidence for your theories, chum.  That Labour overspent ("We were living beyond our means") and were responsible for the financial crisis is your assertion, off you pop and prove it. I've already provided ample graphs and evidence.

Your inability to see that Labour signing PFI contracts is spending is where you are showing yourself up to be in cloud cuckoo land.  I am not sure that the whole point of PFI was that it was a Tory invention though but I suppose that keeps your narrative that all bad things originate from the Tories.

I have not asserted that Labours overspending was responsible for the financial crisis and therefore I have no need to prove something that I haven't claimed and unlike you, I fully comprehend that that the financial crisis and Labour overspending are two separate events.

As for your ample graphs and evidence, one can only laugh at the complete fantasy world that you are living in.


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Would love if someone could take all the reported yearly profits for the banks in the last 20 odd years. The years they were paying obscene bonuses and premiums to all on the stated profits and add them up.


Then start subtracting the fines, the bail outs, the PPI repayments, etc etc and I wouldn't be surprised if all the reported profits that lined pockets doesn't match the bailouts and austerity we have all been paying for in the last few years



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3 hours ago, strichener said:

Your inability to see that Labour signing PFI contracts is spending is where you are showing yourself up to be in cloud cuckoo land.  I am not sure that the whole point of PFI was that it was a Tory invention though but I suppose that keeps your narrative that all bad things originate from the Tories.

I have not asserted that Labours overspending was responsible for the financial crisis and therefore I have no need to prove something that I haven't claimed and unlike you, I fully comprehend that that the financial crisis and Labour overspending are two separate events.

As for your ample graphs and evidence, one can only laugh at the complete fantasy world that you are living in.


Jesus Christ, if you're not blaming Labour just who is it that was living beyond their means?  But by all means wave the white flag, chum.  It's about time.

I'll repost the original, since you've still provided nothing to contradict it whatsoever.



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