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Granny Danger

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40 minutes ago, Baxter Parp said:

Since Humza took the bull by the horns and gave Scotrail and Abellio the ulitimatims they needed, they've been outperforming the rest of the UK's rail networks dramatically and consistently.

There's been precious little coverage of that though.

Contrast that with the near wall to wall coverage and calls for him to be sacked when ONE TRAIN broke down!

I've always been impressed by Humza.  I do think that he's got a very bright future ahead of him and if he ever ran for leadership of the party, he'd get my vote.

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Again this idea that trans people are somehow regressive because they wished to be described as women and are thus reinforcing gender stereotypes is something that TERFs deploy to keep trans people out of women only spaces. There isn't some magic forcefield that stops guys and women from entering the wrong bathroom, if someone wants to commit assault or harass someone then they will. That's a depressing fact of life. What isn't fair is to tell people who identify as women that they can't enter the bathroom that they're more comfortable in because they were born with the wrong genitalia.

It is regressive though as it reinforces gender stereotypes. This idea that if you don't fit into the stereotypical idea of 'man' you must therefore be a woman is ridiculous and pushes back everything feminism has fought for. It to me is no surprise that the majority of trans activists are men who've transitioned into women, because once more it's men who feel entitled. Feminists are even being criticised for daring to say that trans women don't feel the same disadvantages as women grow up with. It shouldn't be controversial to describe transwomen as different from real women and yet it is becoming so.
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45 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


It is regressive though as it reinforces gender stereotypes. This idea that if you don't fit into the stereotypical idea of 'man' you must therefore be a woman is ridiculous and pushes back everything feminism has fought for. It to me is no surprise that the majority of trans activists are men who've transitioned into women, because once more it's men who feel entitled. *Feminists are even being criticised for daring to say that trans women don't feel the same disadvantages as women grow up with. It shouldn't be controversial to describe transwomen as different from real women and yet it is becoming so.




The pieces in bold are just out and out transphobia and you should be embarrassed for parroting the horrendous language of the New Statesman lot who peddle this quasi-alt right gender essentialist bullshit.

*Trans-exclusionary radical feminists are the people that are being criticised and it's not "for daring to say that trans women don't feel the same disadvantages as women grow up with". Not all cis women experience the same disadvantages growing up whether because of their sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, class or religion and it's stupidly ignorant to suggest that trans people don't experience discrimination even before they transition. Plus even outside of their socialisation growing up they experience horrendous abuse and stigmatisation which leads to trans women of colour having a life expectancy of 35 and 30% of trans women attempting suicide.

Seriously, jmo, put down your copy of the New Statesman and start reading better shit otherwise you're just going to be stuck with the rest of the Blairite slugs wondering how you're going to get some relevance back. 

Edited by NotThePars
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The pieces in bold are just out and out transphobia and you should be embarrassed for parotting the horrendous language of the New Statesman lot who peddle this quasi-alt right gender essentialist bullshit.
*Trans-exclusionary radical feminists are the people that are being criticised and it's not "for daring to say that trans women don't feel the same disadvantages as women grow up with". Not all cis women experience the same disadvantages growing up whether because of their sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, class or religion and it's stupidly ignorant to suggest that trans people don't experience discrimination even before they transition. Plus even outside of their socialisation growing up they experience horrendous abuse and stigmatisation which leads to trans women of colour having a life expectancy of 35 and 30% of trans women attempting suicide.
Seriously, jmo, put down your copy of the New Statesman and start reading better shit otherwise you're just going to be stuck with the rest of the Blairite slugs wondering how you're going to get some relevance back. 

I'm a Terf, I'm a Blairite, etc etc, more importantly I'm a feminist and I don't feel inclined to allow some self-entitled
men who feel emasculated to stomp on the hard work feminists are still having to put in to try to achieve basic equality. I'm not saying trans people don't experience discrimination and difficulties, but it's no more true that trans 'women' know what it is to be an actual woman than it is for a 'cis' woman to know what it is to be trans. They are different experiences and it's important these distinctions remain recognised.

As for the NS I've not read it since the Mehdi Hasan era (Laurie Penny to me represented the worst of the right-on left) but it's nice to know they've come aboard the Blairite bus. Might be worth picking up again.
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You just said literal minutes ago that trans women are "entitled men" so you'll excuse me if I find your attempt to portray yourself as some valiant defender of the oppressed pretty fucking rich. You're sticking up for middle class bigots with bylines in all the broadsheets who are paid excessive amounts to pontificate on why penniless women should be barred from being the gender they identify as and kept out of spaces they literally need to survive. You're not speaking for all feminists, you're speaking for a small cadre of gatekeepers who invent straw men and fictional scenarios so that people can't go to the bathroom in peace or access homeless shelters. It's not surprising that you're once more reverting to the woke soundbites but reactionary politics that you're usually deploying against the indy supporters on here but it is disappointing.

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You just said literal minutes ago that trans women are "entitled men" so you'll excuse me if I find your attempt to portray yourself as some valiant defender of the oppressed pretty fucking rich. You're sticking up for middle class bigots with bylines in all the broadsheets who are paid excessive amounts to pontificate on why penniless women should be barred from being the gender they identify as and kept out of spaces they literally need to survive. You're not speaking for all feminists, you're speaking for a small cadre of gatekeepers who invent straw men and fictional scenarios so that people can't go to the bathroom in peace or access homeless shelters. It's not surprising that you're once more reverting to the woke soundbites but reactionary politics that you're usually deploying against the indy supporters on here but it is disappointing.

I was talking about trans activists feeling entitled, which I stated quite clearly.
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5 hours ago, Jmothecat2 said:


It is regressive though as it reinforces gender stereotypes. This idea that if you don't fit into the stereotypical idea of 'man' you must therefore be a woman is ridiculous and pushes back everything feminism has fought for. It to me is no surprise that the majority of trans activists are men who've transitioned into women, because once more it's men who feel entitled. Feminists are even being criticised for daring to say that trans women don't feel the same disadvantages as women grow up with. It shouldn't be controversial to describe transwomen as different from real women and yet it is becoming so.


^^^^Stuart Campbell

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‘Iron Ring’ sculpture unveiled as part of £630k project at Flint Castle
Welsh Labour government commission monument to celebrate England's subjugation of Wales.

Well it's labour, so what else does anyone expect.
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