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Granny Danger

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If I'm honest, I'm not sure there would have been enough there to convince me to vote for a party than has treated Scotland with absolute contempt since "The Vow".

That’s fair enough. I thought they produced a genuinely exciting manifesto and had a lot of encouraging things to say about British imperialism and our role in destabilising the Middle East but I understand people in Scotland’s ambivalence or hostility.
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I've often felt that the way to ensure that soft Yes Labour voters vote for Indy in any future referendum is to scream abuse at them.

It's a cast iron vote winner imo.

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6 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


That’s fair enough. I thought they produced a genuinely exciting manifesto and had a lot of encouraging things to say about British imperialism and our role in destabilising the Middle East but I understand people in Scotland’s ambivalence or hostility.

I think that's probably the problem for the Unionist parties in general - Scottish people will never trust the Tories, a huge number feel betrayed by Labour after IndyRef, and the Lib Dems shot themselves in the foot blew their own heads off when they gave up everything for a bit of power in 2010. However you feel about the SNP, it could be argued that at least you know what you're going to get if you vote for them.

FWIW, I've been very lucky since I started voting in that I've been able to vote for candidates who I trusted to represent me and the constituency, even if I didn't necessarily agree with the overall manifesto of their party. This is obviously more suited to the Holyrood elections than the Westminster one though!

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I’ve done plenty of voluntary work for the independence cause over the years and volunteered for the SNP at the last election. No party is automatically deserving of a vote and the SNP did f**k all to get one last year. If the SNP make a modicum of effort and have a message that makes me want to vote for them then I will. As it stands I wouldn’t vote for Labour either.

A Corbyn led Labour would hopefully, and seems to be, pushing the SNP back somewhat to the left and I’m happy with that.
Pushing the SNP left?

By copying SNP policy?
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I think that's probably the problem for the Unionist parties in general - Scottish people will never trust the Tories, a huge number feel betrayed by Labour after IndyRef, and the Lib Dems shot themselves in the foot blew their own heads off when they gave up everything for a bit of power in 2010. However you feel about the SNP, it could be argued that at least you know what you're going to get if you vote for them.
FWIW, I've been very lucky since I started voting in that I've been able to vote for candidates who I trusted to represent me and the constituency, even if I didn't necessarily agree with the overall manifesto of their party. This is obviously more suited to the Holyrood elections than the Westminster one though!

My choices at the last election were Ann McLaughlin and Paul Sweeney.

I think a Yes vote would be good for the unionist parties as well in that it would give them a hard reset and an ability to start afresh. Parties arranging themselves on ideological lines rather than constitutional lines would let a lot of people, Labour and SNP leftists in particular, organise more effectively and hopefully form a consistent bloc to keep out Ruth Davidson’s Tory successor out in perpetuity.
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I wavered until the week before the election and genuinely considered not voting at all. I was down in London the same weekend of the London Bridge attack and I was impressed at Corbyn putting principle before expediency in apportioning part of the blame for terrorism landing on our shores on our foreign policy in the Middle East. I thought it was a bold decision days before a general election when it would’ve invited a furious response from the media and the Tories. Combine that with a genuine sense of optimism among a lot of people I know down there and the positive campaigning from people on the ground that wasn’t replicated by the SNP up here swayed me but it was still close. I think the SNP failed to harness any of the momentum they had in 2015 and my experiences with both parties is that Labour are putting much more effort into involving their grassroots which is baffling as the SNP have a larger membership, more party unity and a more defined outcome in mind.
SNP have a larger membership? Explain please.
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23 minutes ago, DublinMagyar said:

Ok, I get you.

I think it's irrelevant in terms of GE election though, especially one where Corbyn copied many SNP policies (therefore not pushing anyone anywhere-in Scotland)

Such a great point man.  Most of corbyns vote winning policies are already in place in Scotland, the rest labour fought to prevent the Scottish government having the power to enact.  But pushed them to the left aye right you are son.  

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48 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

  Most of corbyns vote winning policies are already in place in Scotland, the rest labour fought to prevent the Scottish government having the power to enact. 


Austerity is in place in Scotland is it not? Do we have a publicly owned energy company? Are there zero hour contracts in Scotland? What is the rate of corporation tax in Scotland?  Do we have a state investment bank? Is the minimum wage 10 pounds an hour? Is the trade union act law?


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1 hour ago, Detournement said:


Austerity is in place in Scotland is it not? Do we have a publicly owned energy company? Are there zero hour contracts in Scotland? What is the rate of corporation tax in Scotland?  Do we have a state investment bank? Is the minimum wage 10 pounds an hour? Is the trade union act law?


How much of that is devolved you utter weapon?

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16 minutes ago, Peppino Impastato said:

What did I say in the next sentence you lying fanny?

The next part only makes any sense if you are a myopic nationalist.

By your logic Labour campaigned for No in 2014 so we are stuck with austerity until the mythical second referendum is won.

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8 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The next part only makes any sense if you are a myopic nationalist.

By your logic Labour campaigned for No in 2014 so we are stuck with austerity until the mythical second referendum is won.

Give it up HB you absolute weirdo.  Nobody buys your pish.

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Things it doesn't cover. IRAQ.


Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.

60 Minutes (5/12/96)



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