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Granny Danger

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The de-industrialisation of the USA and western Europe was designed to destroy the power of the organised working class. This amusingly will result in Communist China becoming the world's number one super power this century.

Spouting off ideas you’ve read from books doesn’t make you an intellectual, m9.
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22 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Just when you thought May's government couldn't get any more corrupt.


The honours system has long been used by governments as a bribe. 

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On another topic, it never fails to astonish me how year after year at this time we are subjected to the same pious, well-meaning but utterly pointless vapourings from the great and the good.

In the last week we've had the queen, the pope, the archbishop of Canterbury and Theresa May delivering passages of sugar-coated mince to, well who exactly ? Is anybody listening ?

Piss off and leave us in peace to get gently rat-arsed the lot of you.

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29 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

On another topic, it never fails to astonish me how year after year at this time we are subjected to the same pious, well-meaning but utterly pointless vapourings from the great and the good.

In the last week we've had the queen, the pope, the archbishop of Canterbury and Theresa May delivering passages of sugar-coated mince to, well who exactly ? Is anybody listening ?

Piss off and leave us in peace to get gently rat-arsed the lot of you.

Yeah they should ditch all that pish and just have all my posts read out by famous intellectuals on prime time TV.



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3 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

On another topic, it never fails to astonish me how year after year at this time we are subjected to the same pious, well-meaning but utterly pointless vapourings from the great and the good.

In the last week we've had the queen, the pope, the archbishop of Canterbury and Theresa May delivering passages of sugar-coated mince to, well who exactly ? Is anybody listening ?

Piss off and leave us in peace to get gently rat-arsed the lot of you.

Didn't Lizzy's speech have the highest ratings of the year?

There's a terrifying thought for you.

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5 hours ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Didn't Lizzy's speech have the highest ratings of the year?

There's a terrifying thought for you.

6.3 million which is surprisingly low. Most people are just watching it cause their gran wants to see it or to make a few sarky comments.

But you have to wonder how they know how many people are watching each telly? We had 8 people in the room including a 5 year old playing minecraft.


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35 minutes ago, Detournement said:

6.3 million which is surprisingly low. Most people are just watching it cause their gran wants to see it or to make a few sarky comments.

But you have to wonder how they know how many people are watching each telly? We had 8 people in the room including a 5 year old playing minecraft.


Let me google that for you

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52 minutes ago, Highland Capital said:

Just got an advert on YouTube for the ‘Scottish Family Party’. A party I have never heard of.

Ultra right, homophobic, anti abortion, small government, the-poor-is-to-blame-for-poverty.


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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

Ultra right, homophobic, anti abortion, small government, the-poor-is-to-blame-for-poverty.


I had a look at their website.  Usually any party with the word 'family' or who are big on promoting 'family values' are warning signs and yet again that is the case.

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