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Granny Danger

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Just now, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

So, the British version of the gillet jaune protests in France, is just a handful of gammons chasing Anna Soubry down the street and calling her a nazi ?

Powerful and inspiring stuff.




It's also telling police officers that they're "fair game". Threats of violence are fine though I guess.

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Fascist idiots harassing Owen Jones. Whatever you think of his politics you have to give him credit for not backing down despite the constant - literally 24/7 on Twitter - abuse and threats he receives.

Nobody should put up with abuse like that but his slate is hardly clean on Twitter.
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So, the British version of the gillet jaune protests in France, is just a handful of gammons chasing Anna Soubry down the street and calling her a nazi ?
Powerful and inspiring stuff.
The far right are, once again, on the rise. It's pretty distasteful.

I'm not sure whether they should be arrested or not, but something has to be done against this sort of nonsense.
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8 minutes ago, Jmothecat2 said:


Nobody should put up with abuse like that but his slate is hardly clean on Twitter.

He constantly receives threats of violence and homophobic abuse. Lots of people also revelled in his father's death.

I don't think he does anything to justify that.

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3 hours ago, WATTOO said:

While we're on the subject, this is now getting ridiculous.


So, it's now a crime to call someone a Nazi ?

Has the law changed or something and nobody bothered telling anyone ??

Maybe if they spent more time discussing the shocking Knife crime issue in London and how to deal with it, as opposed to wanting to lock people up for making comments or chanting, then we'd all be getting on a whole lot better.............

How would you sort out knife crime btw? Banning kitchen knives maybe or more cops on the street enforcing breach of the peace laws so maybe things don't get out of hand?

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14 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

The far right are, once again, on the rise. It's pretty distasteful.

Erm no they're not. It's the same handful of gammons as there has always been on the far right - they're just starting a higher profile campaign than whining in their miniscule Stormfront forum. 


I'm not sure whether they should be arrested or not, but something has to be done against this sort of nonsense.

Image result for careful now

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He constantly receives threats of violence and homophobic abuse. Lots of people also revelled in his father's death.
I don't think he does anything to justify that.

No he shouldn't, and nothing justifies that sort of abuse. Doesn't mean he isn't an arsehole though.
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They seem emboldened and public with their views, framing it in a slightly smarter way (trying to make it a free speech issue, or pretending it's about protecting women and the fact they only seem concerned about protecting them from Muslim gangs is a happy coincidence). It's certainly terrifying seeing these views aired and having MPs abused and one murderer by a far right terrorist, but I agree that I don't think these views are any more popular, they are just more vocal and good at getting their presence felt by the media (who are all to happy to oblige them).
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Fantastic input, as always. So you disagree, but then admit they have a higher profile (which is exactly the point I was making).

I also thought the term 'gammon' referred to an older gentleman, a bit red around the gills? These guys are more the edl types.
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20 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

How would you sort out knife crime btw? Banning kitchen knives maybe or more cops on the street enforcing breach of the peace laws so maybe things don't get out of hand?

My point is about focus, whether that be Government, Mainstream Media, the Police or all of these.

I appreciate my views on modern society rarely prove popular on here, however I firmly believe that trivialities have taken the focus away from serious crime.

I also appreciate that any form of abuse can have an adverse effect on it's victim, however surely we should be making violent crimes and repeat offenders the priority ?

As for knife crime, we need to understand the underlying reasons which I'd guess are to do with poverty, deprivation, desperation and the fact that all the so called lost causes are dumped into the one area and then left to police themselves via gangland and drug lord justice.

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Just watched the Owen Jones video and take back what I said. That's horrific. He dealt with that far better than I would have. Just watched another video of (I presume the same group) giving absolute abuse to a black guy who seemed to be doing absolutely nothing but smiling in their presence. I'm all for the right to protest but those sort of deliberately intimidating actions shouldn't be tolerated by the police.

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7 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

My point is about focus, whether that be Government, Mainstream Media, the Police or all of these.

I appreciate my views on modern society rarely prove popular on here, however I firmly believe that trivialities have taken the focus away from serious crime.

I also appreciate that any form of abuse can have an adverse effect on it's victim, however surely we should be making violent crimes and repeat offenders the priority ?

As for knife crime, we need to understand the underlying reasons which I'd guess are to do with poverty, deprivation, desperation and the fact that all the so called lost causes are dumped into the one area and then left to police themselves via gangland and drug lord justice.

Telling yobs to shut it while an elected politician is getting interviewed at her place of work will not detract from the fight against knife crime.

Edited by welshbairn
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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Telling yobs to shut it while an elected politician is getting interviewed at her place of work will not detract from the fight against knife crime.

The yobs in question do nothing for me, however I find it worrying that MP's are trying to close down protest and criticism whether that be people chanting or shouting things at them which they don't want to hear.

It's supposed to be a free country, however the laws are increasingly being used / twisted to stop anyone protesting or making points that those in power don't want to hear.

Criticize a Jewish MP and you're antisemitic.

Criticize a Female MP and you're misogynistic.

I'm sorry but maybe it's just because they're a useless tosser and nothing to do with their religion or sex but nowadays we can't have that because we're all racists, bigots,  & sexists at heart apparently.

Ironically, if those in Parliament actually treated each other with respect and decency then maybe it would rub off on Joe public by setting an example and then they'd be in a position to preach to us all, but of course we all know how that one goes............



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1 minute ago, WATTOO said:

The yobs in question do nothing for me, however I find it worrying that MP's are trying to close down protest and criticism whether that be people chanting or shouting things at them which they don't want to hear.

It's supposed to be a free country, however the laws are increasingly being used / twisted to stop anyone protesting or making points that those in power don't want to hear.

Criticize a Jewish MP and you're antisemitic.

Criticize a Female MP and you're misogynistic.

I'm sorry but maybe it's just because they're a useless tosser and nothing to do with their religion or sex but nowadays we can't have that because we're all racists, bigots,  & sexists at heart apparently.

Ironically, if those in Parliament actually treated each other with respect and decency then maybe it would rub off on Joe public by setting an example and then they'd be in a position to preach to us all, but of course we all know how that one goes............



And if there's another Jo Cox?

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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

So when a far right goon is shouting that he wants to anally rape a woman with an EU flag, this is... protest? Designed to change people's minds? Hmm? Draw attention to a burning issue?

There's a difference between exploiting a febrile atmosphere to restrict free expression and trying to avoid the very fucking real possibility of another Jo Cox happening. Most of us can recognise that's the case here.

Not that I disagree with you, but the anal rape thing is probably a bit hyperbolic, like shouting "You can stick your Union Jack up your arse!".

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17 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

And if there's another Jo Cox?

That was a mentally ill lunatic and being honest, how many people had even heard of Jo Cox prior to her murder ?

I personally find it in bad taste that her name is brought up each time an MP receives a little abuse.

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