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Back pain

Mr Rational

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I hurt my lower left back on Christmas Eve and was bed ridden for the next three days unable to walk. Time and very strong painkillers and anti inflammatories were the only cure. After a few days once I was able to stand again and move a bit then (very) gentle stretching exercises helped. Still getting pain in my left SI joint now (basically my left arse cheek). Apparently I hurt a nerve when it happened. Awful pain. Wouldn't wish it on Granny Danger.

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Whoever said the the best thing for a sore back was to lie flat on a hard surface had never tried it!

Or he was a c*nt of a medic with a sadistic sense of humour.

ETA subsequent to Gunthers post. I was in BUPA at the time , got mir scans, the lot . Found nothing.

MY gp said to visit the chiropractor across the . A mixture of massage and physical assault but he fixed it.

Still go once/month as prophylaxis

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I put my back out about 4 years ago, physio was barely helping and was on a course where I couldnt sit in my seat properly. Trainer convinced to go see a chiropractor, less than half a dozen sessions and one final scary adjustment and it was totally sorted. They get a bad rep but if you get a good one they are brilliant.

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plus I got acupuncture as my back was proper fucked.

I'd recommend spending your money on a chocolate teapot or an ashtray for your motorbike, anything really would be more useful than bullshit like acupuncture.

I got severe back problems over the last couple of weeks. My back muscles were spasming (is that even a word?) and causing havoc. Anti-inflammatory's, strong painkillers and apply heat to the sore area was my prescription. Worked a treat.

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Tramadol is your friend.

And everyone else will also be your friend.

Yep, I've managed to get a wee supply from them from one of the women I walk my dog with (her husband is prescribed them and doesn't take them as he thinks he will get addicted), they are great stuff especially if you take two of them alongside co-codamol and ibuprofen.

I actually work with physios, they have given me stretching exercises to do, but that's all good and well, it's not helping with the pain.

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This was like 5 sessions in and my back muscles were that stiff he was struggling to get much movement out my spine so did the acupuncture to trick the muscles into thinking their fucked and they'll self-heal allowing my back to loosen up. Worked a treat man!

You'll need to explain how acupuncture "tricks" anything other than the gullible b*****d paying good money for it.

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Had back pain for a year exactly now, just came out of the blue and got to the stage where I could not put my own socks on or tie my own laces. Went to docs and was prescribed painkillers which worked a bit but obviously not a permanent solution.

Guy at my work mentioned having your wallet in your back pocket while sitting can cause problems with your back and sure enough he was right. Within a couple of days the difference was noticeable and while not perfect it is now a lot more manageable.

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You'll need to explain how acupuncture "tricks" anything other than the gullible b*****d paying good money for it.

Pain is interpreted by the brain, so the placebo affect could certainly be legit.

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Pain is interpreted by the brain, so the placebo affect could certainly be legit.

Well, that's entirely my point. The notion that acupuncture has some sort of magical healing power is ridiculous, people think they are being treated and therefore feel better, a sugar pill would have the same effect.

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Well, that's entirely my point. The notion that acupuncture has some sort of magical healing power is ridiculous, people think they are being treated and therefore feel better, a sugar pill would have the same effect.

If it gets rid of the pain then who gives a f**k if it's acupuncture, pink pills or fairy dust?

I regularly have sore backs after a cracked pelvis healed in the wrong way. The best thing i've found is to strengthen your core muscles with exercise - again not short term and not instant fix but in the long run its worth it.

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The report that is quoted on that page is interesting, "Acupuncture Is Theatrical Placebo". It includes the statement:

"There is now unanimity that the benefits, if any, of acupuncture for analgesia, are too small to be helpful to patients."

This is fairly well known, but GPs and physios still seem unable, in some cases, to grasp it. It amazes me that people who really should be able to grasp the importance of trials and the placebo effect are still seduced by personal experience.

Still, we've almost won the battle against homeopathy, so perhaps we're getting there.

Back pain management is a tightrope between analgesia and anti-inflammation, and gentle remedial exercise. A little from Column A, a little from Column B. Then the preventative stuff that no one does once they feel a bit better.

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A game of squash - bit of core strengthening and stretching. Getting someone in high heels to walk up and down your back is another cure I'd recommend. Dihydrocodeine is good too and doesn't make you as sleepy as Tramadol (unless you neck it down with a bottle of Night Nurse and vodka).

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