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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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I'm ok with McLaughlin re-signing as he will do a job for us

Can anyone tell me what job McLaughlin does? He doesn't tackle as he is too slow to get close to his opponent. He doesn't create or score.

I think there is a fair amount of revisionism about some of the players that were not good enough last year.

McLaughlin, as I've said above. Gormley, the non scoring striker who struggles to link up as he can't control the ball or stay on his feet. Why would this change next season?

I don't really see what others see in Marsh. He gave energy to a slow lacklustre midfield but lacks composure and ability to pass.

We may just be repeating the same errors of last year if these players play regularly.

I am happier with the new signings though as well as Linton and Junior. So overall, on balance, I'm pleased

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Can anyone tell me what job McLaughlin does? He doesn't tackle as he is too slow to get close to his opponent. He doesn't create or score.

I think there is a fair amount of revisionism about some of the players that were not good enough last year.

McLaughlin, as I've said above. Gormley, the non scoring striker who struggles to link up as he can't control the ball or stay on his feet. Why would this change next season?

I don't really see what others see in Marsh. He gave energy to a slow lacklustre midfield but lacks composure and ability to pass.

We may just be repeating the same errors of last year if these players play regularly.

I am happier with the new signings though as well as Linton and Junior. So overall, on balance, I'm pleased

Apparently our our midfield was strong last season let's just hope we find a formation that the new signings can fit into

Ps the resignings are all good guys according to BF whatever that means personally would rather have some not very nice guys who were winners 😊

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On Twitter: Following tonight's updates, look out for another piece of exciting news tomorrow morning!

Right boys, get the alarms set.

Rumour new toilet paper at Broadwood, pies will be hotter , the floodlights with be brighter and the socks will be white this year

Happy times 😊

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To the extent that he has brought in as many genuinely quick and pacey players as he has, Ferguson deserves congratulations. And even more for the pedigree of those players (e.g. Flynn).

However, while David W regards as great his own inability to readily select a best-eleven from our prospective squad, I take the opposite view. One could just as easily have taken David's line prior to John Brown's first (complete) season, after all. Indeed, I recall David and many others saying more-or-less the same thing then as now. Most memorably in the wake of signings like Trouten and Kettlewell.

To put it another way, I would be more encouraged if I was reading about a growing squad which, notwithstanding its size, appeared to lend itself to a particular way of playing. In that circumstance one could have real confidence in the vision of the manager.

I think it's worth saying (repeating) the following too. Nothing has been said on this thread about the possibility of bringing in a genuine midfield-general. Someone bigger than McGovern, nimbler than Marsh and more powerful than McLaughlin. Unfortunately I think we have, as a support, forgotten that such a class of player exists. And there is something ironic about that, isn't there? Given the salient role such players have had in our downfall (through the years: Neil MacFarlane at QoS, Gary Fusco at Brechin, Brown Ferguson at Alloa).

Another worry for me is how at ease we are with 'versatility'. We're too accustomed to the idea. Better to keep versatility to a minimum; limited to one or two known bench-warmers. Legitimising versatility has led to some ridiculous sights in years gone by: Pat Scullion playing everywhere, Alan Trouten playing as a wing-back, Brian McQueen playing as a forward, Steven Brisbane as a full-back and so on.

Lastly, counter-intuitive though it may seem, a side can have too much pace; it might zip up the park in a matter of seconds, but if it loses possession outside the opposition's box, for example, and it hasn't the proper security, the opposition might counter-attack and end up getting a free charge right at the last line. It's absolutely of the essence that we have a Gandalf-type in the way of that. Perhaps McGovern/McLaughlin could do it, on instruction. However, what they won't do is all the other generalissimo stuff. Neither player is imposing enough to really boss a midfield. So it is clear, at least to me, that we need another player there and not another attacking midfielder who can operate without any ball-winning and defensive responsibilities.

That we all aren't absolutely itching to keep Gemmell dismays me. For how long were we without such a player? We'd be mad not to keep him on.

You constantly ramble on about midfield generals but where are these players? You've given three examples of guys who didn't play at this level. There's not a team at this level who had such a player last season and I'm struggling to think of many over the last few years. And it would be negligent to waste money on such a player when he would at most be the sixth most important in the side. 


Your point on versatility is partially correct but at no point did I, or anyone, advocate using players in positions where they weren't comfortable. Other examples you could have given would include Linton moving forward into midfield, Marsh contributing positively in a number of positions. Brisbane is a daft example as that was obviously a last resort with Millen out for the Elgin game.


You are of course correct about the transition when we lose possession but I'd counter that it's impossible to discuss this without knowing formations. A back three and one intelligent sitting midfielder (McGovern) could easily be trained to stop whatever counter attacks would come from this division now that QP have gone.

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You constantly ramble on about midfield generals but where are these players? You've given three examples of guys who didn't play at this level. There's not a team at this level who had such a player last season and I'm struggling to think of many over the last few years. And it would be negligent to waste money on such a player when he would at most be the sixth most important in the side. 


Your point on versatility is partially correct but at no point did I, or anyone, advocate using players in positions where they weren't comfortable. Other examples you could have given would include Linton moving forward into midfield, Marsh contributing positively in a number of positions. Brisbane is a daft example as that was obviously a last resort with Millen out for the Elgin game.


You are of course correct about the transition when we lose possession but I'd counter that it's impossible to discuss this without knowing formations. A back three and one intelligent sitting midfielder (McGovern) could easily be trained to stop whatever counter attacks would come from this division now that QP have gone.


Ahl have you ya kent!

In all seriousness, your arguments are unusually poor and, even more unusually, you are factually in error. All - all - of the players I named played at this level doing precisely what I suggested they were good at. So, unless you want to say that because Clyde encountered them most recently as league-one or Championship players that somehow invalidates my position, you should withdraw your counter-point. The basement league did, does and will continue to feature midfield generals. I have more recent examples on ice if you want to try me. The breed is far from unknown, albeit uncommon. Taking your reasoning to its conclusion: would you call Clyde negligent for pursuing Scott Linton? Clearly a bit good for this league, even still. And what about Stuart Kettlewell? Are you going to tell Queen's Park supporters that he was at best their sixth-most important player back when he was virtually winning them this league from centre-mid? Get in the sea son!

I didn't even come close to suggesting you advocated using players in position in which they weren't comfortable. That point wasn't addressed to anyone in particular. And come on now "at no point did I, or anyone, advocate using players in positions where they weren't comfortable". Do I have to dig up the posts? There have been all sorts of mental suggestions re where to play players on here in recent memory. There was a time at which we, as a support, didn't give much thought to moving players from their known positions. We think about it a lot more now because we've been warped by years of shoddy to mediocre management; managers, not supporters, legitimised it.

I didn't intend - and you knew as much, let's have it right - to ignore the successful movement of players into other positions by citing some of the poorer examples. My point is as above: we're habituated. We think it's normal. We should temper the impulse. In re of your examples, one could plausibly argue that we've derailed David Marsh's development by moving him around as we have. He showed promise as a centre back, much like McQueen. Will that promise ever be realised when he comes to be viewed forever after as a utility player? As far as I can tell that is the regard both Ferguson and much of our support hold him in. As for Linton, well patently he could play almost anywhere and do a job in this league. No argument there. Being an older player, too, he is of the sort one can move around without fear of spoiling potential. Brisbane isn't a daft example because he was brought in again for the final at full-back, despite alternative line-ups being available. Yes: he done well up at Elgin. But that's the start of the naivety: "Oh, he done a right good shift out of position that one time, Steven Brisbane, let's see if we can't make a full-back of him". You know exactly the thinking I'm on about, too. Remember Ricky Waddell's debut as a centre-forward? Ran the show. Next game? Whoaf. Alan Lithgow sitting-mid, Marvyn Wilson centre-back, Ross McMillan sitting-mid, Dave McKay anywhere at all, Iain Gray anywhere at all. And so many more in recent memory. We are particularly bad for this. Long story short: we should be loath to qualify the principle that players have played in their positions for as long as they have for a reason. That's really all I'm saying.

Agree re the back three plus McGovern as the security. And yes: what I say is speculative by definition. Knowing the other side's shape, or ours, would make a difference. But what's your point? You're not suggesting that, on that basis, we should be content with a midfield less-good than it otherwise might be, are you? Put another way: because we can't be sure about X, Y or Z we should forget about bringing in a great midfielder. That would be utterly fatuous.

You've obviously got a vision for the team which doesn't feature the midfield-general that I think we'd prosper with. That's fine. It doesn't preclude success - of course not. But let's not give off the impression that I'm in search of Nirvana. Or that Clyde have had a perfectly healthy approach to making utility-players out of otherwise established players.

Edited by Sao Paulo
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Apparently signing one of the best young players in Scotland - yet it will still cast doubt in what Ferguson is trying to achieve from all the Champ Managers 93 on here.


Without wanting to sound too negative, I'll wait and see if that's actually the case or whether it's just director speak, but it certainly sounds promising.


ETA: I'll predict Dylan Easton for what it's worth. He's only 22 and David W said we'd be signing another ex-Dumbarton player, which again, Easton is.

Edited by Scott-Replay
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