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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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It's a hard shift, being right from the off, every time...

New gaffer please.

On 30/08/2016 at 21:41, Sao Paulo said:

Our response to Marsh leaving shouldn't be resigned well-wishing bundled up with rationalisations of his usefulness ("the minute we started to split the centre halves more under BF [Marsh] struggled"), it should be indignation. Marsh is at least as good a centre-half as McNiff, whose ability Annan supporters are right to rate as, at best, somewhere just above average. More to the point, Marsh was and still would be outstandingly superior to Oliver or McNeil at centre-half. My god: I can't believe I read that ("I'd stick with what we have now"); have you been going to the games, David? We've conceded 13 in 8! Emphasise the systemic differences driven by Ferguson all you like. Those differences are obvious and everything written here about the drawbacks of slower, no-frills centre haves is manifestly correct. None of which changes the fact that mildly experienced sub-six-footers don't pass muster in the middle of a league two back-line. In Marsh we had something quite rare: a tall, not-too-slow, experienced centre-half, with a wee bit of skill to his game. And we thought it better to play who over these past two months: Ewan McNeil? Michael Oliver? f**k me. The folly couldn't be more rudimentary on Ferguson's part. Watch the highlights of the goals we've shipped - Marsh would've emptied some of those out without even jumping. Templeman's sickeningly easy goal for Montrose a few weeks back, for example. He could've been five-foot nothing and still have scored it. You've got to laugh mind. Barry giving it the rage-monster routine after Annan and our defensive showing genuinely expecting a response from the defence he put out at the weekend. Risible, risible stuff.

There's a power of fiction written on this thread about McQueen and Marsh. To read through it all you'd think we were streets ahead of where we were when their partnership ended. We're ploughing the same fields. Alright, we've made a decision to play a different way now. It is not a decision which involves us in tolerating diddies at the back. More fool us if we think we're in the throes of karma ('get a good midfield, loose a good defence'). We'd be twice the team we are just now with Marsh and McQueen behind McLaughlin; his protection would mitigate much of what some who've written here claim in their rationalisations to have been - maybe's aye, maybe's naw - worried about.

Of course, the other piss you off thing about Marsh leaving is the way we've treated him. Once a decent centre half, then a utility man; used variously as a full-back, wide-right and centre-mid, but only ever enjoying any 'alternative' success in the latter position. A bit like McQueen 'the striker'. We've a terrible record of creating utility men out of well established in-one-position players. It needs to stop. Need a player? Sign a player. We're two or three short of even getting close to Forfar. God help us if Peaso or Easton do themselves an injury.

On 10/09/2016 at 17:51, Sao Paulo said:

This will be remembered as a sore win because it heralded an immediate future of defeat. It was another showcase game for poorly organised, weak and timid defending. Ferguson will go on lamenting it asininely of course. He'll insist that his players underperformed, that they didn't follow instructions and that he will, by god, deliver them another bollocking - a fatuous outcome for everyone.

We lose goals because we have mediocre players manning our defence.

Easton's injury. Well, even if he's out for three weeks, what chance have we got? Wee Fergie's nowhere near fitness, based on today's showing. Really slow looking. Leaves us without much hope, I would think. Utterly predictable, I hate to say it.

On 17/09/2016 at 16:00, Sao Paulo said:

He doesn't work at all, actually [Phil Johnston at right back]. But you'll never concede that. After all, it would involve you all in selling shares in an ideology which you're a heavily invested and very public backer of.

It's been a good one, despite the play. We're two up, for heaven's sake. We got the early one from a good long throw, as said, and then Peaso stuck one into an empty net from about thirty yards following an overly bold - euphemism for keech - piece of goalkeeping.

Aye: we're under the cosh. And I'm sorry to labour the point - I'm not - but Phil Johnston. Give it up, Barry. We're holding up a wee bit better with Perry, who is, apropos of a real centre half, at least heading the ball back into midfield without much trouble. Now just go full circle, Bazza, and play the rest of the boys in their proper positions.

On 24/09/2016 at 13:20, Sao Paulo said:

Whatever the result today - I expect an away win - the period from now until November 12th inclusive will probably see us drop a fair few points. We'll have to graft to remain in the play-off spots. I've no expectation that we will. Not without adding to the squad. Insha'Allah, my doom-telling will be contradicted.

On 25/09/2016 at 15:33, Sao Paulo said:

Ah, come on now. It's a sad day if we say that our supporters weren't entitled to be doubtful of a player with Perry's record. And he has only made the two starts. If you're 26 and you haven't had a proper season behind you, your sun is setting.

On 30/10/2016 at 22:06, Sao Paulo said:

I'm pleased that we now have an abundance of evidence which should convince our supporters, if not our manager, to stop advocating daft choices for our starting eleven (Johnstone at right-back, McNiff on the left).

However, some tinkering, or a lack of it in some cases, might've had us beating Berwick and Stirling. In which case we'd be top of the league already. The blame will sit with the manager, not the players.

On 13/11/2016 at 01:23, Sao Paulo said:

Patently, for some, it's more important that I, or another supporter, be seen to be wrong or 'obsessed' than that Clyde actually win things. You were right, David [W], when you said last week that we look a tight unit and we're a player or two away from being able to catch Forfar. However, it'll be daft decisions that keep us from the play-off spots, or worse. If Barry stops making those, I'm sure we could win it. Will he? Can't see it.

On 11/12/2016 at 00:57, Sao Paulo said:

One day the McNiff delusion, just like the Sweeney and Johnston delusions, will end.

On 11/12/2016 at 14:15, Sao Paulo said:
  1. At the back of everyone's mind, though it's never really been expressed on here, should be a concern about every player in our line except McNeil. Perry and Smith are prone to what Barry's called "individual errors" on the OS. Those have followed Smith through his career. Perry likewise. In Perry's case it's probably a symptom of being as old as he is and having barely a season of experience behind him. For Smith, who knows. Being moved around a lot over the course of your career probably doesn't help.
  2. When a defender does what McNiff does over the course of a first-half, that's generally enough for a spectator to conclude that he's had a bad one. If he's going to be in the habit of making bad before good, that's all we need to know. The number of goals we've conceded that have his name against them, so to speak, speaks volumes.
On 27/12/2016 at 12:03, Sao Paulo said:

Forfar are much better than us: more quality, more depth and more experience pound for pound.

Although it hasn't been expressed on P&B it will have occurred to our supporters that even the better players in our defence are on the ropey side*. I don't say this now, off the back of this loss, because it was so heavy. No. It's just because mistakes, sloppiness, sluggishness... They follow our defenders around. That can't seriously be disputed. And it doesn't take a player like Jim Lister to bring them out either

Nobody really thinks Smith and Perry are excellent defenders. We don't trash them because, maybe two times out of three, they do the job: they win the header, they make the block; they've got the presence. Two out of three ain't bad - ouch - but it's not what we got with defenders like McQueen - before he took the yips - or Lithgow, further back. Those guys were more dependable. Another reason we don't collectively lay into Smith and Perry is because, if we did, we'd be picking bones all over the place. And nobody wants to come over like Sao Paulo as negative as that. But...! That's the reality. We've been considerably better at the back while in this league.

Before the first Forfar match, I predicted that we'd lose it and go on to struggle to keep our play-off spot. I'm about a month out on the latter part of the prediction - I saw us being on the brink at Gayfield last month - but we could be fifth this time next week. Ideal world? January brings a defender or two, the extension (?) of Tiffoney's loan, and another forward. If there's also a buck in the trend of Ferguson's unfortunate decision making re starting XI, good signings under those headings will see us hold a play-off.

*I exempt McNeil from that appraisal; he's been a quality signing.

On 31/12/2016 at 22:16, Sao Paulo said:

Not at the game this afternoon. Had a glance at the team selection just there... My god in heaven. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Look: if it's down to injuries or whatever then it's forgiveable. But otherwise... I'd give Barry until February - latest - to put the brakes on this largely self-inflicted slump.

I hoped I'd be wrong about us struggling to keep that play-off spot, of course. Alas, Annan and Edinburgh now have us within their gravity.

On 07/01/2017 at 16:45, Sao Paulo said:

Can't wait for Rev. Coles to show face on this thread. Hawl, reverend...! I thought we were spoiled with Barry!? Could it be that your uncle Paulo's called it right from minute one?

On 15/02/2017 at 19:06, Sao Paulo said:

If we lose to Elgin this week and then to Annan next, I think that'd be the point beyond which redemption was completely unthinkable. We'd be taking a real punt on our status as a senior side if we couldn't get rid at that point.


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25 minutes ago, Sao Paulo said:

It's a hard shift, being right from the off, every time...

New gaffer please.


That is actually quite sad that you felt the need to do that amount of either back cataloguing or that you have been saving those posts somewhere for this day potentially arriving.

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I'm sure our club website will be 1st with the scoop!
oh , ok maybe not.......
peaso so for player coach as the cheap option

Why would they keep fans informed ?

Old habits die hard

They will be on their knees begging him to stay, if he goes then they are in the spotlight
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Have a look at daily record on line basically club begging him to stay ha ha


He has been asked to "take time "

They are bricking it if he leaves ha ha


Take time!!


How much fucking time do they want him to take! Picked up 2 points in 3 months and dropped down the league like a fucking rock. I wouldn't give the p***k time to clear his desk. f**k off now Barry!


ETA: anyone seriously asking him to stay on should really just go too. Doesn't take much to gauge the views of the support or the dire performances on the park. Sheer idiocy to say anything other than good riddance.

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Current players be trusted with new manager.....??!

You might be surprised at how the performances turn around if we get somebody in that knows their arse from their elbow. Otherwise not much we can do till the end of the season. Plenty of them I would not be sad to see the back of though.

Not sure who is contracted for next season but I would be offering new deals to McNeil, Linton, Peaso, Lowden, Easton and the new young keeper. A few others maybe but plenty to get shot of.
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5 minutes ago, Clyde01 said:


You might be surprised at how the performances turn around if we get somebody in that knows their arse from their elbow. Otherwise not much we can do till the end of the season. Plenty of them I would not be sad to see the back of though.

Not sure who is contracted for next season but I would be offering new deals to McNeil, Linton, Peaso, Lowden, Easton and the new young keeper. A few others maybe but plenty to get shot of.


McNeil, Lowden, Flynn, Johnston and McNiff all signed two year deals. Not sure about Ferguson when he resigned last year.

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