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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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I'm in two minds on this one but, at the end of the day, he has paid his penalty, is he to never be allowed to ply his trade again?

He's not paid any penalty other than that of public opinion. He's not served jail time or paid the money due to the girl.
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Not for the first time on this website the moral majority rush to condemn. 
Just as as well the days of stoning and ducking to check for witchcraft have gone!
Beware the mob!

Well it's a fans run club if outraged of (fill in the place name) then join the CIC and if you feel that strongly and vote the people in charge out .

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1 hour ago, haufdaft said:


He's not paid any penalty other than that of public opinion. He's not served jail time or paid the money due to the girl.


Contract cancelled at Plymouth, forced to sell house at a loss, reputation in tatters - no, no penalty.

And all because a judge, who would not allow him to defend himself,  decides that " on the balance of probabilities" he is a rapist.

And now a large number on here and the OS would happily see him deprived of the opportunity to ever play football, his livelihood, again.

Not saying the guy's an angel, he's been incredibly stupid, and "on the balance of probabilities" has probably/ possibly /allegedly taken advantage of someone more drunk than he was.

There but for the grace of God go many on here.

All in my considered opinion, of course.

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I can't say I'm a fan of this at all. Astonished that there's no accompanying comments with the statement announcing the transfer; even just token stuff about rehabilitation etc. How on Earth else can a community club justify this?

Have you contacted them to voice your displeasure?
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Genuine question here, if Goodwillie fires in 8 goals between now and May and keeps Clyde up comfortably before moving on in the summer, is that preferable to not signing him and spending next season in the LL?
I'm genuinely not sure how I'd feel if you gave me that offer.

Have a guess ?
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Contract cancelled at Plymouth, forced to sell house at a loss, reputation in tatters - no, no penalty.
And all because a judge, who would not allow him to defend himself,  decides that " on the balance of probabilities" he is a rapist.
And now a large number on here and the OS would happily see him deprived of the opportunity to ever play football, his livelihood, again.
Not saying the guy's an angel, he's been incredibly stupid, and "on the balance of probabilities" has probably/ possibly /allegedly taken advantage of someone more drunk than he was.
There but for the grace of God go many on here.
All in my considered opinion, of course.

All comforting to the woman he raped I guess.

I'm ashamed of my club tonight.
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I wonder what all the "give the guy a break mob" would be saying if cowdenbeath had taken on david BADwillie?

poor poor decision and like always i was going tomorrow, but not a chance in hell now

maybe its an over reaction but i almost hope we get relegated on the back of this

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All comforting to the woman he raped I guess.

I'm ashamed of my club tonight.

You obviously have access to evidence that the criminal court did not then to make such a strong allegation?

It's a very murky area in terms of consent being given when the victim is out of their face. Part of me wonders if there would have been an allegation at all if it had been joe bloggs rather than an international footballer.

In terms of the clubs decision, it was always going to come with a hugely negative backlash given the high profile nature of the case and it doesn't sit comfortably with a community and family oriented outlook. On the other hand we are essentially getting a Scottish Premiership standard player for our last 6 games which will surely help on the field.

In my opinion we could have done without the controversy and divisive nature of this decision but let's see how it pans out.
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On this occasion I believe Clyde should have tried to repair the mess on the park with the player's that have created that mess. 

Bringing in a player with this sort of allegation hovering over his head I would imagine won't go down well with Fans and probably a good few player's also.

But I suppose it is what it is, six games to save your club and the board have taken an enormous gamble.

Is Goodwillies head going to be 100% on playing football, is he going to help or hinder your Squad?. 

Time will tell.

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Virtually every single post made since the announcement of David Goodwillie's signing has been characterised by unmerited certainty. What else? We've had fatuous remarks about Clyde's legal personality; implying that if Clyde were a private limited company, for instance, its employment of a rapist might be more easily excused. And I think there was even a post which implied that the absence of a line on Clyde website's mentioning something like rehabilitation for Goodwillie was disgraceful.

Arrest your determined indignation for a moment. Now realise that the very notion of rehabilitation for a rapist would be nothing short of an insult to the victim. Rapists go to prison. They aren't put through assessments of sexual etiquette and they don't receive information about the legal mechanics of consent but for at trial. In what has long been a terrifyingly strong field, this is an outstanding episode of supporter-led casuistry; an apotheosis moment for idiocy.

The only thing which is truly certain here is that absolutely nobody passing comment will have read the commendably thorough opinion given by Lord Armstrong in the case of Goodwillie and Robertson. It's available here. If you do anything this evening, read it and be convinced one way or the other. And which ever way you are convinced, remember that you were either more or less so after reading it; not before.

For anyone who doesn't think it should be very difficult for the state to incarcerate someone or otherwise rob him of his liberty, and for anyone who thinks it's just a thing that someone can, through the relatively meagre rigour of a civil proceeding, have the libel of rapist attached to him, I say this to you: you are fantastically ignorant and you would, if you had it your way, give away to siren calls our inheritance of British Justice; it being until recently the most procedurally robust kind around.

Hypothetical questions for the progressives in the room: which other acts, not sufficiently evidenced to be tried as crimes, or tried unsuccessfully as such, would you like to see civil liability exist for? Will David Goodwillie still be a rapist if he successfully appeals the civil decision? And just how big would you like the state to be, roughly?

What's my own opinion on Goodwillie? Excellent player; far too good for us. With him, the old boy from Irvine and these new lads from Dundee, we might just survive. Although, I'd say anyone that beds a woman who's had a drink in her - even if she isn't 'drunk'; whatever that means - should be in the jail. But then, I've an old fashioned sense of morality. If I had my way, the Police would simply follow taxis away from Sauchiehall Street each night; park up, let the door shut, then put it through. Fill the cells in no time.

Edited by Sao Paulo
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