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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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This is why rape oughtn't be actionable but in the criminal courts. It's an act of power driven violence, not something which ought to work out at £50,000 per perpetrator. If the state does not mount a prosecution, a civil action comes very close to being a circumvention of the - increasingly weak - double jeopardy concept. Albeit that no prosecution - as was the case here - and one which does not produce a conviction are quite different. If it's always open for someone to take someone else to the state's courts, irrespective of what kind of courts those are, you've a system of justice which tyrannises by the uncertainty it perpetuates.

This is principles of justice 101. None of which should lead anyone to think that I, or anyone else, regards David Goodwillie as anything less than a scumbag.

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6 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

I thought the double jeopardy rule was abolished after the Stephen Lawrence case? Or does that not affect Scottish Law?

The legislation post-Lawrence didn't affect Scotland (correct). However, we caught up to some extent about six years ago. It's not quite right to say the rule is abolished; it was, if you like, made subject to exceptions. I'm sure there's decent Wiki page out there on this. It's all thoroughly facile though; just another power grab by the state. It's understood to fix a rule from another time but, in my view, it's a deletion of our inheritance by progressives.

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Surely we should appoint an experienced manager NOW for last few league games. At the time Barry left I understood and agreed with decision to appoint JP and Peaso but it hasn't worked and time to get an 'old head. We have nothing to lose by a change as it looks like players have no confidence and can't see them winnng any of the remaining games. It's too important not to do something. 

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Just now, Neilymckirdy said:

Surely we should appoint an experienced manager NOW for last few league games. At the time Barry left I understood and agreed with decision to appoint JP and Peaso but it hasn't worked and time to get an 'old head. We have nothing to lose by a change as it looks like players have no confidence and can't see them winnng any of the remaining games. It's too important not to do something. 

The uncertainty of where Clyde will be playing next season would put some (experienced) candidates off.

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24 minutes ago, headthebaw said:

The uncertainty of where Clyde will be playing next season would put some (experienced) candidates off.

He's referring that if he keeps up, he would either have a job at Clyde next season but tbh he'd deserve an OBE to keep us up. 

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We should have appointed someone experienced going with peaso and jp was the cheapest and most riskiest option they are part of the dressing room that has ultimately failed, part of the gutless, emotionless, no desire, no fight and spineless b*****ds we employ to go out and not give a shit. I've followed the team all over the country and this is the worst group of players I've ever seen most of them are chancers and ferguson is to blame for signing them. The board need to have a long look at themselves too for not acting fast enough to rectify the problem earlier in the season and we are now on the verge of dropping out the senior leagues. 

I don't care about anything at the moment other than saving my club, we come on here and argue amongst ourselves when we should be united and getting the deadwood out that's holding us back. Some may not come back and that's their decision and that's fine,  I'll still be there supporting the club not these so called footballers that masquerade around the pitch every Saturday. 

I still care! 

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We should have appointed someone experienced going with peaso and jp was the cheapest and most riskiest option they are part of the dressing room that has ultimately failed, part of the gutless, emotionless, no desire, no fight and spineless b*****ds we employ to go out and not give a shit. I've followed the team all over the country and this is the worst group of players I've ever seen most of them are chancers and ferguson is to blame for signing them. The board need to have a long look at themselves too for not acting fast enough to rectify the problem earlier in the season and we are now on the verge of dropping out the senior leagues. 
I don't care about anything at the moment other than saving my club, we come on here and argue amongst ourselves when we should be united and getting the deadwood out that's holding us back. Some may not come back and that's their decision and that's fine,  I'll still be there supporting the club not these so called footballers that masquerade around the pitch every Saturday. 
I still care! 

Serious question what can the fans do at the present time?
They have them great backing yesterday Maybe over the summer you could ask for change by then it's probably to late
The club won't fold but it's a long way back its not just winning the lowland it's winning two play off games

I do think a good few will pack it in just speaking to a lot of the guys at games , don't think I would be back the standard of football on offer in league 2 is dreadful , imagine what's it like in the Lowland League

Going to football is all about supporting your team and enjoying matches there is very little of the later
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We should have appointed someone experienced going with peaso and jp was the cheapest and most riskiest option they are part of the dressing room that has ultimately failed, part of the gutless, emotionless, no desire, no fight and spineless b*****ds we employ to go out and not give a shit. I've followed the team all over the country and this is the worst group of players I've ever seen most of them are chancers and ferguson is to blame for signing them. The board need to have a long look at themselves too for not acting fast enough to rectify the problem earlier in the season and we are now on the verge of dropping out the senior leagues. 
I don't care about anything at the moment other than saving my club, we come on here and argue amongst ourselves when we should be united and getting the deadwood out that's holding us back. Some may not come back and that's their decision and that's fine,  I'll still be there supporting the club not these so called footballers that masquerade around the pitch every Saturday. 
I still care! 

I agree with most of that.

Although I don't understand why Clyde fans would stop supporting the team if we get relegated.

That's assuming we still have a club.

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I played golf yesterday afternoon - enjoyable day in the sun. Got back to clubhouse at 5.30, checked the score and shrugged. I never thought I would just give up, but I have.

Final nail in the coffin was the Goodwillie signing, but to be honest, it was probably whatever came next that would be that final nail.

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Indivually ive supported the board. BF. Pie stall guy n so on to the hilt. I always some how tried to turn a negative into the oppositive but after hearing reports from a fellow clyde fan n friend i suspect n expect us to be fucked, Club Been a life support machine since my time barring a cpl o gd seasons 3/30. Its All over

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Is it just to be left at that, then? Because a few numpties who fancied an important gig, couldn't ever just admit they were wrong? 
Blood on hands. Selfish b*****ds, the lot of them. Whether Clyde continue or not, i'm finished with it. No principles. No fight. No guts. No standards. No plan. No pride. No values. And for me, no turning back. 
Like a dear friend though, i'll go and see it in hospital a couple more times, out of loyalty, and attend the funeral. And then, I want to see the looks on a few well-kent faces when the coffin drops into the ground. 
Congratulations, to those who deserve that special mention. 

Maybe it's another build up to a name change [emoji23]

Mind you every likelihood they will have a senior club in EK don't know if the freebies will be as forth coming [emoji6]
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I understand the frustration with the board and with the managerial team. They both have to accept some responsibility for the position we're in.

However, all the players in the squad, excluding the early injuries, have been a disgrace to the club.

We all expected at the start of the season that this squad would qualify for the playoffs at least. We believed with some justification that many were "better quality than this league".

Now they just hump the ball aimlessly up the park. They never try to beat their opposite number and rarely put in tackles. They lack heart, drive and professional pride. They are cowardly.

They don't give a flying f*** about the club or the fans.

They can all f**k off.

They'll hopefully won't be there next season but I will.

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I've never really rated Chapman. Done an outstanding job this season though, given the players and amount of goals that they lost last summer. I'd be surprised if either became Clyde boss in the Lowland League though!

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Between chapman and Lauchlan for the job apparently 

Seems unlikely that either of these would take this on, certainly not without waiting to see how things pan out, given that one of their sides could be 2 tiers above us next season and the other could be passing us on the way down.
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"Sit down and stop being bad". Tony Blair once directed those words to a heckling journalist, unsatisfied with an answer he'd given to a question. Blair was embarked on a far-reaching project back then. One which he will not, to this day, admit the folly of. And so it is with our own online cognoscenti. They said we would definitely get the play-offs, until we didn't. They said we were spoiled with Barry, until we weren't. Phil Johnston was a footballer, too, until he manifestly wasn't. They'd have us remember Martin McNiff as a left-back, just like we remember Mark Casey as a - ahem - 'centre-back'. Ach, who needs full-backs anyway? What are we, the slaves of convention!? Why, playing with anything more than a scarecrow at full-back these days, it's just not value for money, right? It's almost as silly as thinking that mentality might influence performance. We all know it's just good players plus good instructions. What were JP and Peaso supposed to do!?

They won't express their contempt for disagreement in the same language, but the will of many of our own has long been aligned with that of princess Tony Blair. It's profoundly more important to them that their projects appear vindicated than that any actual success comes Clyde's way.

They will, mark my words, continue driving square pegs into round holes when we're a Lowland League team. If they examined their consciences, they'd find that they're out for virtual vainglory, not Clyde's success.

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