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CLYDE FC season 16/17 Thread

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3 minutes ago, Adolfo Rios said:

McNiff, Flynn, Ferguson, McNeil and another that escapes me just now are on deals into next season. Not a bad start. If we had Easton and fit it's a great start. Playing behind DGW would be unplayable in this league.

Lowdon and Phil Johnston as well.

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I'm surprised that any player would commit themselves for next season without knowing who the new manager will be or what league we'll be playing in.


Good news if these rumours are true.


Being a pessimist, I'm awaiting the news that McLaughlin has signed a four year contract.



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We're all agreed we're hoping we manage to avoid relegation, but where's the Club's rallying call in all this ?

A statement to the effect, we appreciate it's been a disappointing season, we've 2 games to ensure our league status, we're asking all supporters to give the players as much backing as possible SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE, if we do survive we can then proceed with exciting plans for next season.

Can anyone show me anything to suggest that even if we do dodge a bullet this season, that next season won't just be more of the same?  Where's the evidence ? 

This ties in to what happened with the debt repayment.  OK, so they made a decision to clear it off.  So they're saying to the fans, look, due to this the standard's going to decrease dramatically, it'll be a hard watch, but stick with it & the moment we're clear, here's the blueprint we can instigate from day one to reverse it all. Something to buy into.  So the debt got cleared and then.....nothing.  And apparantly we've to celebrate people who are living off the kudos of clearing debt who had absolutely no idea what to do next ?

Club's a one trick pony.  Everything's on the never never, kicked into the long grass, something will sort it out at some unspecifiied point in the future, but meantime our hands are tied with debt / Broadwood / A.N. Other....so it's all you can expect.  The latest version seems to suggest that everything will be sorted out by re-location.  So exactly when & where is this happening? Meantime they're looking to be recognised for work within the Cumbernauld community while making it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that you intend to leave the place.  What the hell are you people doing?

We've had years of this garbage and it's had the inevitable result on the pitch.  If you're incapable of running the club in all its capacity as required, that's not a crime, but source people who can.  If not from within, then from elsewhere.  You've got one so far, but his will be a specific role as project manager for project relocation.  You'll need more than that.  If we survive this and then you're asked for the plan, it's no longer good enough to shrug shoulders and suggest there's a few wee things you're working on.  Answers this summer or f**k off.

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3 hours ago, BrigtonClyde said:

We're all agreed we're hoping we manage to avoid relegation, but where's the Club's rallying call in all this ?

A statement to the effect, we appreciate it's been a disappointing season, we've 2 games to ensure our league status, we're asking all supporters to give the players as much backing as possible SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE, if we do survive we can then proceed with exciting plans for next season.

Can anyone show me anything to suggest that even if we do dodge a bullet this season, that next season won't just be more of the same?  Where's the evidence ? 

This ties in to what happened with the debt repayment.  OK, so they made a decision to clear it off.  So they're saying to the fans, look, due to this the standard's going to decrease dramatically, it'll be a hard watch, but stick with it & the moment we're clear, here's the blueprint we can instigate from day one to reverse it all. Something to buy into.  So the debt got cleared and then.....nothing.  And apparantly we've to celebrate people who are living off the kudos of clearing debt who had absolutely no idea what to do next ?

Club's a one trick pony.  Everything's on the never never, kicked into the long grass, something will sort it out at some unspecifiied point in the future, but meantime our hands are tied with debt / Broadwood / A.N. Other....so it's all you can expect.  The latest version seems to suggest that everything will be sorted out by re-location.  So exactly when & where is this happening? Meantime they're looking to be recognised for work within the Cumbernauld community while making it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that you intend to leave the place.  What the hell are you people doing?

We've had years of this garbage and it's had the inevitable result on the pitch.  If you're incapable of running the club in all its capacity as required, that's not a crime, but source people who can.  If not from within, then from elsewhere.  You've got one so far, but his will be a specific role as project manager for project relocation.  You'll need more than that.  If we survive this and then you're asked for the plan, it's no longer good enough to shrug shoulders and suggest there's a few wee things you're working on.  Answers this summer or f**k off.

I hope this message ends up in the ears of the board and the new Chairman.

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3 hours ago, BrigtonClyde said:

We're all agreed we're hoping we manage to avoid relegation, but where's the Club's rallying call in all this ?

A statement to the effect, we appreciate it's been a disappointing season, we've 2 games to ensure our league status, we're asking all supporters to give the players as much backing as possible SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE, if we do survive we can then proceed with exciting plans for next season.

Can anyone show me anything to suggest that even if we do dodge a bullet this season, that next season won't just be more of the same?  Where's the evidence ? 

This ties in to what happened with the debt repayment.  OK, so they made a decision to clear it off.  So they're saying to the fans, look, due to this the standard's going to decrease dramatically, it'll be a hard watch, but stick with it & the moment we're clear, here's the blueprint we can instigate from day one to reverse it all. Something to buy into.  So the debt got cleared and then.....nothing.  And apparantly we've to celebrate people who are living off the kudos of clearing debt who had absolutely no idea what to do next ?

Club's a one trick pony.  Everything's on the never never, kicked into the long grass, something will sort it out at some unspecifiied point in the future, but meantime our hands are tied with debt / Broadwood / A.N. Other....so it's all you can expect.  The latest version seems to suggest that everything will be sorted out by re-location.  So exactly when & where is this happening? Meantime they're looking to be recognised for work within the Cumbernauld community while making it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that you intend to leave the place.  What the hell are you people doing?

We've had years of this garbage and it's had the inevitable result on the pitch.  If you're incapable of running the club in all its capacity as required, that's not a crime, but source people who can.  If not from within, then from elsewhere.  You've got one so far, but his will be a specific role as project manager for project relocation.  You'll need more than that.  If we survive this and then you're asked for the plan, it's no longer good enough to shrug shoulders and suggest there's a few wee things you're working on.  Answers this summer or f**k off.

Another approach worth considering would be to direct all resources at the most important couple of items on the agenda.


Number 1 would of course be the playing side. Number 2 up for debate, and that's it until number 1 is sorted.

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1 hour ago, SouthLanarkshireWhite said:

Another approach worth considering would be to direct all resources at the most important couple of items on the agenda.


Number 1 would of course be the playing side. Number 2 up for debate, and that's it until number 1 is sorted.

True, that's what any fan of any team is most interested in.  The only thing is, how can that be addressed if the rest isn't in order ? Cause & effect, one thing leads to another.  The direction of travel is live within means, no speculate to accumulate.  OK, fine.  Well in that case, the rest has to be put in place to generate what's needed.  So what's the plan then ?  Or is it more of the same, feed them crumbs for a few years more til we work out what the hell we're doing ourselves?  They honestly think after this season and years of this, it's going to wash anymore ?  

We're all together hoping the team avoid relegation and try to help where we can, but that comes with conditions.  You've had years now, get your act together, present something in the summer worth buying into, you owe the support that much. If you can't, get people who can.  

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5 hours ago, BrigtonClyde said:

True, that's what any fan of any team is most interested in.  The only thing is, how can that be addressed if the rest isn't in order ? Cause & effect, one thing leads to another.  The direction of travel is live within means, no speculate to accumulate.  OK, fine.  Well in that case, the rest has to be put in place to generate what's needed.  So what's the plan then ?  Or is it more of the same, feed them crumbs for a few years more til we work out what the hell we're doing ourselves?  They honestly think after this season and years of this, it's going to wash anymore ?  

We're all together hoping the team avoid relegation and try to help where we can, but that comes with conditions.  You've had years now, get your act together, present something in the summer worth buying into, you owe the support that much. If you can't, get people who can.  

I was referring to the short term. For me, we should have been focused on nothing else since xmas. The other stuff can wait.

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Mclaughlin was ok last season but not good enough 

I don't know what you saw last season in his performances last year that you thought was "okay". I just didn't see anything that warranted his re-signing for the club. His performances this season are similar to last.

All about opinions as they say.
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Johnston, McNiff, Flynn and Lowdon. All should be let go if possible. Their reputations are founded on holes in the air. And some are just manifestly bad. There is definitely better out there. And, crucially, there's better out there that'd want to play for us. I think we owe Scott Ferguson something by way of loyalty. But if a physician told me 'there's no hope of him getting back to where he was', I'd bin him too.

Anyone who disagrees should - just this once, for Clyde's sake - consider how tenaciously terrible a football club we've been on the park for more-or-less the last decade. The reason for this being so is perfectly simple: we've had woeful and unambitious managers who've kept-on, season after season, players who're album-tracks at best and Lowland League bait at worst.

More than ever before, I really hope we don't have another pre-season of our own supporters advocating the retention of players who're either profoundly mediocre or spectacularly skilless. Please lads, please. Be harsh for the Bully Wee.

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Johnston, McNiff, Flynn and Lowdon. All should be let go if possible. Their reputations are founded on holes in the air. And some are just manifestly bad. There is definitely better out there. And, crucially, there's better out there that'd want to play for us. I think we owe Scott Ferguson something by way of loyalty. But if a physician told me 'there's no hope of him getting back to where he was', I'd bin him too.

Anyone who disagrees should - just this once, for Clyde's sake - consider how tenaciously terrible a football club we've been on the park for more-or-less the last decade. The reason for this being so is perfectly simple: we've had woeful and unambitious managers who've kept-on, season after season, players who're album-tracks at best and Lowland League bait at worst.

More than ever before, I really hope we don't have another pre-season of our own supporters advocating the retention of players who're either profoundly mediocre or spectacularly skilless. Please lads, please. Be harsh for the Bully Wee.

So you want to keep Mclaughlin, Higgins ?

How do work out Lowden he has hardly kicked a ball and he is a good football player

You say we kept players with unambitious managers , Ferguson just about changed an entire team every year

I've got no problem if we have a clear out

Just don't pick on three or four
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44 minutes ago, Sao Paulo said:

Johnston, McNiff, Flynn and Lowdon. All should be let go if possible. Their reputations are founded on holes in the air. And some are just manifestly bad. There is definitely better out there. And, crucially, there's better out there that'd want to play for us. I think we owe Scott Ferguson something by way of loyalty. But if a physician told me 'there's no hope of him getting back to where he was', I'd bin him too.

Anyone who disagrees should - just this once, for Clyde's sake - consider how tenaciously terrible a football club we've been on the park for more-or-less the last decade. The reason for this being so is perfectly simple: we've had woeful and unambitious managers who've kept-on, season after season, players who're album-tracks at best and Lowland League bait at worst.

More than ever before, I really hope we don't have another pre-season of our own supporters advocating the retention of players who're either profoundly mediocre or spectacularly skilless. Please lads, please. Be harsh for the Bully Wee.

So who woukd you keep?

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How do work out Lowden he has hardly kicked a ball and he is a good football player

Lowden was one of our better players before his injury. I'm looking forward to seeing him play again.

As for Scott Ferguson, he has not played well since Duffy left. I'm sorry but it's time for him to go.

I would only keep the young goalie Quinn, Lowden, MacDonald, Easton if he can be convinced and Smith who I would hope would play better with different defensive partners.

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Johnston, McNiff, Flynn and Lowdon. All should be let go if possible. Their reputations are founded on holes in the air. And some are just manifestly bad. There is definitely better out there. And, crucially, there's better out there that'd want to play for us. I think we owe Scott Ferguson something by way of loyalty. But if a physician told me 'there's no hope of him getting back to where he was', I'd bin him too.

Anyone who disagrees should - just this once, for Clyde's sake - consider how tenaciously terrible a football club we've been on the park for more-or-less the last decade. The reason for this being so is perfectly simple: we've had woeful and unambitious managers who've kept-on, season after season, players who're album-tracks at best and Lowland League bait at worst.

More than ever before, I really hope we don't have another pre-season of our own supporters advocating the retention of players who're either profoundly mediocre or spectacularly skilless. Please lads, please. Be harsh for the Bully Wee.

So we have to bin Lowden despite him being the best left back in the league for Arbroath and crocked after a few games for us!

Flynn scored 15 goals from midfield for Annan the season before we signed him. Spent most of this season on the bench thanks to Barry Ferguson but with decent players around him is a capable footballer.

On the other 2 McNiff is average but probably the best CB we have at the club, certainly better than smith or perry. Johnston is shite though.

What has happened to Rutkiewicz btw? Not even in the squad on Saturday!
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It all goes to show how much is about opinion. One man's meat etc. etc........

I really can't see the point of all this theorising about who we should keep or ditch when the boot will probably be firmly on the other foot - who wants to stay and who wants away.

It will all come down to two three things at the end of the day.  What league we are going to be playing in, what we can afford and who the new manager fancies.

Let's just get on with worrying about Saturday's game.

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1 hour ago, cfcuk said:
  1. So you want to keep Mclaughlin, Higgins ?
  2. How do work out Lowden[?]
  3. You say we kept players with unambitious managers , Ferguson just about changed an entire team every year
  4. I've got no problem if we have a clear out
  5. Just don't pick on three or four
  1. I'll take that as a comment.
  2. Watching him with Arbroath; watching him with us briefly. He's another one of the exaggerati brought in by Barry. Hearsay founds his rep, nothing else.
  3. Getting rid of proven time-over players like Marsh and Gemmell... Signing players who're utter rubbish like Johnston and Brisbane... Keeping players who're album-tracks like Higgins and McLaughlin... I don't follow you at all there, sorry.
  4. Excellent.
  5. Those I picked out, I picked out because they're contracted. Being resigned to another season of Phil Johnston 'because he's contracted' is capitulation before the new season has even begun.

I've got to say, cfcuk, your post is exactly what I mean by us - supporters - being our own worst enemies. We clearly agree on everything but one or two peripheral things (e.g. it wouldn't kill me if Lowden stayed as a second-fiddle left back). But we're consumed by dispute, somehow...!

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2 hours ago, Clydeontheup said:

So who woukd you keep?

Goodwillie. Easton. Gourlay. Waddell. McNeil. Lochhead. Linton. MacDonald. McGovern. MacMillan. Ferguson (loyalty bet).

And not another player from the current lot by a long shot. Don't ask me 'What about ...?'. I promise you I wouldn't keep [whoever else] if I had the choice.

Wouldn't start all of those above, of course. And I wouldn't keep one of them if they're going to play all/most of the season out of position (again).

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