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Offensive Behaviour at Football Act cave in.


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 Holyrood could more usefully use its time trying to do something innovative like creating a more positive environment for inward investment, but that doesn't push people's buttons on a visceral level,


So much so that some people don't even notice when that's precisely what they are doing?

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Fitba is Scotland's version of panem et circenses. I think the SNP do a better job than Labour on day to day governance, but that doesn't make them perfect by any stretch of the imagination. More could be done with Holyrood's existing powers, but one lot prefer to use Sewell motions to stay in lock step with Westminster, while the other lot see devolution as inadequate and hence tend to downplay the possibilities of what they can do with it.

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McConnell's legislation ultimately descended into farce when sectarian aggravation was applied to the Hearts fan that tried to attack Neil Lennon, because he subsequently turned out to be from a Roman Catholic background. Guess what they did manage to nail him on complete with an eight month sentence:



Unfair to use the Neil Lennon incident.  You would have to be a peace-loving Hari Krishna not to want to punch his lights out.  He's just one of these characters that seems to generate a strong negative reaction.  Saw him in a pub in the West End one night when he Celtic manager, back to the wall (two monsters flanking him) and glaring at everyone.  It was like he was daring people to come up to him.

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Had to look up fungible and its not clear to me that you are using it correctly. BoTP carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Fucksake, I could be bunked up with Charles Bronson. Although my main threat was someone tripping over me.

Drunk and incapable is a funny one too. So drunk, you can't even commit a breach of the peace...The shame!

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 Holyrood could more usefully use its time trying to do something innovative like creating a more positive environment for inward investment, but that doesn't push people's buttons on a visceral level, so politicians will no doubt continue to play their games.



"Scotland achieved record-breaking levels of inward investment last year, a survey has found."

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"Well I was going to invest in Scotland's energy sector, but now that I've heard that a government minister has been deployed to tackle sectarianism, I now believe the Scottish Government has no interest in inward investment."

Said no investor ever!

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"Well I was going to invest in Scotland's energy sector, but now that I've heard that a government minister has been deployed to tackle sectarianism, I now believe the Scottish Government has no interest in inward investment."

Said no investor ever!

He may well be correct that attention could have been focussed elsewhere.  He just happened to pick up on something that we happen to be doing very well with at the moment.  It is probably down to all those foreign junkets!!

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He may well be correct that attention could have been focussed elsewhere.  He just happened to pick up on something that we happen to be doing very well with at the moment.  It is probably down to all those foreign junkets!!

It's just laughable that it was zero sum for the Scottish Government to take criminal justice measures or to seek foreign investment. Like, genuinely laughable.

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Seem to have struck a nerve with some of the hardcore party political hacks on here by pointing out how full of it the Holyrood elite are a lot of the time. The phrase I used above was "...to do something innovative like...", so at no point did I suggest that inward investment was the only thing that could have been dealt with instead. Finally doing something to replace council tax would be another prime example. Something all the parties tend to huff and puff about in their manifestos, but the house never seems to be blown down.

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Seem to have struck a nerve with some of the hardcore party political hacks on here by pointing out how full of it the Holyrood elite are a lot of the time. The phrase I used above was "...to do something innovative like...", so at no point did I suggest that inward investment was the only thing that could have been dealt with instead. Finally doing something to replace council tax would be another prime example. Something all the parties tend to huff and puff about in their manifestos, but the house never seems to be blown down.

Aye it seemed to escape you though that they've been doing that for ages and inward investment is at an all time high.

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...and it only ever rains at night and water runs uphill now that we have an SNP government.

What is this pish? This doesn't mean anything

Inward investment is at a record high, the SNP govt have done a stunning job in that regard, yet you chastised them for ignoring inward investment. You were talking shite and got called out, accept it.

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Look, you fucked up and showed your ignorance, just accept it and move on.

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Who was Tory business secretary at the time?

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Look, you fucked up and showed your ignorance, just accept it and move on.


Translation: you dared criticise the SNP, you will be first against the wall come the glorious day if you don't cease and desist. What does any of this have to do with the Offensive Behaviour at Football Act? Still waiting for a critique of why it did something useful that couldn't have just as easily been achieved with the pre-existing BoTP legislation.

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