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Motherwell FC - A Thread For All Seasons

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55 minutes ago, ZX1886 said:


Airdrie was THE Derby and it’s hard to take that we were so poor. Of course I’m not calling for the manager’s head or anything but I can’t lie, I’m still bitterly disappointed that we didn’t turn up.


I think you need to highlight WAS in that sentence.

it is coming up on 30 years since Airdrie were in the same league as us. And that was before they died. Airdrie (2002) are nothing. No one thinks they are a rival and getting worked up about it seems weird.

no one cares that we send them a bunch of youth players almost every year, that we play reserve/youth games in their stadium, that we played European games in their stadium.

It is a sore one to lose because they are local but I am not going to be thinking of that Airdrie game the way i think of our loss to Albion Rovers.

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49 minutes ago, Al B said:

I don't think there's a better way of summing up our midfield, than a guy who has never even met any of the people wearing the same clothes as him before let alone trained with them, being dropped into it for 10 minutes and very VERY noticeably making it better.

My main feeling is thank goodness he did, another midfielder coming in looking no better than what we had would have major alarm bells ringing.

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1 hour ago, capt_oats said:

There was a Twitter thread on the go last night with some boy who was absolutely furious that some Motherwell fans didn't seem to give a f**k about losing to Airdrie in a glorified bounce game of a competition that we ended up qualifying from top of our group because rivalry and how-very-fucking-dare-these-so-called-Motherwell-fans shrug their shoulders.

"Are these people really well fans?"  Imagine working yourself into that big a shoot over a part time mob you play once every couple of decades. 😅

Have to be honest with you I was over it before I'd even got out the stadium. It was a howler of a performance in a glorified pre season game. To borrow @capt_oats patter:


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I saw that twitter thread last night too. Some laugh.
The guy was absolutely losing his mind and literally couldn’t comprehend how any ‘well fan could just not be that arsed that we got beat on Wednesday. Can’t be healthy for you to get that worked up.
I was annoyed at how shite we were but can’t say I was any more annoyed than if that performance/result had been against any other mob from L1.

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I’ve never really had the ‘Airdrie is the real derby’ vibe.  Maybe because I didn’t get to loads of games in my teens due playing other sports and then when my children were young, maybe I missed it.  I remember the chants of ‘Section B …….’.

Airdrie are much of a nothing club to me.

Hamilton have meant something recently but in the main they are the wee club from the other side of the motorway.

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Just read through that Twitter thread. Deary me :lol:

I'm sure it still feels like a derby to the guys over 40, but anyone under the age of 35 will have seen us play Airdrie (both ones) what, a handful of times in their lifetime. For me, Motherwell don't have any rivals. A few teams play locally to us, but rivals? Nah, I didn't even feel anything towards Accies despite them being in the same league for the majority of the last decade. Airdrie are an irrelevance as far as I'm concerned. It's all just stories I hear from the older ones but nothing I've ever encountered. I don't think I've even ever met an Airdrie fan. 

The performance got the criticism it deserved, but we ended up qualifying anyway. If it ends up being a boot up the arse, then at least we'll have taken something from it. 


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As one of the older yins who can still vividly remember the old Airdrie derbies yeah they were something else but now history and confined to the pleasant/unpleasant memory banks.

I might write a book about my experiences one day but they are now just another lower League team like any other.

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18 minutes ago, Desp said:

Just read through that Twitter thread. Deary me :lol:

I'm sure it still feels like a derby to the guys over 40, but anyone under the age of 35 will have seen us play Airdrie (both ones) what, a handful of times in their lifetime. For me, Motherwell don't have any rivals. A few teams play locally to us, but rivals? Nah, I didn't even feel anything towards Accies despite them being in the same league for the majority of the last decade. Airdrie are an irrelevance as far as I'm concerned. It's all just stories I hear from the older ones but nothing I've ever encountered. I don't think I've even ever met an Airdrie fan. 

The performance got the criticism it deserved, but we ended up qualifying anyway. If it ends up being a boot up the arse, then at least we'll have taken something from it. 

That's kind of it for me.

Like, I recognise that as a fixture it was the real derby but it's something that's such a 70s & 80s throwback that grown men losing their shit about it just channels a heavy 'old man yells at cloud' energy.

As @well fan for life says never has a meme been more apt.


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1 hour ago, capt_oats said:


The clip doesn’t show Carson’s first save, at that point the scores were still level, there were 9 penalties to go and we would take 5 of them, Stranraer would miss a further two, we still lost.

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Firstly - I can't believe I'm having to relive that fucking Stranraer game - that was well and truly consigned to the bin during the long drive home (really like their ground mind you).

Secondly - I was feeling guilty as I actually enjoyed being back at a 'Well game so much (and seeing some folk I haven't seen for well over a year) that I wasn't that arsed that we got beat on Wednesday night, despite an absolute nightmare of a performance. 

This pre-season, it's been abundantly clear to us all where we were short and now that we've signed a midfielder and (soon) a defender, I think it's reasonable to see if they fix some of the problems. It's also clear that by our standards, we've made a big shift in recruitment, handing out longer deals to players in an effort to avoid rebuilding from scratch every summer - and so if you think that taking less of a short term approach is a good thing, then it should mean that the club gets a bit of leeway to get the right guys in as we'll be stuck with them. I honestly think GA has been a bit taken aback by how early the competitive games come in Scotland and so maybe we are a bit behind with recruitment but it is still July FFS.

Football supporters were moaning-faced bastarts before social media and so that hasn't changed but what is different is that now there is a pathetic, needy arms race in who can be the most outraged and who can have the most extreme reaction to any set-back. The spectacle of a "<manager> out!" thread being started earlier each year or signings being written off before they've kicked a ball means that outside of P&B, I don't engage with much else to do with 'Well.

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34 minutes ago, Swello said:

This pre-season, it's been abundantly clear to us all where we were short and now that we've signed a midfielder and (soon) a defender, I think it's reasonable to see if they fix some of the problems. It's also clear that by our standards, we've made a big shift in recruitment, handing out longer deals to players in an effort to avoid rebuilding from scratch every summer - and so if you think that taking less of a short term approach is a good thing, then it should mean that the club gets a bit of leeway to get the right guys in as we'll be stuck with them. I honestly think GA has been a bit taken aback by how early the competitive games come in Scotland and so maybe we are a bit behind with recruitment but it is still July FFS.

This is pretty much what's sent me for a walk more than once tbh.

Like, I don't actively go seeking out people with terrible opinions but oftentimes a simple search for "Motherwell" on Twitter has people volunteering them free of charge...you also get regular updates on whatever crime has been going down in South Africa (a lot it seems).

On one hand you have people who are knee jerking that we sack off signing "bargain basement players that no one else wants" while on the other the same usual suspects are deep in Burrows' mentions wanting to know where the signings are in the first week of July.


The fact that we've qualified is obviously a relief because I had a genuine worry that Alexander hadn't quite grasped how the pre-season landscape worked with the LC Groups and the fact he was acknowledging that it was his first summer up here and we'd changed strategy gave me a slight fear to the extent we might be undercooked.

While it seemed like deflection, I agree with a lot of what he was saying about how the nature of the group stages being as they are puts players at risk of injury.

I think it's fair to say it's a lesson learned for him though and presumably if he's still here this time next year the extended deals we've been chucking out like sweeties means there's less pressure on a full scale rebuild.

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35 minutes ago, Swello said:

Football supporters were moaning-faced bastarts before social media and so that hasn't changed but what is different is that now there is a pathetic, needy arms race in who can be the most outraged and who can have the most extreme reaction to any set-back. The spectacle of a "<manager> out!" thread being started earlier each year or signings being written off before they've kicked a ball means that outside of P&B, I don't engage with much else to do with 'Well.

^ This!

Intellectually, I am quite fine with the concept that even Barcelona won’t win every game, and that some games matter more than others, and I harbour no illusions about Motherwell’s relative budget, and expectations. However, at a more visceral level I still hate losing a "proper" game to Airdrie, Albion Rovers, or the Old Firm alike, no matter how hard I try to rationalise it. It still fairly ruins my day, and the only thing that saves the dog being kicked around the living room when it happens is that I don’t have a dog. As someone else said recently, if winning isn’t important, why bother keeping score?

I do generally have the good grace to keep this to myself, though, rather than go ranting about it to a bunch of fucking melts on Twitter.

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Taking a moment to enjoy this quote from Alexander:


"If my team get beat and an hour later I've forgot about it I need to retire on the spot and say "I'm in the wrong game". It's good to feel alive, but sometimes feeling alive is to get a kick in the nuts."



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12 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

Taking a moment to enjoy this quote from Alexander:


"If my team get beat and an hour later I've forgot about it I need to retire on the spot and say "I'm in the wrong game". It's good to feel alive, but sometimes feeling alive is to get a kick in the nuts."



This is what I just said, only far better and far shorter! 😂

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Someone on SO mentioned Lewis MacLeod is still available, local lad, sort of player that we’d definitely be looking at. Don’t know if there was anything in it but a midfield of him and Slattery would be exciting with Donnelly or Maguire sitting. 

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25 minutes ago, supermarv said:

Someone on SO mentioned Lewis MacLeod is still available, local lad, sort of player that we’d definitely be looking at. Don’t know if there was anything in it but a midfield of him and Slattery would be exciting with Donnelly or Maguire sitting. 

Is Macleod's USP not that he's a sicknote who gets injured in bizarre ways? Like tripping over a twig.

Obviously he had his hype when he bailed from Rangers to Brentford to help them keep the lights on but is he actually any good?

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An away tie to Dundee awaits in the next round of the League Cup. 

Home draw would have been better and despite being a tough tie it genuinely is no worse than the ties we have had when we have been one of the seeded teams 🤷‍♂️

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