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12 minutes ago, welldaft said:

To be fair I think that in recent times Thistle have been a bit of a basket case. How much of that is down to the actual CEO v the shareholders and owners is up for debate. I don’t know the guy, don’t know the job he has done.

I would assume if he did become our CEO that would be on the basis that he got good testimonials and interviewed well. Not based on what fans think even if there is a lot of truth in what they are saying. 

I probably care more about who we sign up front. Even if the CEO position is as important if not more so. I just hope we appoint the right man and someone that can improve all areas of the football club that need addressing. 

I've not been following Thistle in that much detail and received derision for asking what was so bad about GB when it came out he was interviewed a few months ago.

I don't think being popular with the fans is an absolute must for a CEO by any means. Clearly some decisions which need to be made won't always be popular.

However, that's more of a risk when the fan base is small as alienating a few hundred folk has a much bigger percentage impact...even more so when, having paid our tenners, we deserve to have every whim and whimsy met every minute of the day.

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Hopefully our new CEO gets appointed, gets on with it and we don't hear much from him, or her.

I don't envy Alan B the now. Seems to get @'d into every second message on Twitter from Dave Cormack 

Edited by eliphas
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19 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

That'll be our Goss replacement then...

I tried Googling him and autocorrect changed his name to Davie so this is what I'll be referring to him as from now on. 

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Having a swatch at Wee Davo's IG and going by the comments on his farewell post he seems well liked by the Limassol fans.


According to Transfermarkt he made 161 appearances for them so that's nice.


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22 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

I cannot see what can possibly go wrong with signing someone with "born to win" tattooed on their throat, to be honest.

About time we had player's with that mentality in the team.

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Finally got round to buying the home game cup tickets last night. Took longer than I care to admit to realise that I couldn't book our season ticket seats because they were already in my profile under "reserved"... 

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14 hours ago, wellboy1991 said:

Getting some Alex Gorrin vibes from this chap. Hopefully is just as good.

Caveat with highlights videos etc but I like the look of him - Ally Gorrin and, dare I say it, Al Campbell vibes ripping oot the lad. Either way defintley a type of player we don't have in there.

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I mean that really doesn't look great does it. 

Seems the East Stand is getting further away from the pitch. Also it was probably the least restrictive view, now seems if your near the front looking up either side will be impeded somewhat?

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9 minutes ago, Blink182 said:



I mean that really doesn't look great does it. 

Seems the East Stand is getting further away from the pitch. Also it was probably the least restrictive view, now seems if your near the front looking up either side will be impeded somewhat?

Interested to know what the view is like with those railings in place. I'm down the front of the Hunter and it was already a worse view last season with the pitch changes. Maybe the photo angle is exaggerating the size of it. 

Surely they wouldn't deliberately build something that restricts people's views?

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