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8 hours ago, thisGRAEME said:

Could we, and I know this is a mad idea, actually play a winger, and that could be Gent?

So that, now bear with me here, we would actually have multiple ways of setting up a team?


And no.


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Not convinced about Penney at all. Less his ability but attitude, however, the rumour has been about for a while and that was obviously some hint he dropped.

If someone offered us the train fare to Exeter for Bair I'd be taking it. An actual offer would give SK quite the dilemma mind.

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Canny believe what I'm reading about our Player of the Month (and Player of our Hearts). 

Bair has been pretty good for us overall and very good in recent weeks. 

There's only one striker we should be making a point of punting this window. Without naming names it's Oli S... no that's too obvious, let's say O Shaw. 

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10 hours ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

I imagine that it will be Penney or Furlong. I imagine Penney (who's unattached) will be an 18-month deal and that would be one less thing to worry about next summer. I'd say from an immediate perspective, Furlong would be better, but he'd likely be a loan and we'd be looking for a left back again in the summer.

I actually think it would be harsh to drop Gent, he's come on to a game for me. However, given we've seen three different right backs and Blair Spittal at left wing back this season and we're dead set on a back three, it definitely makes sense to have two.ay

Aye spot on. 

I genuinely forgot about Gent somehow when I posted last night. Even though I was replying to someone who mentioned him 

If we can get Penney on a longer term deal we have to take it. We can't rely on loans all the time. I'd imagine Gent will be away. So unless Furlong is available and indicates he wants to commit to a longer term deal it has to be Penney if he wants it.

He's a good player. Yeah, he was a bit unsettled towards the second half of his loan, but who wouldn't have been under the Hammell management era? Also, just because he wanted back down the road last year (a rumour) doesn't mean he's not now happy to get stuck in and settle down. 

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So with Mahon gone that is 5 players that have now left the club this window. None in yet. Could be an interesting deadline day ! 

Ketts said he wanted to bolster the squad as we were very light going into games which I think even a blind man could see. Allowing for a couple of injured players returning should not really impact that. As we will most likely always have 2-3 1st team players injured or suspended at any point in time.

Assuming there are no other departures I would be looking for 3 to replace Spencer, Wilkinson and Souare. Alongside another 2-3 to bolster the squad as per Ketts wishes / comments and our needs. 

Better get our skates on !!!



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14 hours ago, crazylegsjoe_mfc said:

I imagine that it will be Penney or Furlong. I imagine Penney (who's unattached) will be an 18-month deal and that would be one less thing to worry about next summer. I'd say from an immediate perspective, Furlong would be better, but he'd likely be a loan and we'd be looking for a left back again in the summer.

I actually think it would be harsh to drop Gent, he's come on to a game for me. However, given we've seen three different right backs and Blair Spittal at left wing back this season and we're dead set on a back three, it definitely makes sense to have two.

Of the two I think Penney is the easier to imagine since the fact that he's been without a club since last year means I don't think it's a given he'd go straight into the team ahead of Gent - it'd probably be more straightforward option to balance Gent getting game time as part of his loan and Penney being able to work his way up to some sort of acceptable match fitness.

Having two loans for the same position presumably with expectations of game time feels far more messy for a number of reasons.

Similarly, I don't quite have a handle on Kettlewell's preference to squad building but the fact we started the season with Souré/Gent and SOD/Spencer gave us one younger option along with an experienced alternative.

Either way I don't follow Matt Penney on IG so I don't know his posting habits enough to tell whether that Story was some sort of (not very) cryptic hint or just something he put up to remind folk he still kicks a baw.

We certainly need both a LWB and RWB though.

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We have the option of getting Penney into training as a trial to see if he still has it and would then have time to integrate him into the team with a view of him being a first pick next season.

Or maybe he just liked the strip?

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Even though we picked up some points recently, we're in a relegation battle with 3 other clubs and Penney feels like a summer signing (ie - someone that needs a pre-season) and we pretty much need players who are effective now. I get that we have to live within our budget and we like a project but Penney might not be fully up to speed until march and that feels risky unless we are viewing him as a long term deal (ie more than 18 months). 

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Not to bring the thread back to the video (which if McGarry's mailout is correct McMahon is paying for himself) but I noticed this write up presumably by the PA.


McMahon stressed the fan-owned club had cumulatively broken even since the Well Society assumed majority ownership in 2016 and explained they were looking for either more members, sponsorship or new investment to “de-risk the business”.

The 74-year-old was unaware of any criticism of the advertising agency-produced video and said: “We are not desperate for money. We are financially stable and we have enough money to see us through this season, next and maybe a bit of the next.

“So I don’t see it as begging for money and I am not embarrassed by it.

“I don’t think it’s a desperate cry for money because it isn’t. If it comes across that way, I can only say to fans, ‘that’s not what it was meant to be’.

“It was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek take on some of the trends that are happening in football just now and an attempt to encourage folk into the shop.

“We had more Well Society members sign up in the first couple of hours of the video than the last two or three months. And we have already had about 10 declarations of interest – can we find out more about the ability to invest?

“It’s part of our strategy to use our other contacts, mainly into the (United) States and other parts of the world, to say: ‘Here’s what we are. Here’s what defines what we are as a club, are you interested?'”

“Five, six years ago we didn’t have big injections of money from Americans or other people,” said McMahon as he denied the fan-ownership model was failing.

“James Anderson at Hearts is putting £5million a year in. You have Dave Cormack at Aberdeen. You have the Hibs money.

“There’s money coming in that is making it more difficult for us to compete on the pitch with these clubs. I think we react to it by trying to see if we can accrue money from other sources.

“We are not in financial difficulty, we are not trying to sell the club, we are trying to give it the best chance for the future. We should be examining the model continually to see if it’s still fit for purpose.

“I would tick the box of working jointly with someone whose values align with the Well Society. I guess the board would go out to the members with the proposition.”


Like, that's all fine, and it's been pretty clear to anyone who has been paying attention and isn't being deliberately thick that the investment by Anderson and Cormack is what he's been talking about when he said we need investment.

However, see if you're having to clarify and explain all that stuff after the fact...it's probably fair to say that the video didn't land, regardless of the number of Twitter views the Tweet got.

It seems the piece was written by McCafferty so there's a bit of context as it was him who posted that pretty disingenuous Tweet about the finances and comparison with Killie the other week.

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From the outside looking in I am really surprised by the reaction to the investment video. Almost every fan of every club wants more success for their club and the finances dictate success in most cases.

Scottish clubs, and football in general in Scotland, gets a lot of criticism for just staying the same. Whenever a club try to do something outside the box they seem to get hammered for it.

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7 minutes ago, YassinMoutaouakil said:

I would not be surprised to see this revisited late in the window. Let's be realistic: No one else is stupid enough to pay the money that Dundee United pay him, that's why Tony Watt is a Dundee United player in the first place.

If they can't shift him, they'll make a deal, imo.

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46 minutes ago, thisGRAEME said:

I would not be surprised to see this revisited late in the window. Let's be realistic: No one else is stupid enough to pay the money that Dundee United pay him, that's why Tony Watt is a Dundee United player in the first place.

If they can't shift him, they'll make a deal, imo.

Aye, I saw that reply from Burns about us not being able to afford Watt's wages and my initial thought was "and St Mirren could?".

Full disclosure, I'd genuinely forgotten that he was at St Mirren but I'm fairly sure they weren't paying the full 10k p/w or whatever it is he's on.

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