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He'd probably have been a decent option to have during the period when Bair and Shaw were all we had but I wouldn't be swapping him for Biereth in a hurry. I suppose you could make a case for them playing together but despite a lot of the narrative right now I don't think scoring goals is our biggest issue right now.

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37 minutes ago, Swello said:

It's been done to death but If we had signed Moult and he got crocked after 3 weeks as seemed highly likely, it would have been flaming torches and pitchforks at the main entrance - it was a signing that we were never going to make.



Maybe not play him against St Mirren.

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21 hours ago, Dosser1886 said:

And so the revisionism continues.

He was shite, and not a tear on here was shed when he went.

I get that, but the context of the discussion was a straight choice between Mandron and Obika . I would doubt there would have been any tears shed if we hadn’t re- signed Obika either.

On Moult I watched the Dunfermline v UTD game on Friday and thought that he was bang average tbh. 

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10 minutes ago, Handsome_Devil said:

I see County have punted Mackay for a nine-game winless run... curious to see what sort of candidate gets linked there.

Callum Davidson would seem the obvious one. Yogi will no doubt throw his hat in the ring as well. 

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13 minutes ago, Dosser1886 said:

Could soon be a similar question being asked about us and Kettlewell?

I think that's a certainty, hence the interest. It'd be particularly interesting to see if anyone distances themselves from it, expecting a better offer to come shortly...a la Jim Goodwin.

I didn't follow the St Johnstone process closely but there didn't seem to be the usual gaggle of exciting names/chancers getting their name in the paper as normal, though maybe I just missed it.

On the basis we're never going to pay for a manager and the internal bucket has bee scraped through to the floor, I don't even know who I'd suggest as our next boss.

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40 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

What's Simo Valakri up to now?

I reckon we're at "f**k it, give him it" point. (if he applies again)

Problem is, once we're through with Simo, we're fucked for ex-player candidates next time around - unless Van der Gaag is available of course.

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FWIW, I retain my 'Sacking Kettlewell is mad' stance.

Thom Watt explaining on the latest Terrace pod that up until about half a dozen games ago the only team to have gained more points than us was Celtic, and not by much, during Kettlewell's reign gains him credit enough to try and right this slide.

Continually bulleting managers is bad vibes, and bad business.

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54 minutes ago, Handsome_Devil said:

I didn't follow the St Johnstone process closely but there didn't seem to be the usual gaggle of exciting names/chancers getting their name in the paper as normal, though maybe I just missed it.

We had dross no marks like Dean Shiels and Charlie Mulgrew excitedly claiming they could fix us, and OF fanboys claiming Scott Brown would be great, but it feels like the media picked up pretty quickly we were after a very particular set of skills (experience of the league, experience of making a lot from nothing, experience of building a structure in the backroom aswell as on the pitch) and realised it was pointless linking names outwith that.

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1 minute ago, RandomGuy. said:

We had dross no marks like Dean Shiels and Charlie Mulgrew excitedly claiming they could fix us, and OF fanboys claiming Scott Brown would be great, but it feels like the media picked up pretty quickly we were after a very particular set of skills (experience of the league, experience of making a lot from nothing, experience of building a structure in the backroom aswell as on the pitch) and realised it was pointless linking names outwith that.

Is Levein part time? I head him talking about his input being on the Friday/Saturday.  Is Andy Kirk the man running things?

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13 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

We had dross no marks like Dean Shiels and Charlie Mulgrew excitedly claiming they could fix us, and OF fanboys claiming Scott Brown would be great, but it feels like the media picked up pretty quickly we were after a very particular set of skills (experience of the league, experience of making a lot from nothing, experience of building a structure in the backroom aswell as on the pitch) and realised it was pointless linking names outwith that.

Ah yes, I remember Mulgrew now you mention it. Go straight to the Championship, do not pass go, do not collect £200 etc.

Surprisingly reasonable of all involved really.

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25 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

Finished 3rd in the Latvian top flight with FK Auda.

Their league completed at the weekend there.



I've always liked the idea of Simo managing us one day, wanted him to get in last time he interviewed, when Hammell got it.

He did seem to be getting touted for bigger jobs and even the Finland national team at one point.

Won't pretend to know anything about Latvian football but was that the step up everyone was thinking for him? Seems a bit like a handbrake turn. 

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