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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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32 minutes ago, 1985Saint said:


I dont care what the question is but Gus MacPherson is not the solution

St Mirren - Played 289 - Won 101 - Drew 83 - Lost 105 - Win % 34.95%

Queen of the South - Played 42 - Won 10 - Drew 12 - Lost 20 - Win % 23.81%

Queens Park - Played 211 - Won 72 - Drew 57 - Lost 82 - Win % 34.12%

Morton - Played 37 - Won 9 - Drew 16 - Lost 12 - Win % 24.32%


As shite as that is… it’s not really relevant as he’s not employed as our manager.

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The issue has been basics and certainly was last night. It's less about questioning the managers credentials or getting a new director of football.

Wright towards the end of his time lost to the likes Forfar & Brechin in the League Cup as well. 

Not taking chances while you're COMPLETELY dominating the game. Allowing free headers and for some unknown reason just not bothering to close down the shot for the second goal at all. There might also have been some shitebaggy turning their back on the shot as well but would need to see it again. These are the real issues. 

May missed a great chance at 0-0 against Stenny as well. 

If those chances go in as they bloody well should have you don't lose either of those games. 

I said it earlier regarding May. He can do all the hard work he likes outside the box but when the chance comes to score when it really matters in tight games, he won't take them and it's going to cost us. His effort last night sums up his finishing, another scuffed feeble effort on goal.

There's also continued questions about the bottle of many of those players. Got back into the game but then just collapsed again. Pathetic really.

Edited by SJFCtheTeamForMe
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36 minutes ago, Widge said:

Good experienced managers adapt to the players they have at their disposal, Tommy Wright for example was a master of this. Davidson and thus far MacLean have not. I’ll give MacLean a little leeway since he’s obviously still bringing guys in to play the system, but what if they get injured you need to have a plan b, c and d ready for use. 

I think this is spot on. Tommy Wright played with what he had and you could see towards the end of his time how he adapted it. He was unfairly labelled as being a more 'direct' play style of manager.

MacLeans plans for how he wants to play are admirable, but unless he has the players to do it, then he needs to be more pragmatic. Although, it is still a case of him building up the type of player he wants.

If (and I don't see it being the case) that he cannot bring in what he needs and he reverts to a less pressing style, the loss of Spoony will be more noticeable.

It is a similar situation to Davidson. Through partially his own doing, he ended up with players not suited to the system he wanted to play and so we ended up with the square pegs in round holes nonsense if last season. A danger Macca ends up doing the same, albeit in a different system. 

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58 minutes ago, Widge said:

Good experienced managers adapt to the players they have at their disposal, Tommy Wright for example was a master of this. Davidson and thus far MacLean have not. I’ll give MacLean a little leeway since he’s obviously still bringing guys in to play the system, but what if they get injured you need to have a plan b, c and d ready for use. 

Was thinking along these lines at the match. Its commendable trying to attack teams playing football but watching it was a bit dispiriting. 

Feels like better sides than Ayr will simply keep a solid shape, watch us struggle, and then catch us on the counter as we're stretching our own midfield so much.

As it stands it feels like we'll be hearing s lot about how soft and easy to play against we are this season.

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He was absolutely humpty. Delighted he hasn't come back and as you say, I figured Cove might have been his next move.

I think the most worrying aspect of last night was the reaction after the second goal. We never really looked like equalising again - and in fact looked more like completely collapsing - having conceded both goals at points in the game where I feel like we weren't under a terrific amount of pressure, albeit without creating lots ourselves.

Ultimately we need to be much more ruthless in front of goal. May has to score his chance and even before that, Ballantyne has to be hitting the target with his chance right at the start. Carey has to offer more when he gets into good positions and/or takes set pieces.

I can see us moving things around somewhat on Saturday - Phillips CM with Kucheriayvi and Wright, McGowan at RB and Ballantyne playing just off the strikers might work a little bit better.

New signings are absolutely critical too.

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McLennan 100% would've signed for us if Davidson was still here. 

agree that Maclean has to be pragmatic, it's the only way we're going to survive with this team. If he becomes bogged down obsessing over a system or a set way of playing, we're no further forward than we would've been under Davidson. 

I'd argue Davidson had the players, the tools and the authority to play any way he wanted at Saints. He had 37 first team players - each he either had the final say in signing or gave contract extensions to - so I have very little sympathy for the plight he found himself in. A simple change in shape and playing a hit further up the park made all the difference for us last season with players Davidson had at his disposal. He was just hopelessly out of his depth and/or too arrogant to admit what he was trying to do wasn't working. 

Edited by Kyle
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Do we have the players to play more pragmatic?

The defence is weak and, McGowan/Phillips aside the CM area is soft.

We then have strikers who cant play effectively alone up front.

A high quality LCB, Phillips and Kane fit and playing most week, and things look brighter but the squads too thin still.

Its going to be a shit season but its entirely necessary to try and turn the boat around. Just pray we somehow avoid relegation and the rebuild can gather pace in the top flight.

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The drawback I'm seeing now of us playing the front two is the space it leaves in midfield. 

Could McGowan and Phillips both play in there together? I have my doubts unless it's a midfield 3.

If they do it means we've then not really got anyone as a goal threat arriving from midfield. Although you could potentially push the full backs higher if you've got two semi sitting in front of the central defenders but that could lead to Considine & Gordon getting dragged into and isolated in wide areas. 


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Yes, last night was bad, but I don't agree with writing off the whole season before we've even played our first league game.

I totally understand the feeling but it's still early days yet.

Don't get me wrong, I think we're going to have to go through this kind of feeling quite a few times this season.

It's inevitable with a new manager, new system and new players.

It's going to take a while to turn the ship around.

Last night there were signs of how the manager wants to play but as mentioned above, whether he has the players to play it is another matter entirely.

I also hope he doesn't go down the Davidson root of sticking with a system and trying to get players to fit into it.

The ability to adapt is key for a manager in today's game.

That includes during the game as well as the preparations beforehand.

Last night I didn't feel that there was anything positive coming from the dug out area that would inspire the players.

There also didn't seem to be any sign of the plan B and then plan C that McLean has talked about in previous interviews.

And of course we need new players in quickly.

It also didn't help that last night when we needed somebody to come on and turn things around, all the manager had at his disposal was last years youth team.

Even with the new recruits coming in it's good to take a while for them to settle in and get playing the way the manager wants them to.

I think we'll be looking at the start of next year before we see any consistent and definite improvement.

This is more likely to be a consolidation season and then hopefully we can build on that going forwards.

Staying in the league should be the aim and if we can do that then I would deem that to be a successful season.

It's a lot less than the expectations we used to have but it's where we are at the moment.

So, a lot to work on, and probably a long season ahead but hopefully over time, things will improve.

Edited by Gekko
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50 minutes ago, SJFCtheTeamForMe said:

The absolute state this guys getting himself into all day. If it's you, chill the f**k out. 

Just shows what football means to people though!

Noticed that, among others sent from the same account. The one @ Saints in the Community made me chuckle. Must’ve completely lost it last night. Lol. 

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47 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:


The sooner ours fans accept that relegation is a very real possibility this season, regardless who the manager is, the better.

The banter page, which I rarely read, was off the scale last night.

Expectations far too high!

Mr. Pennycook’s posts in particular

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4 hours ago, SJFCtheTeamForMe said:

Connor McLennan landing on his feet at Salford is absolutely wild. 

I was absolutely convinced part time was his level. 

It's even more mental when you consider Akinyemi is playing for York City in the National league. 

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Its galaxy brain thinking but McLennan might do well down there. In a top end side and played as a winger, where physicality matters, he might spawn a couple of moments and get confident and just take off.

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2 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:


The sooner ours fans accept that relegation is a very real possibility this season, regardless who the manager is, the better.

The banter page, which I rarely read, was off the scale last night.

Expectations far too high!

Agree, but accepted standards are also far too low within the club. The signing policy is promising though, hopefully the start of a return to normal at the club.

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