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Double Winning St Johnstone FC Thread

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I would be all over it with something like, this is Saints fans last chance to ensure we keep the stadium as a home stadium for these games. Maybe a bit aggressive but need to give something a go.

I think that would backfire tbh.

Why can’t the club just do a big social media campaign and stir up some excitement rather? I think that would be better than dishing out threats.
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1 hour ago, Radford said:

Folk are being unreasonable here. Unless the board can be convinced that we won't get a repeat of the League Cup quarter-final from last season (with little over 1,000 home fans) then they are left with little choice. 

Good bank balance or not, you can't turn down the cash from an extra 5,000 paying fans.

Point the finger of blame at the fans that will spend a whack going to Ayr yesterday but won't support our club at home, not the board. 

Yeah, I admire the sentiment, but I can't imagine the sort of PR exercise that would have to be mounted to convince lots of undecided fans to fork out £20 for an unattractive TV game at midday on a Sunday. How's it to be done? 

Add to that the difficulty of suggesting the club walk back from an recently announced OF ticket policy, particularly for a tournament where  season tickets aren't valid anyway.

Budgets don't come into it, unless we're thinking about next year.

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I think that would backfire tbh.


Why can’t the club just do a big social media campaign and stir up some excitement rather? I think that would be better than dishing out threats.


Because nothing else has worked. How can you stir up excitement for a game against a team that everyone is sick of playing?

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Really like the look of this, get the Ormond packed out, unallocated seating, big away day vibe, takes away the shooting in to both end advantage whilst still getting a big crowd from Glasgow (and Perth, Dundee, Edinburgh, Fife, the highlands, and whatever sewer these mutants crawl out from.) 


Would probably accept that proposal if we were to get the whole main stand.


ETA: I think two stand is healthy enough for the minks, not that I care if they get a healthy allocation of course.

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15 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:


Would probably accept that proposal if we were to get the whole main stand.


ETA: I think two stand is healthy enough for the minks, not that I care if they get a healthy allocation of course.

Why? We struggled to fill it for the league games including season ticket holders. At £26-28 a ticket we certainly won't for the cup game either.

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My hate for Celtic has grown exponentially by the fact that we've gone from having a fucking fantastic day yesterday, to squabbling over our shite home support today, and all that good will and atmosphere built up has been eroded through no fault of the club or the fans.

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I don't really see any advantage of the 2 stand suggestion. The Main Stand holds over 3000 so it is easily big enough for the Saints support. Wouldn't giving us the Ormond as well just spread out our meagre home crowd and make it a poorer atmosphere for Saints fans?

Leave the Ormond empty, cover it in Saints flags and tell Celtic we're doing maintenance on it if our board are scared of upsetting them.

All Saints support in the Main and have the yellow/ red seats at the north end for the away day style bounce section as Ali suggested.

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5 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

My hate for Celtic has grown exponentially by the fact that we've gone from having a fucking fantastic day yesterday, to squabbling over our shite home support today, and all that good will and atmosphere built up has been eroded through no fault of the club or the fans.

Sadly too true.  The OF buzz kill once again ruins Scottish football for the rest of us.



Dont you know pump it up, the Saints are staying up

adapt or die.

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Why? We struggled to fill it for the league games including season ticket holders. At £26-28 a ticket we certainly won't for the cup game either.

You’ve just assumed it will cost that much for a ticket.

20 quid a head and a big push from the club to encourage an away day type atmosphere in the Ormond. Club encourages fans to bring drums, flags etc. Main Stand for tartan blanket types, Ormond for the perty. Celtic get the rest, which is more than than enough for them. I truly believe a big, heartfelt Facebook post by the club would go a longer way than the current posts they do.

As already stated, this is a free hit with money being made from tv. Use this game as an experiment and see what can be achieved. The club can afford it and it could help bring back an atmosphere to McDiarmid.
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As Radford says, all this talk about stands and taking a stance on allocation and price against these bigots is all fine and well, but the same c***s who moan like f**k about this probably spent £150-200 going to Ayr yesterday on the piss and shirk paying £30 to Saints every second week. 

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Absolutely, financially it makes sense to charge £30, and give Celtic three stands...
But, from a footballing perspective, and from a club growth perspective, it doesn’t make sense. Getting as many (good guy) bodies in as possible, pushing the atmosphere aspect, flags, drum, no allocated seats and making it a proper experience as a football game would go a long way. 

If you were at Ayr yesterday, games like that are why the majority of us go week in week out. For occasions like that. And it’s how you get the two or three times a season fans to go more often. Should be attempting to do that at home, and a Scottish cup quarter final with a big away support should be an ideal opportunity. 

I have no issue with any of the points you make I just don’t think either club will go with £20 tickets. How many that went yesterday aren’t regulars at home?
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9 hours ago, ali_91 said:

Fans will pay money to do what they enjoy.


You honestly telling me yesterday wasn’t a better experience for you than Motherwell at home will be on Wednesday? 

Firstly, of course they will. 

Second point, it probably will be because we had a full day on the piss before the actual football. The actual football at Ayr was pretty shite tbh. I thought It was more entertaining in the previous few games.

I may be in a minority here but I go to the football to actually watch football, I fucking love the game, I don't need American type razzmattaz to make me want to come back. I don't even need 30 pissed up 14 year olds banging a fucked drum to make me enjoy the "experience". What brings me back through the turnstiles is exciting football, it's debatable that we've had that these last few years, but they always entice me back when I feel like chucking it.

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Really like the look of this, get the Ormond packed out, unallocated seating, big away day vibe, takes away the shooting in to both end advantage whilst still getting a big crowd from Glasgow (and Perth, Dundee, Edinburgh, Fife, the highlands, and whatever sewer these mutants crawl out from.) 
Wouldn't make much difference allocation wise either. That Main Stand section holds around 1000 from memory vs 1250ish in the ormand. Sure@Radford would know.
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1 minute ago, nelsjfc said:

Wouldn't make much difference allocation wise either. That Main Stand section holds around 1000 from memory vs 1250ish in the ormand. Sure@Radford would know.

Ormond has 1800 I think.

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37 minutes ago, tree house tam said:

Firstly, of course they will. 

Second point, it probably will be because we had a full day on the piss before the actual football. The actual football at Ayr was pretty shite tbh. I thought It was more entertaining in the previous few games.

I may be in a minority here but I go to the football to actually watch football, I fucking love the game, I don't need American type razzmattaz to make me want to come back. I don't even need 30 pissed up 14 year olds banging a fucked drum to make me enjoy the "experience". What brings me back through the turnstiles is exciting football, it's debatable that we've had that these last few years, but they always entice me back when I feel like chucking it.

Agree Tam.

I loved the day out at Ayr and am gutted we won’t get something again like that next month at Inverness or Edinburgh.

But the view of the game was dire, I wouldn’t want that every week. I’d also probably be dead if I did a 13 hour drinking session like that every week to be fair!

i can’t wait for wednesdays game, the last few home games have been good entertainment, and if we win here I think we’re looking at pushing for top 6. The atmosphere has been a wee bit better at McDiarmid as well though obviously nothing like Saturday.

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