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"Allergy Season"

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15 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

It's the scratchy throat which really does it for me. Really noticed it over the past couple of weeks after a few years of thinking I'd built up more of a tolerance.

Anyway, for those buying tablets, like me, do you find that the £1 el cheapo ones work just the same as the more expensive Clarityn? Same active 10mg ingredient in both, probably just paying towards the weather forecast advert payments if buying the latter.

I bought cheapos out of Aldi. They are meant for elephants. I collapsed in a heap for about two hours.

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According to Sean Batty the fun is just beginning with the pollen.

It's now grass season where as before it was tree season?

I found benedryl 24 hour tablets in my drawer from last summer so I necked one out of desperation and it actually worked and Iv not been too drowsy with them.

Vicks vaporub is good to help with the breathing too. I rubbed some under my nostrils and whilst they felt like they were on fire it cleared me up.

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19 minutes ago, philpy said:

Shut up. Im only trying to help people, you plum. Ive had five since yesterday, and they have relieved things greatly.

You only think they've helped because you are an easily led, suggestible idiot who like most people that buy shit like this wouldn't like to think they've spent good money on something that didn't work.

What you really need are some magic beans, and luckily for you I just happen to have some.

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Shut up. Im only trying to help people, you plum. Ive had five since yesterday, and they have relieved things greatly.

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  • 4 years later...

Feeling the grass pollen this week, today in particular.  Had an antihistamine at lunch but still got the insatiable scratchy throat and constant urge to itch my eye, which I'll give into eventually despite my best efforts.   Thing is, NE Scotland is relatively mild for it and it's times like these when I remember that you couldn't pay me enough money to live in the south of England.

Anybody in the P&B Pollen Haters Club got any effective old wives tales homemade remedies?

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  • 11 months later...
Anyone else get hayfever in their house, even when the windows are closed? [emoji848]
Yeah. My hayfever can be bad regardless of where I am and what the weather is like. It's not as bad inside but it's nowhere near gone which seems to baffle folk who don't suffer from it. Similarly when my eyes are streaming and it's pishing down. Makes little difference. Absolute c**t of a thing.

Don't have any remedies but always recommend really dark shades for folk. I have stupid Bono looking shades. I look like a dick but it does mean I can open my eyes outside. I recently started taking the Kenalog injection which was absolutely brilliant the last couple of years. I've had one already this year but had a couple of bad days last week. Not as bad as I usually am so it's obviously helped lessen some of the symptoms but I'll need to book in for another one.
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On 19/06/2016 at 22:46, Fullerene said:

Have you tried eating pickled chillies?


As I understand it hay-fever is caused by oversensitivity to pollen.  Chillies and other spicy things are an irritants as well and as you get use to them you get less sensitive to pollen.


I am not a doctor but it certainly worked for me,


That's rather like going to the doctor to ask what to do about your halitosis, and being told to eat cat shit.

It won't cure the halitosis, but it might mask the smell a bit. 

Edited by beefybake
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2 hours ago, beefybake said:

That's rather like going to the doctor to ask what to do about your halitosis, and being told to eat cat shit.

It won't cure the halitosis, but it might mask the smell a bit. 

I think you should change your doctor.

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