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1 hour ago, Drew Brees said:

This is a country that charged someone for ‘aggressively blessing himself, now we have a the judge saying you are a Celtic fan so therefore a catholic, you use the *** to refer to rangers fans, rangers fans are Protestants so your actions are based on religious grounds, absolutely mental.

I could give you a list of catholics who have or do play for rangers, every one of them is a ***. 


celtic fans. We completely object to sectarianism and want sectarian terms made illegal. 


Also celtic fans. That's outrageous that we can't use a sectarian term to describe our rivals. 



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“There are many theories and much speculation as to the origins of the term ‘***’. It is variously claimed as a reference to nomadic people who invaded the Roman Empire in the fourth and fifth centuries, as a derogatory name for German soldiers or as a colloquial reference to a savage. “

“We do not accept that in a footballing context those using the term are doing so by any genuine reference to its historic usage.“

I can assure you the people using it on here are doing so because they view your fan base as savages, not because they hate Protestants.

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Like I mentioned before, there will be some that use the term with no religious connotation to it and it will obviously depend on the situation.

In this instance, I imagine the fact that the offender used the term towards police while at a match that Rangers weren’t actually involved in nor could they identify the police officer as a Rangers fan makes it harder for them to argue it was a term used only to describe a Rangers fan.

Edited by AJF
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11 minutes ago, AJF said:

Like I mentioned before, there will be some that use the term with no religious connotation to it and it will obviously depend on the situation.

In this instance, I imagine the fact that the offender used the term towards police while at a match that Rangers weren’t actually involved in nor could they identify the police officer as a Rangers fan makes it harder for them to argue it was a term used only to describe a Rangers fan.

Exactly, if a fan of any other Scottish team says it then it’s fine, if a Celtic fan says it then it’s sectarian, unless said Celtic fan isn’t a Catholic, then it’s ok.
As clear as mud. 

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1 hour ago, Drew Brees said:

If you are a Catholic then that thats a sectarian slur, but if you’re a Protestant then it should be ok, not sure what it means if you’re of any other religion. 

They're just reclaiming their word. It's happened the world over, numerous times.

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10 minutes ago, Drew Brees said:

Exactly, if a fan of any other Scottish team says it then it’s fine, if a Celtic fan says it then it’s sectarian, unless said Celtic fan isn’t a Catholic, then it’s ok.
As clear as mud. 

Just so I can clarify what I meant in case it was picked up wrong, I meant it likely would’ve been harder for the defendant to claim it is only a term used to describe someone that supports Rangers if they had no way of knowing what team the police officer supported before insulting them.

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6 minutes ago, AJF said:

Just so I can clarify what I meant in case it was picked up wrong, I meant it likely would’ve been harder for the defendant to claim it is only a term used to describe someone that supports Rangers if they had no way of knowing what team the police officer supported before insulting them.

The ref gets called a *** at just about every Aberdeen game. 

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2 minutes ago, kingjoey said:


That is the reality, apart from in the heads of people who are looking to be offended. 

He must be the thickest *** on the planet. Is it only when Celtic fans say it that he gets offended, as it’s a sectarian remark? 

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Just now, Drew Brees said:

He must be the thickest *** on the planet. Is it only when Celtic fans say it that he gets offended, as it’s a sectarian remark? 


There's no need to be upset Drew, you are after all against sectarianism. 



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An interesting ruling by the judge which I don't particularly agree with tbh.

It's certainly become a sectarian term in the failed statelet of course, but this isn't Northern Ireland.

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