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Who actually cares?

lionel hutz

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My favourite thing about the Olympics is watching sport that I would never watch at any other point.

For example, I remember watching show jumping in 2012 and Britain and Netherlands were tied and it went to a "jump-off" and, as sad as it sounds, I was a bag of nerves. Things like archery and swimming I really get into despite never watching them outside the Olympics. It's 2 weeks of non-stop sport, what's not to like?!

Rugby 7s is also a good watch so glad that's been added in.

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Lets be honest we are all hoping for it to be a disaster with empty stadiums and protests.  A spot of matchfixing and cheating to boot.  A Jessica Ennis wardrobe malfunction would be alright too

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I'm a fan, not bothered about any hype of it. The opening ceremony gets a slagging on twitter, then there's a few weeks of random sports that you never watch any other time. The middle and long distance running can actually be quite enthralling at times.

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I'd pretty much forgotten it started this week. 

Maybe it's just because 2012 and the CG in 2014 were in the UK and consequently hyped, but I haven't been enthused by this at all yet either. 

That said, I'll look forward to most of the track and field events and probably the cycling as well. The rest of it I'll likely leave alone, with perhaps an exception for the handball. That was pretty fun last time around. 

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Not really that interested in most of the sports but whenever something means so much to the athlete's it's always watchable. To paraphrase Rory McIlroy, I'll watch the sports that matter and that attach importance to the Olympics - which to be fair is most of them, football being the obvious exception. No idea why they still persevere with that as an Olympic sport. Golf is probably another although I'm kind of interested to see it for the novelty factor.

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Before 2012, I was probably in the camp of never really caring about the Olympics, or at the very most just watching a couple of events if they were on.  I really enjoyed London though, caught as much of it as I could, and like others said you find yourself watching things you never thought you would.  Handball I seem to remember was a good watch.  Was it the gymnastics event that had a crazy close finish or was that at 2014?  Things like that you'd have to be paid to watch on Grandstand during the year, but the entire presentation of them back then was brilliant.

But this one...meh.  If it was at a good time I'd probably be a lot more interested.  I would've watched the opening ceremony, but seems that's at midnight.  f**k that.  Then you add in all the car crash moments you might get outside of the sport, like protests, poor attendance, Zika virus, or swimmers accidentally drinking some of the water and getting propelled over the line through a different kind of power.  Hopefully it's like previous games - and football tournaments - where there's all the media uproar about it and then it goes off without a hitch.  Would be a shame for the athletes who have the opportunity of going from obscurity to the top of the world almost, if they're overshadowed by something like that.

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Summer Olympics not my cup of tea but each to their own. Gives a spotlight to some of the diddy sports that otherwise don't get attention. Football should be no where near it especially as a diddy u23 cup.

Winter Olympics I enjoy more being an ice hockey fans also like the curling as Scotland has good chance there. In wider events it can be fun to watch the odd thing where people are literally racing down a mountain. I hope pie and bovril has a section for the winter olympics in 2018,. 

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I almost never care about any event until it actually starts and then I find myself glued to the TV watching it every evening! it was the same with the Euro's, The World Cuop, Tour De France etc. I just love watching sport (except Golf, which is shit).

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