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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Ireland to officially get a veto over any EU deal.
'If the offer is unacceptable to Ireland then it's unacceptable to the EU' says Donald Tusk.
Reckon the penny is dropping with some British politicians yet?

Also, RBS closing 62 branches #bettertogether

Surely British politicians should know that every member has a veto since they never stopped banging on about it during the indy ref. Unfortunately the British government haven't the faintest idea what they are doing.
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And quite right too. Ireland did not vote for this mess. It's good to see the EU looking after one of their own.

Look at the power an independent Ireland has inside the EU and compare to Scotland inside the UK.

The more this unfolds the worse it gets. Sturgeon simply has to offer up indyref2 if it's a no deal scenario which is looking likely.
People deserve a choice, I still think the NO side will win a 2nd referendum with the mainstream media on their side and another project fear but a decision on which way we want to go must be made.
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2 hours ago, GTG_03 said:


Look at the power an independent Ireland has inside the EU and compare to Scotland inside the UK.

The more this unfolds the worse it gets. Sturgeon simply has to offer up indyref2 if it's a no deal scenario which is looking likely.
People deserve a choice, I still think the NO side will win a 2nd referendum with the mainstream media on their side and another project fear but a decision on which way we want to go must be made.


The problem will be selling a border. There wouldn’t have been one within the EU, but since England and England Jr don’t give a f**k about any other home nation, it looks like there will be a hard border in Ireland. The next indyref will see the imperialists pointing at the border they’ve forced on Ireland and saying, “if you dare try and govern yourselves, you’ll get one too”. That might make the shitebags think it’s better to sink into economic oblivion clinging to England and Wales’ coattails.

Edited by Antlion
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Please please Ireland on the 14th and 15th of December vote this completely and  utter stupid racist fucking thing down. The only reason people voted Brexit was because either a) they were fucking stupid e.g Oh look the bus says we will get £350 million back from the EU or b)  they were fucking racist e.g we don't want any immigrants coming into this country. (Translated into Farage we dont want any niggers, pakis or gypos coming into England).

In summary Ireland do us all a favour and get this of this racist pish.


Edited by pawpar
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11 minutes ago, Bully Wee Villa said:

Forgive me, what is the significance of the dates 14th/15th December? Is that a deadline of some sort?

Think TMay and the other big wigs meet tomorrow (4th) and from that the EU top dogs will recommend to the EU27 whether they're keen to move onto the next phase of negotiations. 14th/15th is when they vote for it. I think. Might be talking shite.

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17 hours ago, Antlion said:

....The next indyref will see the imperialists pointing at the border they’ve forced on Ireland and saying, “if you dare try and govern yourselves, you’ll get one too”....

If we had wound up outside the EU with rUK still in there almost certainly would have been a hard border at the Solway and Tweed for a few years minimum, if EEA membership could not have been secured. If Brexit is teaching people anything it is that radical constitutional change is not something to do lightly and to be wary of snake oil salesmen that claim otherwise.

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Rees-Mogg is now pretending (on Marr) that a border in Ireland would be entirely the political choice of the EU and RoI, that they don’t legally need to build one, and that the UK would never suggest one. Putting aside the fact he’s lying, why, then, did the UK government claim that an iScotland would legally require a border that the Scottish government doesn’t want?

Edited by Antlion
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The Isle of Man is not in the EU, but can still trade with EU members with no customs tariffs being applied, so Rees-Mogg isn't actually wrong in strictly technical terms even if it's a disingenuous argument due to the practicalities involved making a hard border a necessity when a state as large as the UK is involved. You would have to ask the UK government on the second question. My guess would be that they thought it would swing people over to the No side, so the question seems a bit redundant to me. The important point was that they had the ability to do that like the EU does with the NI border at the moment and if Scotland had voted for independence passport and customs checks on the M74 at Gretna could have been one of the outcomes regardless of what Holyrood wanted. Divorces often get bitter.

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