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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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4 hours ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Corbyn had the same number of votes as every other member of the electorate. I voted remain, but I blame those of my acquaintances who were more interested in reality TV and soaps than learning even a little bit about the biggest decision the majority of us would ever be asked to be involved in more than I blame any of the lying bast*rds on either campaign. 

You fúcked my kids' and grandkids' futures because you don't like foreigners. Well done. Cúnts.

Corbyn also had the platform to put his weight behind Remain and influence the vote. He barely used it and his lack of input was/is appalling. He was absolutely fucking useless. 

Teresa May did exactly the same. 

Utter c***s the pair of them. 

Corbyn the abstainer has helped f**k this country. 

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If I had to draw up a list of influential folk who were to blame for the Brexit decision I am not sure Corbyn would be in the top 20 or even 30.  He did a pretty shit job but it should be put in context.

Sadly I get the impression that there are folk who would rather see a Tory in Number 10 after the next election instead of Corbyn.

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23 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:


Sadly I get the impression that there are folk who would rather see a Tory in Number 10 after the next election instead of Corbyn.

A progressive UK government puts the independence movement on ice for a while so there are obviously some who would prefer more Tory austerity.


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33 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

If I had to draw up a list of influential folk who were to blame for the Brexit decision I am not sure Corbyn would be in the top 20 or even 30.  He did a pretty shit job but it should be put in context.

Sadly I get the impression that there are folk who would rather see a Tory in Number 10 after the next election instead of Corbyn.

Least of a bad bunch is hardly a real choice though, is it? And Corbyn's 70s throwback politics makes a mockery of the very idea of "progressive" politics.

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15 minutes ago, Detournement said:

A progressive UK government puts the independence movement on ice for a while so there are obviously some who would prefer more Tory austerity.


Yeh...the auld just vote labour one more time, this time they will get in........argument.

Thankfully it appears most Scots have finally sussed this.

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48 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

If I had to draw up a list of influential folk who were to blame for the Brexit decision I am not sure Corbyn would be in the top 20 or even 30.  He did a pretty shit job but it should be put in context.

Sadly I get the impression that there are folk who would rather see a Tory in Number 10 after the next election instead of Corbyn.

Sadly I get the impression that there are folk who think there is a genuine choice and indeed a value judgement to made between selfish, evil & incompetent and selfish, incompetent & incompetent.

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50 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

If I had to draw up a list of influential folk who were to blame for the Brexit decision I am not sure Corbyn would be in the top 20 or even 30.  He did a pretty shit job but it should be put in context.

Sadly I get the impression that there are folk who would rather see a Tory in Number 10 after the next election instead of Corbyn.

Corbyn isn't to blame for Brexit. He is to blame for hiding during it though. Considering the wafer thin advantage Leave had, his complete failure to engage his support is tantamount to negligence.

I get that he doesn't like the EU, he should have been honest rather than lie about it.

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What exactly is "progressive" politics ?

21st century Britain and nobody actually says anything anymore, all we get are sound bites such as "Brexit means Brexit", "Making work pay", "Northern Powerhouse" etc, etc, etc. No answers to questions and no explanations for anything.

Not one politician or party has any sort of coherent plan or even interest it would seem, to tackle poverty or the enormous inequality in this country. The SNP did of course introduce their token gesture tax amendment but the bottom line is that the top rate must be increased to get people fairly paying what they can easily afford. Over and above that we must start clamping down on all the tax avoidance schemes by the multinationals and rich and famous as basically they're taking us all for a ride.

Before anyone comes away with the nonsensical line of "they'd leave the country", No, of course they wouldn't, where would they go ? Why would they pay hugely higher house prices to save on a couple of hundred or even a couple of thousand in taxes ?, what about uprooting their families ? and of course the main point, the job, as in the job would still exist even if the individual chose to move elsewhere so as to avoid this great burden of a few extra quid in tax.

Of course, one of the biggest problems is our insolvency rules where we actively invite hedgefunds and institutional investors to come and asset strip at will, leaving companies broken, people on the buroo, pension funds decimated and the remainder of the bill picked up by you and me, the good old tax payer. It's happening time and time again and nobody is doing a damn thing to change it.

Honestly, there's so much wrong in this rotting country and we NEED to change before there's nothing left to save................

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1 hour ago, HTG said:

Corbyn also had the platform to put his weight behind Remain and influence the vote. He barely used it and his lack of input was/is appalling. He was absolutely fucking useless. 

Teresa May did exactly the same. 

Utter c***s the pair of them. 

Corbyn the abstainer has helped f**k this country. 

Just a personal observation, but I got the impression Labour looked at the damage siding with the Tories  got them in the Scottish referendum and  didn't want that happening again and took their foot of the gas.

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7 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Compared to vote SNP and get what exactly?

Which is exactly why we need independence, 95% of the seats sent back an SNP MP, and little if any traction was gained from it. Now I understand how democracies work and you could argue this would be the same if one region of the UK returned a similar result. We'll skip past the hypocrisy of the Tories using the DUP to prop them up when they spent millions on advertising campaigns claiming Labour would do the same with the SNP and it would be undemocratic.

Now, while technically we have direct democracy up here, but it's really only that in name not in practice. It's the old Henry Ford quote, you can have it in any colour so long as it's... and in this case red or blue.

The difference between a region of England and the nation of Scotland is very clear though, and the only way we will ever "shake off the oppressive yolk" of Westminster, is to handle our own affairs.

As my sig file says, 63 countries were given the opportunity of independence from Westminster rule. 62 of them took it, one did not.

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5 minutes ago, thisal said:

Just a personal observation, but I got the impression Labour looked at the damage siding with the Tories  got them in the Scottish referendum and  didn't want that happening again and took their foot of the gas.

I don't think that's overly relevant for Brexit. In government, sure, very relevant. The Libs for example shat the bed in coalition with the Tories at Westminster and in coalition with Labour at Holyrood. I simply could not trust them ever, which is a shame as I had a lot of time for people like Steel or Kennedy. Not Carmichael though, he's a toadying wee rat who would rather prop up a tory government than in any way support Scottish issues.

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42 minutes ago, Buddist Monk said:

You should be ashamed of that nonsense. It really sums up the arrogance of Labour supporters, and underlines why their party is now so badly supported.



It's not nonsense, it's a fact. The only people influenced by Corbyn, I would argue, were those who actually went to see him speak or read verbatim reports of those speeches. Not those, like some on here, who are glad to accept the provably biased media representation of him, and be influenced by that.  

As for badly supported - the absolute lowest estimate of current membership is comfortably over half a million, not counting registered supporters and affiliated TU members. More than the Tories, SNP, LibDems and Plaid can muster between them. 

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1 hour ago, renton said:

Least of a bad bunch is hardly a real choice though, is it? And Corbyn's 70s throwback politics makes a mockery of the very idea of "progressive" politics.


48 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

Sadly I get the impression that there are folk who think there is a genuine choice and indeed a value judgement to made between selfish, evil & incompetent and selfish, incompetent & incompetent.

The next Prime Minister of the U.K. is going to be a Tory or Labour, that’s an unpalatable fact.

I’d rather have Corbyn than May/Johnston/Rees Mogg.

Yeah sometimes it is simply the lesser of two evils.


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21 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

It's not nonsense, it's a fact. The only people influenced by Corbyn, I would argue, were those who actually went to see him speak or read verbatim reports of those speeches. Not those, like some on here, who are glad to accept the provably biased media representation of him, and be influenced by that. 

I'm not sure if you are insulting me or yourself with that answer. You seem to suggest that everyone who dislikes Corbyn's is being blinded by the media. It's not the first time you've done it and it's equally untrue now as it was before. As someone who supports independence I am only too well aware of the way the media spins things and doesn't take everything as gospel.

21 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

As for badly supported - the absolute lowest estimate of current membership is comfortably over half a million, not counting registered supporters and affiliated TU members. More than the Tories, SNP, LibDems and Plaid can muster between them. 

Stop lying, the Scottish Labour Party's own figures is that it has just over 20,000 members. Not random affiliates, not UK wide, the Scottish Labour Party alone. If you talk about affiliated it raises it to roughly just over 30,000. Those figures date from late 2017. Are you claiming that 230,000 members joined Scottish Labour between then and now? Or is it that you need English and Welsh member figures to compete with a parties membership that doesn't operate in those jurisdictions?

What's more evident is number of Scottish seats that Labour hold both at Holyrood and Westminster. You are the third party behind the Conservatives at Holyrood. How the f**k did that happen? It happened because there are not enough people who trust Labour so the only other option than SNP is Conservatives.

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12 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I’d rather have Corbyn than May/Johnston/Rees Mogg.

I would too. It's not that I dislike the man, but I do believe he has been fundamentally dishonest regarding Brexit.

I will say though, Corbyn will never be PM, and that is because while his base is strong, his base is not large enough to win on it's own. It needs middle of the road politics. Look at the last Labour PM's. Blair who moved the party to the right, and Callaghan who remained true to his values and was removed because of the winter of discontent.

When people see Corbyn they see Callaghan, not Blair, and that frightens them. I wish it didn't, I'd love for us to be a centre left country but the English dominate politics and they don't want that.

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