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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

i assure you there is nothing interesting about this debate. I never identified a time, merely the current situation.

"not caring" was clearly context dependent.


As a Scottish nationalist, what effect do you think brexit will have on the arguments for scottish independence? Trade barriers weren't an issue last time and Scotland will have no claim to membership of the EU.

I ask as someone who was narrowly against independence last time, and is a definite supporter of EU membership.

Assuming Brexit goes ahead.

All the sentiment coming out of the EU suggests that (should we choose too) our path to rejoining would be straightforward.

In the immediate aftermath of independence, and prior to our dedcision over our future eu relationship, there is no reason that any trade barriers be imposed between us and the rUK.  I suppose they could do so from spite, but that would harm them as much as us (and they are pretty friendless at the moment.)

In the medium term we would have to weigh up what trade relationships suited us best.

In any case, it would be us making our decisions for the betterment of our future.  Better than the slow death of remaining in an increasingly xenophobic isolationist rUK, over whose direction we have little say.

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1 hour ago, coprolite said:

i assure you there is nothing interesting about this debate. I never identified a time, merely the current situation.

"not caring" was clearly context dependent.


As a Scottish nationalist, what effect do you think brexit will have on the arguments for scottish independence? Trade barriers weren't an issue last time and Scotland will have no claim to membership of the EU.

I ask as someone who was narrowly against independence last time, and is a definite supporter of EU membership.

Strange you chose to pursue it then. For me the Brexit debacle has no effect on the arguments for Scottish statehood, other than proving them right. I predicted exactly this situation four years ago. 

Whether it will affect the opinions of those who were wedded to the UK last time (to a lesser or greater extent) I can’t say. It will depend entirely on how Brexit pans out. We might end up with a negligible or soft Brexit, in which case trade barriers won’t be an issue next time. Or we might end up with a hard Brexit, in which case we have to decide whether to sink as a region of the UK, or try to join the EU and negotiate some kind of trading relationship with (what would be) a desperate UK. Incidentally, I agree that they weren’t an issue last time - but the UK nationalist position still tried to make them one. 

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From the BBC website

"BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith said it was thought the only "substantive" area of disagreement left was over the mechanism for the UK to exit the proposed "backstop" customs arrangement - referring to the fallback plans to guarantee there will be no new visible border checks."

So the only "substantive area of disagreement" is the one that the EU will not back down on and that May will need to get changed to have any chance of getting Cabinet/Parliamentary approval.  That sure sounds like progress.


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Strange you chose to pursue it then. For me the Brexit debacle has no effect on the arguments for Scottish statehood, other than proving them right. I predicted exactly this situation four years ago. 
Whether it will affect the opinions of those who were wedded to the UK last time (to a lesser or greater extent) I can’t say. It will depend entirely on how Brexit pans out. We might end up with a negligible or soft Brexit, in which case trade barriers won’t be an issue next time. Or we might end up with a hard Brexit, in which case we have to decide whether to sink as a region of the UK, or try to join the EU and negotiate some kind of trading relationship with (what would be) a desperate UK. Incidentally, I agree that they weren’t an issue last time - but the UK nationalist position still tried to make them one. 
A straw in the wind - my wife voted No and has declared she will now reverse that should another vote occur.
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6 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
1 hour ago, zidane said:
Where did you see this? I've had a look on twitter and can't see anything.

BBC, met at foxs last night for late drinks

It's only a conspiracy when it's at Loathsome's for pizza.

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For once in my life I can actually agree with Boris who is tweeting that the the whole brexit farce is now being totally stage managed.

At the last possible moment May will emerge waving some fudged paperwork in the air,  claiming that  she has secured an excellent deal for the whole of the UK  and that we should all unite and get behind it.

She'll be hailed by her colleagues as a heroine in much the same way as Thatcher was when sunk the Belgrano.


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2 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

For once in my life I can actually agree with Boris who is tweeting that the the whole brexit farce is now being totally stage managed.

At the last possible moment May will emerge waving some fudged paperwork in the air,  claiming that  she has secured an excellent deal for the whole of the UK  and that we should all unite and get behind it.

She'll be hailed by her colleagues as a heroine in much the same way as Thatcher was when sunk the Belgrano.


Remember the last time a British PM came back waving paperwork from the continent.  That went well. 

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24 minutes ago, senorsoupe said:


I know not everyone's cup of tea but Frankie Boyle wrote an eloquently cynical and depressing article about Brexit

I think Frankie Boyle would be a better Prime Minster than Theresa May.


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