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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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9 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I thought the EU27 were going to collapse at the last minute and offer us a sweetheart deal?

Isn’t that what the next Tory leader and others told us?


As unthinkable as it may be, it turns out they lied.



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10 minutes ago, Donathan said:

Yikes. May is only going to ask for a 3 month extension with no backup plan if parliament fails to ratify her deal. No deal is firmly back on the table.

Keeping No Deal in play may be the only way to keep the Tory party together at this point, unfortunately. There is no obvious motivation for ERG and the DUP to not simply run down the clock at that point, if she isn't going to threaten them with a general election or second referendum, because Article 50 can only be revoked up to March 29th.  The pro-Remain majority in the HoC needs to assert itself next week or it will almost certainly be too late after that even if the short extension is granted. She maybe wants to engineer a revocation for petty electoral reasons, so the opposition parties that push for it get viewed as traitors defying democracy by Leave voters, but I suspect Corbyn will not be willing to play along, unfortunately.

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May is an absolute joke. One of the reasons she needs the extension is because she shat the bed when it cameto asking Parliament to ratify the November WA. She opted not to put it to Parliament until 15th January because the deal was so poorly received that she knew she would get leathered. So nearly 2 months wasted and she got leathered anyway. 

At every stage, she has sought to consult only after running the clock right down to try and force change of opinion. 

The cow should have resigned in January. That she is still there this morning is nothing short of a disgrace. 

It really doesn't matter who replaces her (obviously it does for the UK) but someone should because she has made a roaring cvnt of this. Of course her party are entirely to blame for the whole thing but as the head of the snake she should be first out the door. 

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Sounds like the cabinet brexiteers have won, with their aim being to use an extension to prepare for a hard leave in June. May will still be hoping to get her deal passed. The EU will probably go along with it to avoid getting the blame for us crashing out next week.

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Sounds like the cabinet brexiteers have won, with their aim being to use an extension to prepare for a hard leave in June. May will still be hoping to get her deal passed. The EU will probably go along with it to avoid getting the blame for us crashing out next week.


They're already being blamed for being difficult and obtuse by the hard core brexiteers, despite the fact it is us who are wanting to leave the club. They're not going to lose sleep over getting even more blame.

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6 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Sounds like the cabinet brexiteers have won, with their aim being to use an extension to prepare for a hard leave in June. May will still be hoping to get her deal passed. The EU will probably go along with it to avoid getting the blame for us crashing out next week.

It's time for the remainers or moderates within the Tory party to step up to the plate and confront the hard-line Brexiteers.  May has never really confronted them and continually kicked the can down the road hoping it will all sort itself out. She did the exact same on the Irish border issue. Now everything is up in the air and we are heading for a catastrophe.  

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The Brexiteers are more strident because they know they know Conservative Associations support a tough line by a pretty hefty majority.  They are playing to their base and ignoring the country at large.

To typify this, a Tory MP (didn’t catch his name) was quoted on radio yesterday saying May shouldn’t be asking for an extension as the majority of Tory MPs and Conservative Associations don’t want it.

He didn't seem to realise a Prime Minister is answerable to Parliament as a whole and certainly not to his party’s membership.


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33 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Certainly seems to be an assumption by the English based meeja that all May has to do is ask for a short extension and it will be granted.

I'd like to think that at least 1 of the 27 will tell her to go and f**k herself. 


I'd like to think so too, but there's a bit of a misconception that the 27 decisions will be made independently and one country (Italy being the prime suspect) will just veto it. Whilst technically that is the case, in practicality the EU bosses will be meeting with all the leaders tomorrow at the summit and will be urging them to do what's best for the EU as a group. In this case, it's an extension to at least have a chance of avoiding a catastrophic no deal. I hope I'm wrong and they tell May to get fucked, but I doubt it.

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They're as divided as the Tories.
If anything, I would say they are leaning more towards Remain.

Vast swathes of their core vote aren’t though. Corbyn could never win Middle England either now. A Labour/SNP pact isn’t even a remote possibility. A general election won’t solve anything on Brexit but a further frustrating delay to most punters.
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She's (still) running down the clock.

She will basically sit and do nothing, the EU will grant a short technical extension, and MV3 to happen next Thursday with the choices being my deal, no deal, or long indefinite extension.

Either that, or she will simply sit and do nothing, and Britain crashes out "by automatic operation of law".

Those hoping for closure any time soon are likely to be disappointed. Brexit will never end.

This makes Dennis Healey going cap in hand to the IMF to keep the lights on in 1976, or Suez, look like a model of competent governance in comparison.


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10 minutes ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

She's (still) running down the clock.

She will basically sit and do nothing, the EU will grant a short technical extension, and MV3 to happen next Thursday with the choices being my deal, no deal, or long indefinite extension.

Either that, or she will simply sit and do nothing, and Britain crashes out "by automatic operation of law".

Those hoping for closure any time soon are likely to be disappointed. Brexit will never end.

This makes Dennis Healey going cap in hand to the IMF to keep the lights on in 1976, or Suez, look like a model of competent governance in comparison.


Yeah, for two generations Suez has been the byword for the international humbling of Britain and it's new place in the world, Brexit has now superseded that.

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I would still argue that attempting to invade Egypt because they nationalised a canal is worse than Brexit.

3000 Egyptians (ie a 9/11) were killed which is a fair bit worse than potentially losing a couple of points off Mystic Mark's shonky GDP forecasts.

Edited by Detournement
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