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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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MPs were not being advised to take taxis to get around town before May addressed the nation.  She single handedly increased the threat to the security of those in parliament. Not many PMs will have that on their CV. 

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13 minutes ago, young_bairn said:

Might have missed it but has there been enough change to the brexit deal to allow a third vote? Is the date changes enough?


9 minutes ago, glasgow-sheep said:

Date has changed so just about.
They'd always find a way of having the vote if they want to.


Wouldn't it be great if Bercow ruled it out again!

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May is absolutely determined to get "leave" done and dusted. She's completely driven by the fact that she wants to Tory grassroots to remember her as the PM who got us out of the EU. She and her fellow Tory vermin will be well-insulated from the worst effects of a No Deal, so it doesn't matter a f**k if the general population suffer.

As for Scotland, if there's even a likelihood that we'll vote again to remain part of this total clusterfuck then hell mend us. Scotland will deserve every lump of shite these servile forelock-tuggers will have condemned us to. 

What a fucking mess. 

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It’s a really clever move by the EU.  Offers genuine breathing space, paves the way for different options and ensures if it goes tits up they can rightly claim they did everything they could.

They’ve done the HOC a massive solid by removing the immediate threat of no deal by default. I think the EU have now accepted that Theresa May’s deal is finished.

When the deal is defeated yet again on Monday then the question is whether May will do the decent thing and resign, or try to come back for a 4th meaningful vote in early April.
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17 minutes ago, HTG said:

MPs were not being advised to take taxis to get around town before May addressed the nation.  She single handedly increased the threat to the security of those in parliament. Not many PMs will have that on their CV. 

Yeah, but didn't the same thing happen during our bitter, divisive, hate-filled independence referendum. Politicians were afraid to walk the streets. One of them even had an egg thrown at him. An egg!!!!!

Compare & contrast.

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2 hours ago, HTG said:

Just watching QT and have to empathise with the audience member who spoke in heartfelt terms about human rights being as important as trade because the rights of trans people in Ireland have been most significantly driven by the European Court of Justice. 

Trade is massive but it's a point well made that these right wing fucknuggets will rip rights away. And there is no point aspiring for a left of centre UK - England isn't interested and the rest of us will need to suffer what they vote for. 

Get us tae f**k Nicola.

Yet rightsfor LGBTQ in England and Wales have always been ahead of those in South Ireland.  Still, nice rant.

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The UK will be offered a delay until 22 May, if MPs approve the withdrawal deal negotiated with the EU next week.

If they do not, the EU will back a shorter delay until 12 April, allowing the UK time to get the deal through or to "indicate a way forward".


That will not give them time for a general election if they vote down Mays deal on Monday). Its a very carefully considered box they have set up. The deal on the table or very clear steps such as either a new referendum, a new general election or something pretty meaty the EU can put a second time box around. 

"May's deal" is also the EU's deal.  They have given her a huge stick to take into parliament with to beat the Brexiters "its me, no deal or no Brexit" but also a small breathing space for parliament to throw its weight behind a second referendum. They have all the cards and seem to be playing a decent enough game with them. 27 countries each with a veto and they have seemingly crafted a stop gap solution to line up their three options for the UK with no real wiggle room for a renegotiation (without something as substantial as a huge change in the UKs negotiating terms). 

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6 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Yet rightsfor LGBTQ in England and Wales have always been ahead of those in South Ireland.  Still, nice rant.

That was her point bawheid. She has a UK passport and an Irish passport as a resident of Northern Ireland. On the whole of the island of Ireland, securing the rights she has now was largely driven by EU human rights policy.

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That was her point bawheid. She has a UK passport and an Irish passport as a resident of Northern Ireland. On the whole of the island of Ireland, securing the rights she has now was largely driven by EU human rights policy.
You don't get an Irish passport by being a resident of NI. Under the GFA you have to be born in Island of Ireland. Naturalisation and immediate parenthood is only applicable to ROI.
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Will the DUP/ERG go for the May deal as the best (from their POV) they're likely to get, if so will that be enough votes to pass in the HoC, if not will the opposition be able to unite and force a GE or second Brexit Referendum, might May even resign?

I haven't the foggiest!

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