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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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8 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

I say Article 50 should be revoked and the terms of the free movement aspect of our EU membership be completely re-negotiated.

It’s become increasingly clear that the UK needs to develop a new system of regional immigration. The pressures facing parts of England do not affect Scotland, and it's also clear that many voted leave because of their immigration concerns. If these concerns were addressed they, the vote leave camp, might be more prepared to accept our continued membership of the EU.

Given that the EU are said to be concerned over the possibilities of a No Deal brexit, I think they might be prepared to consider discussing re-negotiation of our membership along these lines.



Was it Portillo that said it was no coincidence the EU blinked the first time No Deal looked like it was genuinely going to happen?

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If there was job losses into the six figures as a result of staying in the EU, and it was ruled that funding of a pro-EU campaign was illegal, and that the remain campaign of a future referendum were found out to be lying about what happens after we stay in the EU, then sure, if all of those things happened, I'd have no problem with staying in the EU being called into question if that lot of events ever happened. And to be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if two of those three things actually happened.

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23 minutes ago, Principal Flutie said:

If there was job losses into the six figures as a result of staying in the EU, and it was ruled that funding of a pro-EU campaign was illegal, and that the remain campaign of a future referendum were found out to be lying about what happens after we stay in the EU, then sure, if all of those things happened, I'd have no problem with staying in the EU being called into question if that lot of events ever happened. And to be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if two of those three things actually happened.


Didn't the government send pro-EU leaflets out to every household in the country? I think the Remain side vastly outspent Leave and were just smarter in how they funded the campaign. I don't like the argument about cheating because it lets some people dismiss the result, and what it says about the state of politics in this country, and go back to what the country was like pre-2016.

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There may have been a vote to Leave but we've never been asked what that should look like.


That's different from the Independence referendum which had a clear vision of what independence looked like.


It's all and fine saying leave means leave but even those who didn't vote for it are every bit as entitled to have their say in what version of leave we should have.


It seems to me that the only version that's been there is a narrow one dominated by the gammons.


Its a version that's ignored not just Remainers but I suspect a sizeable part of the Leave vote itself.

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1 hour ago, kirkyblue2 said:

So what’s the split, 60/40, 52/48 ?

A simple majority.  This vote would be an informed vote with clarity of what Leave means.

If people voted this time for a No Deal Brexit the so be it; no one could claim afterwards there was any ambiguity.

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6 hours ago, Lurkst said:

And this:-


So much for ‘taking back control of our borders’ – most immigrants come from outside the EU

No shit Sherlock.  

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22 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

There may have been a vote to Leave but we've never been asked what that should look like.

That's different from the Independence referendum which had a clear vision of what independence looked like.

It's all and fine saying leave means leave but even those who didn't vote for are every bit as entitled to have their say in what version of leave we should have.

It seems to me that the only version that's been there is a narrow one dominated by the gammons.

Its a version that's ignored not just Remainers but I suspect a sizeable part of the Leave vote itself.

We didn't really have a clear vision of what would happen in the event of a yes VOTE, the white paper was just a proposal from one section of YES, it's almost impossible to actually project what would have happened until both sides actually agreed a settlement, I was under no illusions that we would have suffered a level of capital flight, HQ's being moved and jobs being moved out of Scotland in the short term.

I for one was quite happy to take the short term pain in the expectation that we would eventually be running our affairs better than Westminster had/could.

The problem with Brexit and all the projections is the use of so called experts, the same group of so called experts that we were all calling liars,shysters, bampots etc.

I've no doubt we'll be worse off in the short term if Brexit ever happens, how bad and for how long, I've no idea, I suspect that it won't be nearly as bad as predicted, that's based simply on the fact that I still don't trust the liars,shysters and bampots.

We'll probably be better off in the short term if we can get a soft Brexit(as opposed to a No Deal or similar) that really doesn't address the immigration issue but f**k knows where that could take us long term when the far right decide they've been shafted.

We could see Westminster being dominated by a party for the remnants of the 52%, would be great to see Labour and the Tories obliterated for a while but I'm not too sure it would be great when the youngsters of the future look back with the benefit of hindsight.

If Leave get shafted and don't produce any sort of meaningful backlash then I've no doubt that independence as a goal will be over for the remainder of my lifetime.

Edited by ayrmad
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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:



FBPE had a great day out yesterday. Lots of funny and relatable banners about the next ski holiday in the Alps or why Bercow is a leg-end. You've got to admit that a platform of "let's make politics boring again" is a good strategy.

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19 hours ago, dorlomin said:

He is a defrocked priest who tackled the race leader in the middle of the Athens Olympics marathon. He is a complete freak and sort of an Irish Peter Dow. 

Wow! Firm Grasp O' Reality then?

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