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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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1 minute ago, AUFC90 said:
2 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:
You want Indyref2? And you expect the result to be honoured if it's a Yes? 

Well it was honoured when it was a no.

Ahh. But hat was way back in 2014 - before the middle classes lost their shit and decided referendums didn't need to be honoured if the uneducated plebs didn't properly understand their place.

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1 hour ago, Chapelhall chap said:

Just read this post so apologies if it has been commented on . The guy you refer to , Brendan O'Neil., writes for Spiked ( funded by subscribers he claims) . He approaches this from (he says) a left wing /anti corporatist EU/ who thinks the "working class" have been shafted by the Neo Liberal consensus. He is a contrarian who also approaches political view from a Libertarian/free speech/anti identity political  ideas. He is certainly a hard Brexit one from the early days and is now in an echo chamber leading to "Clean Brexit" . He was obviously getting really irked and lost the plot today by suggesting there should be riots. Anyone who quotes the levellers from the 17th century as an inspiration for riots on the streets, is forgetting how they were crushed by the state in those days.  Many of his views on the leave side were of course not applicable to his negative views on the Yes campaign. Like a lot of Brexiteers he supports "Independence" from the EU but loves the precious UK union

That is undoubtedly contradictory. As are Scottish Nationalists being against a union with England but for a Union with the EU.

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I, for one, can’t wait for the Brexit Party to announce their “freedom of movement for Africans to balance out the unfairness of EU immigration rules” policy.

What’s that? They won’t? And to suggest anything of the sort is, at absolute best, extremely disingenuous? That’s a pity.

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1 hour ago, Chapelhall chap said:

Just read this post so apologies if it has been commented on . The guy you refer to , Brendan O'Neil., writes for Spiked ( funded by subscribers he claims) . He approaches this from (he says) a left wing /anti corporatist EU/ who thinks the "working class" have been shafted by the Neo Liberal consensus. He is a contrarian who also approaches political view from a Libertarian/free speech/anti identity political  ideas. He is certainly a hard Brexit one from the early days and is now in an echo chamber leading to "Clean Brexit" . He was obviously getting really irked and lost the plot today by suggesting there should be riots. Anyone who quotes the levellers from the 17th century as an inspiration for riots on the streets, is forgetting how they were crushed by the state in those days.  Many of his views on the leave side were of course not applicable to his negative views on the Yes campaign. Like a lot of Brexiteers he supports "Independence" from the EU but loves the precious UK union

Nobody should be encouraging disorder. But, to be consistent, are you equally uncomfortable with Irish politicians and the UK remain establishment constantly suggesting that IRA terrorism is the inevitable result of Brexit? And the Civil Service suggesting that there will be shortages that could lead to civil disorder?

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2 hours ago, Chapelhall chap said:

The guy you refer to , Brendan O'Neil., writes for Spiked ( funded by subscribers he claims) .

Funded by the American right wing Charles Koch Foundation and Cato Institute.

Edited by welshbairn
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6 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

Now you're confused.

Night, Johnboy.


Trying to make sense of your posts would confuse anyone.

I'm assuming you're having some difficulty in accepting that many Scots would prefer to remain a part of Europe than continue to be associated with Boris's Britain.

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1 hour ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Absolutely hated Miami, shitehole of a place. We’ve had some great experiences in small towns, in places like Nashville (the wee towns around it) and outside Austin in Round Rock etc.

Miami's like Edinburgh; better place to live than to visit. 

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8 hours ago, Pet Jeden said:

That is undoubtedly contradictory. As are Scottish Nationalists being against a union with England but for a Union with the EU.

A supranational Union of multiple independent nation-states being the exact same thing as a Union with other regions to form one nation-state, obviously.

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9 hours ago, Pet Jeden said:

Ahh. But hat was way back in 2014 - before the middle classes lost their shit and decided referendums didn't need to be honoured if the uneducated plebs didn't properly understand their place.

What is to be honoured? A throwing the baby out with the bathwater hard Brexit or a free movement customs union type Brexit? That is the problem with trying to deliver on the Brexit referendum. The Scottish referendum was a straight Yes/No, no ambiguity.




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6 hours ago, git-intae-thum said:

This is laughable pish.

The two "unions" are very different in nature.

Set aside the Crown - which SNP claimed was going to remain largely unaffected. Then take into account that the EU’s direction of travel is from the simple 6 nation 1952 European Coal and Steel Community, towards a unified EU superstate with less and less ability to veto - and I accept that is a perfectly valid case for such a superstate - then, no, the two unions are not very different. Except that tiny Scotland’s ability to influence becomes even tinier.

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