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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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16 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

The headline is bad enough but even more amazing is only 4 of these 253 jobs were advertised so people could apply for them. 


Were they actually jobs? 

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11 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I'm presuming they're not doing it for fun

It's almost all for government advisory groups - usually they pick people with relevant expertise. I'm sure they pay expenses but they are unpaid positions AFAIK. People want it on their CV and they also want to have influence in their particular area.

Do you think the SG advertised for their Advisory Group on Economic Recovery, and then Benny Higgins filled in an application form before waiting patiently by the phone?


Edit to add: the issue is gender and race, not the recruitment process

Edited by bendan
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2 minutes ago, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

This was also in that Liz Truss speech.


Fuckme, if the Tories are going to get any credibility in the Twitter culture wars, they've really got to drop this being nice to the Jews act.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Good question. I don't really see any problem with advertising the positions even if there's a limited number of people who could do the work. This would help with the equalities screening too.

It's a wonder Hibs don't do this when they're looking for talent, isn't it? I'm sure they'd appreciate your suggestion.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Weird tangent, but whatever. You're saying this as if normalising how footballers are employed would be somehow bad.

No, I'm saying this in the knowledge that normalising how footballers are recruited isn't going to happen because it's completely impractical.

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Good explainer on the fisheries issue. Don't see any way for the UK fishing industry to get a win out of this.
They won't get a win, but presentation and propaganda is more important for the UK Government and Macron than the actualite. The article alludes to that. But on any basis of rationality, to crash the UK economy on the basis of fishing access and quotas would be madness, utter madness. Johnson, Von Der Leyen, Frost and Barnier well know this.
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3 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Good explainer on the fisheries issue. Don't see any way for the UK fishing industry to get a win out of this.


Depends which fish.

Heard that the west coast fishermen who take mostly langoustines are furious. Northern Irish fishermen can come to our west coast and then sell their catch to the EU. We can't. Tariffs and paperwork still unknown.

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Brexit just getting warmed up before the real shitshow begins in a few days.



Apparently it’s just the French being awkward in Brexitland, honestly couldn’t make this shit up, they want closed borders which funnily enough leads to customs checks and queues but it’s Frances fault as our goods should be allowed to enter the EU without any checks.


My personal favourite is Brexiteers who suggest we should make foreign trucks coming in go through as many checks as possible to ensure France has traffic jams too as we import more than we export don’t ya know. No understanding that the trucks coming in are bringing goods we actually need for food and to keep our business going.


They don’t actually want to trade with these Johnny Foreigners what they want is a return to the days of Empire we we just looted everyone else’s Countries.

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Depends which fish.
Heard that the west coast fishermen who take mostly langoustines are furious. Northern Irish fishermen can come to our west coast and then sell their catch to the EU. We can't. Tariffs and paperwork still unknown.
There was a programme on recently, interviewing west coast fishermen, and the consensus was that they would open up shop in NI.
The NI executive were keeping an "eye out" for phantom companies springing up.
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3 hours ago, San Starko Rover said:


Apparently it’s just the French being awkward in Brexitland, honestly couldn’t make this shit up, they want closed borders which funnily enough leads to customs checks and queues but it’s Frances fault as our goods should be allowed to enter the EU without any checks.


My personal favourite is Brexiteers who suggest we should make foreign trucks coming in go through as many checks as possible to ensure France has traffic jams too as we import more than we export don’t ya know. No understanding that the trucks coming in are bringing goods we actually need for food and to keep our business going.


They don’t actually want to trade with these Johnny Foreigners what they want is a return to the days of Empire we we just looted everyone else’s Countries.


Had to laugh, there are massive queues on both sides of the English channel and the French are to blame for both.

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Evgeny Lebedev, Russian state-near oligarch & son of a former officer of the KGB Directorate, Baron of Hampton in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and of Siberia in Russia, was introduced in the House of Lords today......it's all over the news channels....isn't it?

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