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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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21 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Phenomenal heads gone on Twitter on the seed potatoes issue.
Some BritNat farmers trying to sweep it under the carpet..... due to their staunchness

I knew when i voted brexit that it risked my business entirely! Blue passports! Taking back control!!!

I do have to admit that the EU picked a crop that vastly impacts tory heartlands is absolute banter. 

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Can't believe the numbers phoning various radio stations this morning hailing Boris as the new Messiah - the man who finally put the EU firmly in their place.

"This will be a great deal for the UK"   DESPITE THE FACT THAT NO ONE'S SEEN THE FUCKING DEAL YET.


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12 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:

Can't believe the numbers phoning various radio stations this morning hailing Boris as the new Messiah - the man who finally put the EU firmly in their place.

"This will be a great deal for the UK"   


Are you equally surprised to read 2 pages of people on here saying that it will be a terrible deal DESPITE THE FACT THAT NO ONE'S SEEN THE FUCKING DEAL YET.


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1 minute ago, DiegoDiego said:

"Britain's fishing industry adds less value to the UK economy than the Harrods department store" (FT)

The good old economy eh?

No concern for the individuals who live and work in the fishing industry because a private owned corp like Harrods can receive a lot of money from rich morons, aye that's definitely coming back to people through tax isn't it? 


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The good old economy eh?
No concern for the individuals who live and work in the fishing industry because a private owned corp like Harrods can receive a lot of money from rich morons, aye that's definitely coming back to people through tax isn't it? 
If that's the conclusion you want to jump to then fill your boots.
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1 minute ago, DiegoDiego said:
16 minutes ago, Stormzy said:
The good old economy eh?
No concern for the individuals who live and work in the fishing industry because a private owned corp like Harrods can receive a lot of money from rich morons, aye that's definitely coming back to people through tax isn't it? 

If that's the conclusion you want to jump to then fill your boots.

Not that fussed, when you post a quote like that with nothing else it's not exactly obvious what point you're making. 

Especially on a forum which is generally anti private profiteering companies and pro the working man and his livelihood etc.. it just kinda stuck out to me a bit.  

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There was some idiotic cow (Scottish ironically) on 5Live yesterday adamant that the UK should import absolutely nothing from abroad, and that we should all only buy produce grown or reared in the UK.
So we should forget about oranges, grapefruit, bananas, lemons, olives, camembert, parma ham, champagne and all wines not cultivated in Kent, and exist all year on potatoes, cabbage and whatever British producers can manage to get from the ground in December. 
She did everything apart from call for spitfires to be manufactured once more and for boats to set sail for Dunkirk. 
I don't know what you can do about these people, apart from hope that they'll all die off soon. 
How will they travel?

Most cars are French, German, Italian, Japanese or American.
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Inevitable that the right wing media are selling it as a huge victory for Johnson...giving him his tagline for the next election that he got Brexit done, as he can only speak in three word slogans.
How many who voted Leave will even read any of the actual document?
Wait till they read the small print
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Johnson’s popularity and ability to sell this as a success will depend on the response from Farage, the IRG and other staunch Brexiteers.  If they make accusations of him having capitulated it will make life much more difficult in the populist media.
If they have conceded on fisheries there is not a snowball chance in hell the hard Brexiteers will back down.
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Not that fussed, when you post a quote like that with nothing else it's not exactly obvious what point you're making. 
Especially on a forum which is generally anti private profiteering companies and pro the working man and his livelihood etc.. it just kinda stuck out to me a bit.  
I wasn't making a point.

I was posting a fact which I thought some on here may find interesting. There had been discussion on fishing's relative importance to the economy further up the thread.
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28 minutes ago, Stormzy said:

private profiteering companies

You mean like the 5 families who own the North Sea fishing fleet? By the way, Harrods employs 3990, the Scottish fishing fleet 4860.

Edited by welshbairn
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2 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

Even though it'll junk UK GDP for a decade it'll probably lop a few percent off the pro independence majority too if its soft enough.

I take a different view. Once things are finalised and the ramifications begin to hit home, a more rounded view of how this will adversely impact on Scottish economy, politics and culture, will be clear. With the continuing "blunder through" of Johnson and co., folks will surely look at how an independent Scotland might thrive in Europe, free of whatever it is our neighbours in England are inflicting on themselves. I can see several percent being added to the rising Yes figures.

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1 hour ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Just a quick one, does anyone know if duty free alcohol will be applicable on flights from Glasgow to Dublin come the new year? Certainly will be for continental flights


The main challenge might be whether the opportunity to purchase it at duty free prices is available...

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37 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

You mean like the 5 families who own the North Sea fishing fleet? By the way, Harrods employs 3990, the Scottish fishing fleet 4860.

What about the rest of the UK'S fishing fleet? 

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43 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

I wasn't making a point.

I was posting a fact which I thought some on here may find interesting. There had been discussion on fishing's relative importance to the economy further up the thread.

Fair enough. 

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