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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Can I remind you that the Leave vote was the outcome of an Advisory Referendum, and as such no MP is morally or legally bound to reflect the outcome of their constituency.

Now it may be that many of them ARE paying close heed to the voting figures, but if I was an MP I'd also be considering what the result would be were the vote to be held again tomorrow, with all that we know now - June 2016 seems a long time ago.

Above all I expect them to do what is best for the people of the UK, and if folk have a problem with that, then to quote someone, 'tough tittie'.
Advisory doesn't mean jack shit hence why simply cancelling Brexit will never command a majority. Another referendum will be close either way. To suggest remain is going to win based on all the bullshit is a bit daft.
What's best for some people isn't what's best for others. So if a constituency votes 65% leave their MP isn't going to be a bit stuck ? No bother.
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11 minutes ago, AUFC90 said:

Advisory doesn't mean jack shit hence why simply cancelling Brexit will never command a majority. Another referendum will be close either way. To suggest remain is going to win based on all the bullshit is a bit daft.
What's best for some people isn't what's best for others. So if a constituency votes 65% leave their MP isn't going to be a bit stuck ? No bother.

Usually when the government are pushing through with something without much public backing, they roll out the "national interest" line. The only reason it isn't happening here is because a hard brexit is exactly what the tories want, even those who have been pretending to be against it. It's all part and parital of their plan to turn the UK into the worlds biggest tax haven.

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58 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

The argument against a new political party has always been "Look what happened to the SDP".

However there are differences.  The SDP were never going to get the vote from "Always been Labour" (or "Always been <anything else>" for that matter).
Thatcher got a boost from the Falklands War.
The SDP included David Owen.
The same people who thought Michael Foot was a poor leader would say the same about Jeremy Corbyn but Michael Foot was never presented with a crisis such as Brexit.

Personally, if a new party came to power simply to change the electoral system, that alone would be an improvement.
This entire disaster has come about because of the far right of the Tory party has always threaten to defect to UKIP and they are able to use this threat to get their way.

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There probably has to be some sort of Brexit even if it’s just in name for the political system in this country to retain any legitimacy among a substantial portion of the electorate. It’s a shame that the People’s Vote lot came to be dominated immediately by some of the most objectionable faces in British politics since you could’ve probably built a continuity Remain option down the line if everyone had seemed to accept the result at least for a while.
Good post. People's vote was doomed as soon as Tony Killer Blair jumped on board & it was called a 'peoples vote'
However a splinter referendum initiative will win the day following an extension of A50
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2 hours ago, BawWatchin said:



However, Sandy Watson, a Conservative councillor, denied that it was an attempt to win electoral favour with lodge members.

He quipped: “I have stood for election in Airdrie, where there are large numbers of Orange Lodge supporters, and nobody voted for me.”

That's not why nobody voted for him. They didn't vote for him because he's an obnoxious tory arsehole.

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It looks to me like he’s pointing out a fact.
Personally I don’t challenge the validity of the referendum result though I think that there should be a second one for a whole host of reasons.
What I do find distasteful are people who don’t normally bother voting coming out to express their xenophobia.  The only other way you would mobilise them is if their was a referendum on public hanging.

I think a good old cockney knees-up round the swinging corpse of Jon Venables would inject some sorely needed bulldog spirit into our divided country and am off to pitch this idea to the Sun in the full expectation that it'll be an op-ed by Tuesday.
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18 hours ago, doulikefish said:

Yip and shiny new offices in embra

Is this what you refer to? HMG classic, wrap a few big names around what really happens in the dungeons.


and this too...


Another two fingers up at ScotGov. "You just pretend it's a real government whilst we crack on with rebuilding the Empire" said UK Government spokesperson David Mundell.

No doubt both will be populated with "like-minded" chaps from the far South and a handful of local bideys to make the tea.

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1 hour ago, carpetmonster said:


I think a good old cockney knees-up round the swinging corpse of Jon Venables would inject some sorely needed bulldog spirit into our divided country and am off to pitch this idea to the Sun in the full expectation that it'll be an op-ed by Tuesday.


Ah, the good old Blighty spirit so well portrayed by them cockney geezers down the tube. Why wouldn't they love their government?


And then there's this patriotic little story I spotted in the Churchill War Rooms...the second image is the blow-up of the second para in the first image.

V1 Treachery on Eastenders   5c56eeabc5aae_V1RocketbetrayaltoEastenders2.thumb.jpg.d9066679926b2ec45f66d8268864f7d4.jpg

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I'm not parroting anything. I'm a remain voter. Less percentage of people voted remain than leave so that argument doesn't stack up. Fact is that anyone who doesn't believe that any MP will find themselves in a very tricky position if asked to vote between remain and no deal is kidding themselves on.  
The problem is that the one thing voters would probably vote for - a soft Brexit - has never been on the table - it's been hard Brexit from May and "sit on the fence" Brexit from Labour.
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Has there ever been a study done on how the people who were 16/17 in 2016 and are now eligible to vote would’ve voted? Genuine question although laced with a suspicion that “the settled will of the people” is very arbitrary.
There is also the reality that we have actually passed the point where Remain have overtaken Leave due to more Leave voters dying than Remain voters.
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The problem is that the one thing voters would probably vote for - a soft Brexit - has never been on the table - it's been hard Brexit from May and "sit on the fence" Brexit from Labour.
You have clearly neglected to mention two clear favourites. The jobs first brexit and the red white and blue brexit.

Thats what the people voted for
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Can I remind you that the Leave vote was the outcome of an Advisory Referendum, and as such no MP is morally or legally bound to reflect the outcome of their constituency.


Now it may be that many of them ARE paying close heed to the voting figures, but if I was an MP I'd also be considering what the result would be were the vote to be held again tomorrow, with all that we know now - June 2016 seems a long time ago.


Above all I expect them to do what is best for the people of the UK, and if folk have a problem with that, then to quote someone, 'tough tittie'.

Leave voters are hypocrite when it comes to this - they parrot the "my MP is voting against the constituency wishes" line (despite results being declared by Regions/Councils) but blithely ignore c***s like Hoey who do exactly the same.


The problem is they are trying to square a Parliamentary democracy with an advisory referendum and don't understand it works.


The crazy thing was that this was the wrong referendum at the wrong time.


It would have been better in hindsight to have had referenda in 1991/92 (Maastricht) and 2007/08 (Lisbon).


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Advisory doesn't mean jack shit hence why simply cancelling Brexit will never command a majority. Another referendum will be close either way. To suggest remain is going to win based on all the bullshit is a bit daft.

What's best for some people isn't what's best for others. So if a constituency votes 65% leave their MP isn't going to be a bit stuck ? No bother.

Results were not declared by constituency.


With your logic why is Kate Hoey not voting against Brexit?


Moreover, there has been a General Election since the 2016 vote - that surely takes precedence over any advisory Heinz 57 Leave vote?


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