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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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2 minutes ago, Sooky said:

The year 1604 defeats the government.

Also, that was peak Bercow. Spending about 10 minutes insulting the government before getting to the actual ruling.

I was delighted at the time when the rule was made, am equally happy today.


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So the ball is in the EU's court and they can now drive a hard bargain on Thursday on what Theresa May needs to do to get an extension, because as things stand if the HoC won't accept No deal under any circumstances the only way to avoid that in the absence of an extension would be to revoke article 50.

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3 minutes ago, Sooky said:

The year 1604 defeats the government.

Also, that was peak Bercow. Spending about 10 minutes insulting the government before getting to the actual ruling.

Don't think he actually made a ruling, just stated what would normally be done. There is another duty for him not to go against will of the house if they want another vote.

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People who know more about this stuff: theoretically, could the government hold a very quick Queen’s Speech and therefore usher in a new session of Parliament?

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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Don't think he actually made a ruling, just stated what would normally be done. There is another duty for him not to go against will of the house if they want another vote.

Right now the will of the house would be to vote the deal down, again. David Davies obviously switched last week to voting for the deal last week but he's talking about voting against the deal today too, so isn't even one way traffic in favour of May right now.

Edited by Kyle
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1 minute ago, Sooky said:

People who know more about this stuff: theoretically, could the government hold a very quick Queen’s Speech and therefore usher in a new session of Parliament?

Even if it were possible you have to vote on the Queens speech

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1 minute ago, jamieson87 said:

What has been said? I have not seen anything stating that so far. Genuine question.

Literally just "there's enough procedural ways around it" lol. I haven't a fucking clue how Westminster works so can't dispute it either way. :lol:

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3 minutes ago, Sooky said:

People who know more about this stuff: theoretically, could the government hold a very quick Queen’s Speech and therefore usher in a new session of Parliament?

Rees Mogg was talking about having a prorogue of the House, which means ending the Parliamentary session without dissolving it, and then starting another session without a GE. Don't know if it's ever happened.

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1 minute ago, welshbairn said:

Rees Mogg was talking about having a prorogue of the House, which means ending the Parliamentary session without dissolving it, and then starting another session without a GE. Don't know if it's ever happened.

Solicitor General just suggested this too - 




These are some days for parliamentary procedure.  Textbooks will be written about these few months.



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3 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

There is going to be one hell of a backlash on this. May probably planned this with Bercow as she doesn't want brexit and we could now be looking at a two year extension

Probably all carefully choreographed to keep the Tory-DUP government intact for as long as possible to keep Corbyn out. Hopefully they bite the bullet, revoke Article 50 so Westminster can recover the initiative that was lost when Theresa May stupidly invoked Article 50 before she had the basis for an acceptable withdrawal deal giving the EU all the leverage in the negotiations. Then they can have a No Deal vs Remain referendum to settle the issue.

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