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Brexit slowly becoming a Farce.

John Lambies Doos

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Surely there's no way Parliament will vote to revoke Article 50? I don't understand why so many posters on here think that's a possibility. The MPs who voted in favour of that would be out the door at the next GE and there would be a serious chance of Brexit Party/UKIP gains leaving us with MPs who voted to Leave, Brexit Party/UKIP MPs and a few Lib Dem, SNP & Green in the more enlightened areas. The only way Brexit doesn't happen is if there's a second referendum and the result is an emphatic Remain IMO.

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22 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
32 minutes ago, HTG said:
That was her point bawheid. She has a UK passport and an Irish passport as a resident of Northern Ireland. On the whole of the island of Ireland, securing the rights she has now was largely driven by EU human rights policy.

You don't get an Irish passport by being a resident of NI. Under the GFA you have to be born in Island of Ireland. Naturalisation and immediate parenthood is only applicable to ROI.

Let's not split hairs eh?  For generations the extent to which "normal" human rights were applicable in Ireland was at the behest of the church. 

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4 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Surely there's no way Parliament will vote to revoke Article 50? I don't understand why so many posters on here think that's a possibility. The MPs who voted in favour of that would be out the door at the next GE and there would be a serious chance of Brexit Party/UKIP gains leaving us with MPs who voted to Leave, Brexit Party/UKIP MPs and a few Lib Dem, SNP & Green in the more enlightened areas. The only way Brexit doesn't happen is if there's a second referendum and the result is an emphatic Remain IMO.

Revoking Article 50 doesn't mean cancelling Brexit permanently, and should be entirely acceptable to all but the extremists if it's a straight choice between that and No Deal.

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Why put energy  and stress into wishing for Westminster revoking Brexit and then end up again in this situation in a few years time with the leavers demanding another referendum, this shite will never end with the little imperialists and little englanders who see themselves as a world power and will readily spend 34 Billion ( with a 10 billion overrun added) on a new nuclear American missile system where they can't even maintain the guidance system which has to be periodically returned to the states for maintenance.

Put your energy into Independence where we will be guaranteed a seat at the European table with all the benefits to be enjoyed.

England is not us.

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35 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

You don't get an Irish passport by being a resident of NI. Under the GFA you have to be born in Island of Ireland. Naturalisation and immediate parenthood is only applicable to ROI.

Think it goes a bit further than that and even having a grandparent born in either the RoI or NI is potentially enough. It used to go back to great-grandparents but they tightened it up back in the 80s. It still can go beyond grandparents but only as long as foreign births kept being officially registered. I could have done the paperwork to have an RoI passport but didn't want anything to do at the time with a state that the terrorists ran to for sanctuary as Ian Paisley put it and would have had some serious explaining to do with the geriatric embittered southern Unionist portion of my family. Suspect I will probably regret that a bit once I am going through the non-EU passports channel somewhere like Frankfurt if article 50 doesn't miraculously get revoked or a second referendum doesn't go the right way.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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Revoking Article 50 shouldn't be taken as cancelling Brexit forever. It should really be there just to allow those that want to leave to get their shit together and work out what it is they want from Brexit. 

The insanity of the 2 year notice period has left them scared Brexit will even happen, so they've promoted No Deal. Take the upcoming deadline away and we might see them promoting EFTA, which has been the Eurosceptic preference for decades.

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1 hour ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Surely there's no way Parliament will vote to revoke Article 50? I don't understand why so many posters on here think that's a possibility. The MPs who voted in favour of that would be out the door at the next GE and there would be a serious chance of Brexit Party/UKIP gains leaving us with MPs who voted to Leave, Brexit Party/UKIP MPs and a few Lib Dem, SNP & Green in the more enlightened areas. The only way Brexit doesn't happen is if there's a second referendum and the result is an emphatic Remain IMO.

I'm yet to be convinced that the majority of the electorate either understand or care about Brexit.

Those of us who follow it daily, post on it and discuss it with friends and family are undoubtedly in the minority and taking as an example  the viewing figures of the Andrew Marr show on a Sunday morning, Question time, the politics show or the national news to the likes of the soaps or any reality TV show, then that starts to give a pretty fair reflection of peoples priorities and interests.

As said before, it's pretty sad but that's just the way our country is nowadays.

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“It was 90 minutes of nothing,” one EU source said. “She didn’t even give clarity if she is organising a vote. Asked three times what she would do if she lost the vote, she couldn’t say. It was fucking awful. Dreadful. Evasive even by her standards.”

Around a dozen EU leaders peppered the British prime minister with questions. Did she have a plan B? How was she going to gain a majority? When would she hold the vote? “She very much dodged these questions,” a second EU source said. A third source said: “She was not convincing. It was not clear if she had a plan B; it was not clear if she had a plan at all.”




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Shorn of the last vestiges of dignity and self-respect, the Maybot is reduced to adopting the ‘Cleavon Little negotiating tactic’ with her European counterparts, holding a gun to her own head.
‘Nobody move, or the idiot gets it.’ 
‘Hold it guys, she’s not bluffing.’
‘She’s just crazy enough to do it.’
33 months later, and this is what we’re left with. The Cleavon Little.


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Is anything happening in Scotland tomorrow in support of the People's Vote march in London?

Going to London for the day isn't feasible, but I'd like to feel that I'm doing something against all of this.

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6 minutes ago, Adamski said:

Is anything happening in Scotland tomorrow in support of the People's Vote march in London?

Going to London for the day isn't feasible, but I'd like to feel that I'm doing something against all of this.

You could always sign the petition, heading for 3 million now.


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Just now, welshbairn said:

You could always sign the petition, heading for 3 million now.


Already signed and shared on Facebook, among family, at work, etc. It's not much and is unlikely to make a difference, but these small things are all most of us can do.

Should hit 3 million in the next hour.

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14 minutes ago, Adamski said:

Already signed and shared on Facebook, among family, at work, etc. It's not much and is unlikely to make a difference, but these small things are all most of us can do.

Should hit 3 million in the next hour.


Hopefully it will exceed 17.4 million soon.

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21 minutes ago, Adamski said:

Already signed and shared on Facebook, among family, at work, etc. It's not much and is unlikely to make a difference, but these small things are all most of us can do.

Should hit 3 million in the next hour.

Vote early vote often. 

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With 6.6% of constiuants having signed it seems Edinburgh North and Leith is the third most pro this petition constituency in the country.

Brighton Pavillion and Bristol West (both very strong Green voting seats and chock full of hipsters ) are the only tow I could see ahead. Comically Islington North is not that far behind. Not sure the MP will be all that in favour of this though.


Edited by dorlomin
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40 minutes ago, Adamski said:

Is anything happening in Scotland tomorrow in support of the People's Vote march in London?

Going to London for the day isn't feasible, but I'd like to feel that I'm doing something against all of this.

Might be of use to you.


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